Page 86 of Grey

Was it obvious I was a nervous wreck?

“That’s thoughtful of you, considering you went behind my back and used Liam to persuade me to come here.” I strode towards her, plucking the steaming cup before sitting across from her. We both remained silent for a whole minute before her warm eyes gazed upon me again.

“I had to do something, Liv. Don’t get me wrong, I love you more than anything, but Jesus, you’re one stubborn girl.”

I sighed. “It wasn’t you—you know that. It’s just… it’s been…” I was at a loss to describe how I truly felt…miserable? Barely getting by?What? A strangled sound evoked from within, making me feel helpless.

“You two have danced around each other for too long. You kept him at arm’s length, and the more you held out, the crazier the connection became. Of course, it was going to combust—crazy love can do that to you, hun.”

I stared at my mother, shocked and speechless. I knew she was the observant kind, most especially when it was in regards to me and my life, but I hadn’t been aware sheknewthese details.

“He was just so persistent… he wouldn’t let me breathe—he was everywhere,” I reasoned out, head shaking. “He messed with my head. I wasn’t aware he had dug himself so deeply into my mind until it was too late… everything was too late.”

“Like father, like son,” she murmured, deep in thought.

“What do you mean?”

She made a sad smile. “I loved your father, but Brett was my first love. Although he and I only shared one kiss, he stole my heart that one night during summer. I wasn’t the same again.”

My mom’s words rang in my ears like a premonition of some kind, yet I couldn’t bear untangling the web of truths and lies to get to the bottom of things. I was simply too exhausted from it all. Though there was one thing I was dying to ask…

“Is she—I mean, is Edith really terminally ill?”

“I think so. She’s been reluctant to go to any treatments, though. Grey finally managed to convince her to try holistic medicine just yesterday actually.”

So her mother hadn’t been lying. And as for Grey… “Is he hurting because he’s about to lose her?”

My mom studied me silently before answering. “He is hurting, that’s for sure. I’m not too sure, though, if it’s because of her dying or setting you free.”

“Excuse me?” I shrieked, caught off guard.

“The boy you left wasn’t the same man anymore. He’s changed—harsher and harder somehow. He’s dedicated most of his time to catering to his wife, becoming a part-time student so he’ll always be there when she needs him.”

“I don’t understand…” I muttered, shaking my head in denial. “I saw him less than seven weeks ago… He couldn’t change that quickly—that’s not possible.”

“You’ll see.”

Her words had frightened me. Not only was I dreading tomorrow night, I was even more apprehensive about this entire trip. Fuck, I should have stayed in Sydney.

“Liv?” Gazing into my mother’s eyes, what she said next struck a chord in my heart. “Don’t do anything. I know it’s going to be difficult, but he’s not the same. That’s why I thought having Liam around would prevent you two from exchanging words in private.” She paused, brows furrowing at me. “I don’t want you hurt any more than you already are. It’s selfish of me to drag you back here, but I want a little of my own family, too.”

“Oh, Mom. Are you all right?” I asked when I saw moisture pool in her depths.

She made a wan smile. “It’s been tough, but I’m a little better now.” She gradually stood up and planted a kiss on my forehead. “Liam might not make you feel the way Grey could, but I know that man won’t ever hurt you. I love you both, and Grey’s the closest thing I have for a son, but he’s going to make you miserable.” She lifted my chin towards her, making me understand the heavy weight of her words. “I want to see you smile again. I’m not too sure he’s the man to bring it back to you, though.”


My mom’swords swirled in my head like they were from a horror movie—dark and deep with an echoing voice that made the ends of my body hair all stand out.

Sleep was scarce, so I ended up shifting on my bed, praying my mind would stop racing even just for a moment. The only thing I could think of without walking out the door and crawling into bed to wake Liam up was to do some self-loving service, to which I still had to masterfully learn how to do properly. Grey had once taught me how to pleasure myself while rubbing my clit alone. And when the nights had come when I longed for his touch—his passion—I would close my eyes and bite my lips as my hand travelled downwards, picturing him, hearing his deep throaty voice guide me to completion.

It was wrong to even consider it after what my mother had warned me about, but my body had a mind of its own. The memory of him manually showing me how to pleasure my body made me moan wretchedly as I clenched my vaginal muscles tightly.

He gently parted my legs, flicking the middle of my slit with the backs of his fingers. “Concentrate on this area.” He licked his lips as he watched me, eyes dilated, glowing gold—hungry. His hand guided me there, pressing over it with pressure as he gradually held it against my fingers, guiding me. “Work on it harder… rub it harder,” he urged before he took out his shaft and started stroking himself, watching me.

“When you need me… I’m only a touch away. Your mind will bring you back to me,” he rasped out with a voice that promised so much brilliant wickedness. “Always…” he finally whispered before taking my lips. It took him less than a second to have me pinned down, lovingly impaled with his hard, rigid length.

“Grey—oh, God!” I choked out as I came on my fingers, hips convulsing as I ground down harder on my digits, merely wanting this pleasurable experience to last a little longer.