Page 14 of Pretty Boy

Remi was already slightly wet just from the thought of being near this alpha. He had to curb his thoughts, because the last thing he wanted was to walk through campus smelling like slick. He closed the profile to get the image off the screen, but it didn’t matter. His mind remembered every detail of Dimitrios’ handsome face, every line and curve and dip that made up the gorgeous man who not only wanted to sleep with him, but wanted to pay him to do it. This had to be a dream.

Remi would have slept with Dimitrios Cirillo for free, honestly. He was so devastatingly attractive that he felt his inner omega half longing for his cock already, and they hadn’t even met. It had been so long since he’d had an orgasm, and his body was now in revolt since the option was again on the table. Remi never masturbated in the deep winter months unless he was in heat. He didn’t want to have to get out of his warm nest and venture into the cold to clean up the slick and cum from his body, and his shower didn’t provide enough hot water to give him time for both washing and masturbating either. Like a bear, his sex drive hibernated during the cold months, and he was practically celibate in the winter.

Remi took deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart and mounting arousal. This was not the time nor the place for it. He focused on breathing, trying to remember the recipe for the macarons he had just made in class, the exact measurements of ingredients and precise processes.

The distraction was helpful and brought the fever that had started to rise in him back down to a manageable level. He looked down at the phone clutched in his hand. He needed to call Magic Shop and tell them he accepted the offer, and to go ahead and set up the meeting, but he was nervous.

His hands were shaking as he tried to unlock his phone, several times before finally succeeding. Remi listened to the sounds of the bathroom to make sure he was still alone. He found his recent calls and tapped the number, putting the cell phone to his ear and waiting as it rang. His stomach was full of anxious butterflies and his knees felt watery and unstable as his legs went weak. He heard the call connect.

“Thank you for calling Magic Shop, where we help you find that someone you’re looking for. How can I help you today?”

He kept his voice quiet as he spoke. “Hello, this is Remi Laroche. Can I please speak to Samantha King?”

“One moment please.”

The line went quiet, then the sound of the advertisement that played during the hold began playing.

“Here at Magic Shop, we are dedicated to matching you with the perfect alpha, beta, or omega to suit your needs and desires. Our matchmakers are all trained and licens-“ The speech cut off as the phone was picked up.

“This is Samantha King, how can I help you?”

“Hello, this is Remi Laroche. You called me earlier about the match.”

“Ah, yes sir. Have you made a decision?”

“Yes. Um… I would like to say yes. Please set it up.”

“That’s great. I would be happy to set it up for you. What is a good time in your schedule?”

“My classes never run later than 5 o’clock. So anytime after 5 is good, and weekends are free too.”

“Perfect. Would you prefer that I call or email the meeting time and place?”

“Email please. I will be in class for the rest of the day.”

“Absolutely. I will get everything arranged and email you the details.”

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you. Have a great day.”

Remi hung up the phone and felt himself fill with nervous excitement as he imagined meeting Dimitrios Cirillo. But he glanced down at his phone and realized he had to get going to his next class or he’d be late. He pushed his jeans down and cleaned the gathered slick as best he could before dashing off to his next class, Chemistry in Cooking.

He could still feel the slight slip of slick between his legs as he jogged to his next class, he needed a shower, or a decent orgasm. Either one would suffice at this point. But since he had classes until 5:00 on Mondays, there was no chance of that happening. He made it to class just in time and took his usual seat close to the front of the class. Before long he was joined by Aiden , Phoenix’s boyfriend. He was tall for an omega, almost equivalent in height with his alpha, but where Phoenix was thick and muscular, Aiden was lean and waiflike.

Remi secretly thought that Aiden looked like a fairy or an elf from some medieval fantasy novel, with his small delicate features and honey-tinted brown hair that contrasted perfectly with Phoenix’s black hair and sharp, masculine features. They were really the dream couple, both majoring in culinary arts and planning to open a restaurant together after graduation. They’d met their first year of school and after about six months of thinking they hated each other’s guts, they realized that they were actually in love, and had been together ever since.

“Hey Remi. Are you getting sick, you look a little flushed?” Aiden asked, pressing a hand to his forehead.

Remi knew perfectly well why he was flushed. It was because he was still horny as hell and the mental image of the alpha he was supposed to meet soon wouldn’t get out of his head.

“I’m fine. I just had to make a call after class, so I ran here.”

“Oh. Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, just a family thing. How about you?”

“I’m good, just exhausted. Have you found another job yet?”