Page 95 of Grey

Walking across the hallway, I took a few steady breaths before I reached the end and knocked on the large two-door mahogany that made my knuckles hurt. “Brett?” I said as I gently pushed the door open.

Brett was in one of the leather wingback chairs, reading a thriller novel with his black-framed glasses on. Once he saw me enter, he shut the book and took his glasses off, leaving them on the side table that had a large humidor holding his favorite cigars.

“Hey…” I greeted shyly as I progressed into the room, walking slowly towards him before I took the chair opposite him. Sitting nervously, I waited for him to tell me what he needed me here for.

He gave me a warm smile, somehow melting some of my agitation before he threw his first question. “How does it feel to be back home?”

Fair enough… “It’s good. Jet lag is the only thing horrible I can think of at the moment.”

He made a light chuckle, making me grin wider. “It’s good to have you back. Without Greyson living here, it can get lonely most days,” he said before his voice grew more serious. “Your mom’s going through a difficult time. I understand most of her struggles since we’re both single parents, but Laura lived for you for years, sacrificing a lot just to make sure you’re happy and protected. But when you left, she started to feel blue, which of course was normal, but it seemed to have gotten worse instead of better as time went on. So after a few tries, Greyson finally managed to convince her to go see a doctor and she was diagnosed with severe depression.”

“Oh, no,” I gasped, horrified that I hadn’t had any clue about any of it. Ever since I left, I had been so consumed with my grief I hadn’t noticed little clues about my mom’s mood shifts. I was in too deep in my own crap, so much so that I neglected the one person who had never failed to be there for me. “I hadn’t realized it went that far. Mom isn’t the type to be depressed.” I shook my head in confusion as I stared into Brett’s understanding face.

“At least you have your reasons about being so far away, but me? I was here, seeing her almost on a daily basis, but work has been crazy as of late so I hadn’t seen the changes—not until it got worse.”

His face turned solemn before he said, “She was prescribed some anti-depressants, but she refused to take them after she took one. She said it made her go crazy, like she was hallucinating things.”

Oh, God. My own mother… I was a selfish brat.

“She’s seeing a therapist twice a week, but other than that, she doesn’t want to do much else.” He paused, giving me a frowned look. “I have to take this matter into my own hands. I love your mother and I would do anything to help her. Therefore, I’m taking some time off soon, and I’m planning to take her on a month long vacation. Maybe it would do us good since we never really got the chance to enjoy one another without work between us.” I was grateful to have a man like Brett to love my mom. She deserved to be taken care of, and he loved her as much as she did him.

“That’s perfect—she’d love that. She’s always wanted to go travel but never really got to because she had to take care of me.”

“It’s a process, and I hope it works.”

“It should work. Travelling would take her mind of things. Mom stresses too much. Even on things that don’t need to be stressed about, she’d worry about it.”

“That’s why I also asked to speak to you, because I wanted to ask you a favor, Liv. I know you’ve planned all year to study in Sydney, and I applaud you for following your dreams—I really do. It pains me to ask you this, but I’m afraid I’m left with little choice.

“You see, Laura didn’t start these small bouts of depression until you left for Australia and it’s been downhill from there. One of the therapists I spoke to for advice told me that this could be a case of major separation anxiety on her part since you two never really parted ways for this long of time. She probably feels like you’re moving on with your life, and she’s not a part of that new life that you’ve embarked on. After years of taking care of you, it’s quite plausible that this could be one of the triggers.

“So here’s what I’m willing to offer in exchange of your dreams in studying abroad.” He handed me a sheet of paper and my eyes immediately scanned what it stated.

UCLA Admission will be taken care of.

Tuition will be paid for as long as you plan to be in school.

You will have your own apartment located close to campus.

A car of your choice.

Monthly allowance.

You get to choose a summer destination anywhere in the world.

Overwhelmed and quite impressed at what he was willing to go through just to make my mom happy, I somehow felt he could simply ask me without having to add all these bells and whistles to bribe me to come back home. After all, this was my mother we were speaking about.

“I can come back without having you spend a dime. I’d do anything for my mom.”

“I know you will, Olivia, but I know you’re also giving up something you’ve been planning for a long time. I want to add a sweetener, that’s all.” He cleared his throat before looking at me with all seriousness. “I love you like you’re my daughter, but I’m not going to lie, there’s another motive for this.”

My body tensed, waiting for him to finish talking.

“Ever since you left, my son—he’s changed and I’m not sure I like the man that he’s turning himself into.”

Shit. Did he know? I’m sure he had an idea. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together.

“He doesn’t speak much to me, but I knew my son was in love with you. I care about the both of you, and I will let you two figure things on your own, however I want to see if having you back will bring him around.”