Page 33 of Brutal Heir

Normally I would have fucked her, but I prefer her when she’s sober. I don’t mind that she drinks, I just prefer her in a state to remember exactly what I do to her.

The car slows to a stop, and I try to drag myself from those thoughts. Every time I move, I swear I can still feel her tightness wrapped like a glove around my cock. She’s so fucking innocent, and yet the sight of her with my cock down her throat? Somehow it makes her filthy acts more sinful, and that turns me on even further.

I groan slightly as I climb out of the car, trying to fight down the tingling sensations that sweep across my crotch. Now isnotthe time.

“Are you okay? You seem distracted.” Dante appears by my side and he looks faintly concerned. Had the groan been that loud?

“Yeah,” I nod. “I took Cara out last night. Clubs, drinking, loud music. You know the drill.”

“Hangover?” Dante’s tone is accusatory. I can’t blame him.

“No, I didn’t drink.”

“Really?” His lips twitch then.I wonder if Nicollo has told him about my recent drinking. Regardless, I wave him off, leading the way up the steps of the tall, sleek office building. I need to collect myself; I can’t be distracted by thoughts of Cara when we’re about to face down her father.

We take the elevator to the top floor, and an Irish guard leads us down the hall to Callahan’s office. Being around the Irish sets me on edge, especially after what happened at my apartment, and the satisfaction left by Cara dries up by the time we’re face to face with the Irish King. I stop just behind Dante, my stance wide and my hands tucked neatly behind my back to give easy access to my weapon should I need it. I don’t trustanyonehere.

“Callahan,” Dante greets tightly, taking the lead, “it’s good to see you out of the hospital.”

“Aye, it doesn’t do well t’be laid up for too long in our line of work, does it?” Callahan replies. He’s seated behind a large oak desk, flanked by two men I recognize from our meeting with Owen. As if on cue, Owen enters the room and comes to stand at the end of the desk.

“You requested an urgent meeting,” Dante continues, “I trust this isn’t going to be a waste of my time; we have a wedding to plan.” His comment seems innocent, but I see between the lines. Dante is taunting Callahan with the wedding, daring him to change his mind.

“I’m steppin’ down,” Callahan blurts out, and I notice a faint crease sweep across Owen’s brow. They’d likely planned a smoother announcement than that.

“Stepping down?” Dante repeats cautiously. My eyes land on Owen.Is this him?

“Yes,” Callahan nods solemnly and clasps his thick hands together. “With everythin’ that’s happened, there’s no hiding it. I ain’t got the respect to lead anymore, and those that split from us, when they went after Cara, I saw the true weight of my mistakes.” His head dips when he talks about Cara. I can’t tell if it’s affection or disappointment though.

“Who dons the crown until Cara bares a child?” Dante asks calmly and I fight a smirk. Of course, Dante and Sienna must have seen this coming. They’re always one step ahead, something I admire about their union. His sharp eyes drift to Owen. “You?”

We both regard Owen, and he nods after a beat of silence. After Owen’s comments about Cara, I can’t decide if Callahan is stepping down willingly or if Owen had a hand in it.

It doesn’t really matter. Cara is to be my wife, and her status of Mafia Princess secures Irish power in our bloodline. Just as well, we didn’t scrap the wedding earlier.

“Owen will lead in my absence,” Callahan carries on explaining. “Untilyouproduce an heir. Sooner rather than later, in this case.”

Suddenly all eyes are on me, and heat rises beneath my collar. I swallow and the starch clings to my throat.An heir?I’d always known it was expected, but I had assumed it would be later down the line.

“Of course,” I say and strangely, my voice doesn’t sound like mine. Children. I had written that off after Blair, deciding I would never again let someone close enough to evenconsiderchildren. Now, not only is it a requirement, but with Cara, the thought doesn’t feel too heavy. It actually doesn’t feel heavy at all.

“We are to be wed tomorrow,” I say confidently, and I straighten my shoulders. “After that, an heir won’t be a problem.”

Cara’s already molded to my cock, it definitelyisn’tgoing to be a problem.

“This transition has to be smooth,” comes Dante’s voice, but I quietly zone out from the details they discuss, focusing instead on the idea of having a child with Cara. I adore my niece, Emilia. Every time I see her, it’s always been a reminder of what I would never have but now I find myself in a position where a child is needed, and…wanted.

I could be happy with her.

Dante pulls me from my thoughts with a touch to my elbow as he passes. The discussions are over and it’s time to leave. I cast a hard glance back at Callahan as a swirl of acrid anger flares in my chest. I’ll never let him hurt Cara ever again.

“Do you trust this?” I ask as we step into the elevator. Dante fastens a single button on his suit jacket and remains silent until the doors slide closed.

“I think Owen will be easier to control than Callahan,” Dante replies, “and I think having Callahan out of the picture will be better. Once we’re through the wedding and Cara is family, Owen will be nothing more than a placeholder until you and Cara have a child,” he says as we stride ahead when the doors open.

“Are you sure you’re ready for that?” I tease lightly as we slide into opposite sides of the car where Niccolo and Tony are already seated inside waiting for us.A little version of me running around?If Cara and I’s previous antics are anything to go by, that’ll happen far sooner than later.

I had expected to be taken straight home, but to my surprise, Niccolo pulls up outside a suit shop and when I look at Dante, he’s wearing a shit-eating grin.