Page 18 of Brutal Heir

Now that Cara has given herself to me, though, the thought teases at the back of my mind. Sienna leads me to one of the offices, offering me a seat as she perches on the desk.

“We’re obviously both relieved to hear that Cara is safe and well,” Sienna says and I nod, tightness weaving back into my shoulders as my thoughts turn to the real reason I’m here.

“She’s recovering,” I reply, “but she’s shaken. It was her own men that grabbed her after trashing my apartment. It would look like in-fighting if anyone ever found out, but I think the more pressing concern is Callahan.”

“And you?” Sienna glances pointedly at my knuckles, and I flex them slightly.

“I’m fine,” I say shortly, “he deserved worse. All of Callahan’s men do.”

“He’s losing control, and quickly,” Sienna sighs. I make a noise of agreement, and Dante joins us. Sienna quickly fills him in as he drops into the chair next to me, running a hand through his hair as he listens.

“This could be good for us,” Dante muses. “We could just take over without any kind of resistance. Irish men bold enough to go after Callahan’s daughter suggests there’s more than enough dissension in the ranks that we could make the alliance through force, and quickly. With how the Russians are stepping up with the attack at Columbia, we might need it.” He casts a glance at me and grins. “It would get you out of that marriage too.”

“No,” I state suddenly, and both of them look at me. Sienna’s brow quirks up slightly in surprise. Hell, I’m surprised. “Irish blood will still follow Irish blood until the end. Those that follow Owen, even if we use force, it will still matter to them. Marrying Cara would soothe that bond as well as give us the numbers we need for strength without any more wavering doubt.”

I hope I covered my outburst with logic. I’m not sure why the thought of ending the engagement drew such a raw scrape to the surface, but I’ve just made Cara mine. I don’t want to lose that to family politics.

“He has a point,” Sienna agrees, and tension eases slightly in my shoulders. “Taking by force would secure numbers but not loyalty, and that’s what we need in the long run. It might not be necessary, but it keeps us looking good.”

Dante relents easily and offers me a grim smile. Of course. He still thinks I’m wholly against having Cara in my life.

“What about Owen?” Dante asks after a beat. “Is he loyal to Callahan, or is he part of the problem?”

“He was on the ball with helping me deal with the press at Columbia,” Sienna replies, “he easily could have used that to discredit Callahan further. I don’t think he’s jumping ship, but he has to be aware it’s sinking. So, if Callahan is losing control that fast, I say we move up the wedding.”

“How quickly can you arrange it?” I ask. We’ve been shunting the wedding date back and forth due to Cara’s run-in with the Russians and Callahan’s near death, always something interrupting when we try to lock in a date. I’d previously hoped that the delays meant it would never happen, but now it’s something I actually want.

“Give me two days,” Sienna replied, sliding off the desk and moving around to the computer. “It’ll be tight but given the circumstances….”

She trails off, and I lean back in my seat.It’s settled then.There’s an unexpected pull in my gut. Excitement?

Maybe, I reason, but it’s not about the marriage, not completely.

The sooner we’re married, the sooner I can fuck Cara without her having to hide it.



Is this to be my life? To lay, aching and well fucked, until late morning while my husband-to-be disappears off to work? It would be a charming thought if not for the fact that each time Killian steps out the door, he risks his end at the barrel of a Russian gun.

He left an hour ago, and I still can’t bring myself to move. I have to get up, I can’t lie here all day, but the thought of anything other than staying nestled within the duvet soundsexhausting. The events of the last few days are catching up with me, and I’m dancing a line between tired and hopeless.

I nearly died. Twice. My family is crumbling around my ears. I broke my purity promise bydemandingsex from Killian like some sort of sex-crazed doll.It wasroughand I liked it, and to top it all off, I’m still harboring a secret from daddy dearest.

I roll over and shove my face into the pillow with a long, low groan. One that trails off into actual discomfort as my movement highlights just how much my body aches from last night’s events with Killian. It had been…mind-blowing. He was incredible. He was tender and rough all at the same time, and the memory weaves through my head like a drug until a soft prick of desire between my legs makes itself known. A prick that makes well fucked muscles complain, and I groan again. No, I can’t think about that when he’s not here.

“Ms. Ryan?” A knock at the door breaks my train of thought and I lift my head, frowning. “Are you okay?”

“Uhm…” I start to say and then I pause. Who is that? His voice is familiar, but through the fog of sleep and trauma, I can’t place it.

“It’s Archer,” he says and I nod before a flush of shame crashes over my body.Was I whimpering that loud?

“Yes!” I call back, and my voice cracks enough that I have to cough. Too much crying and too much moaning. “I’m okay. I’m just….” I rack my brain for an excuse. “I was just struggling to find clothes I like?”

My voice lilts like I’m asking him a question, but Archer takes my excuse and says he’ll be downstairs if I need him. I lay still until I hear his footsteps fade then I shove my face back into the pillow.

Of course. Killian has left a guard to watch my every move. Normally that would irk me, and I’d want to flee from watchful eyes, but after everything that’s happened, I can live with it.