Page 98 of Grey

“Fuck!” he cussed out. “Let me call you back.”

“No!” I roared back, losing my edge. “Get. Him. Now!” I was one of the lead in the crew, and if he didn’t want to follow me, then he might as well walk away from it all because this shit wasn’t going to fly with me.

I heard him say anotherfuckbefore I heard some noise. While waiting for the flake to get on the phone, I concentrated on the white powder before me, lining up four perfect lines like a pro before I used the rolled up Benjamin to snort two in a row. I paused as I shifted my nose, making sure everything went down well before I inhaled the rest of the lines in a matter of seconds.

My life had been shit and this was the only thing apart from racing that was keeping me alive—making me feel alive. The rest of me was dead, dried up and stale… defunct.

I had rented out a house in The Sherman Oaks for Edith to live in while she did her holistic treatments. She needed me most of the time and I tried to cater to her as much as I could, but at times, I needed my space. I had my own demons to face and I wanted to do that alone, with no one around.

My apartment was located close by, only a fifteen-minute drive away. It was a short distance to travel without being hassled whenever she wanted to see me, which was all the time.

After declining chemo, it took me a good month to convince her to try something since she was simply ready to die. I wouldn’t have her give up that easily, though. I owed her that much at least.

I had promised to take care of her… and I wouldn’t fucking back down on that. Never.

I let out an angry hiss when Ro came back on the line and not Jet as I had requested.

“Fuck, Grey. Chill out, man! Jet’s preoccupied, bro. He’s dancing and shit.”

Was he for real? Yeah, right. “Get the fuck out! Jet doesn’t fucking dance! Now get him on the motherfucking phone.”

“He is. And he looks like he won’t be done soon, or with the girl he’s hooking up with.”

“Jet doesn’t get pussy-whipped.” It’s fucking impossible; he had admitted as much.

“Looks like he is now… with—uh—with the chick that used to hook up with…”

Who, Tiffany? He could have all of her. I didn’t care. Or any of those girls who readily opened their legs after a kiss or two.

“Who cares? Our boy’s been lonely; let him have a go at it.”

“Oh, yeah?” He chuckled, agreeing with me. “Does that mean I could hit on Olivia, too? ‘Cause she’s looking fine… I think Australia brought the sexy kitten out of her.”

I dropped the rolled Benjamin on the floor as I gritted my teeth. Except for her. No one messed with her except me.

“Olivia is always off-limits.Haven’t I drilled that into everyone’s heads since sophomore year?” I pulled my hair out as I stood up, hunting for my keys.

“That was high school, bro. We’re in college now. You didn’t give your warning this time.”

“Son of a mother fucking bitch!”I growled out before I told Ro not to warn Jet or Olivia. I wanted to see what the fuck those two had been up to.

Maybe it was time I paid them a visit. Olivia should’ve known better than to make me angry because, God help me, I wouldn’t be so forgiving this time.


The song “Murder She Wrote”was on while Jet and I were having a blast dancing, showing off to see who had the best moves.

Jet then took the beer bottle from my hand before he took a sip, grinning at me as he then brought it to my lips and made me take one as well. I had barely just swallowed down the contents in my mouth when Jet was shoved to the side. When I spun around in shock, Greyson was about to punch him in the face, but Jet said something that made him pause mid-strike. His fist shook. He was red with rage before he said something that made Jet nod. All breath left my body when Greyson’s gaze immediately went to me. He started pacing towards me like an enraged bull.

“Grey,” I uttered in fright before he charged towards me, swiftly flung me across his shoulder, and then left the party scene while everyone witnessed, amused.

“Put me down!” I grumbled, feet kicking against his chest while I stared back then at the cemented road, wondering where he was taking me. “Greyson Edwards! Put me down, you stupid prick!”

He groaned, but didn’t say anything back to me. He marched down the hill as if it was no one’s business. A few passersby whistled and holleredit’s going down tonightwhile I winced in embarrassment and tried to cover as much as my skirt was exposing as possible. He then took a sharp turn in an alleyway where most students parked when there were no other spots left before he roughly tugged my body down, shoving me against the hood of a car. I didn’t even get a chance to cuss him out for his barbaric methods when he brought all hell out on me.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to fuck around with my crew, let alone my best friend, Olivia?” he bellowed into my face. “How many fucking times?” His words echoed, screaming so loudly it vibrated into my bones.

Even last year, when he found me sleeping next to Jet, he was furious, but never like this. He looked like a possessed man ready to commit murder.