Page 82 of Grey

“Yeah. Um… could you tell Mom that I’ll call back tomorrow? It’s getting late and I—”

“And you’ll be too busy doingwhoandwhat,right?” His immediate attitude shift caught me off guard. Was he trying to rile me up? It was confusing. His words were meant to hurt, yet he sounded so emotionless that it reminded me of how killers usually sounded in movies. His attitude was pissing me off. After all, it wasn’t me who had gotten married. The mention of marriage brought Edith back into the picture.

“I need to get back inside.” Why did I sound so sad? Damn.


Fuck, I missed his voice.Tell me something, Grey, I silently pleaded.

“What’s taking Laura so long? Is that her on the phone, baby?” There was no mistaking Edith’s voice. My heart broke again. Emotions rolled into me like a whiplash. Thank goodness I hadn’t initiated any conversation about what had happened on his wedding day. It seemed that these two were inseparable as newlyweds.Great. Bravo, I thought sarcastically.

“Goodbye, Greyson,” I managed to say with finality before cutting the call.


When I’d askedfor a sign, I had meant subtle ones, like maybe meeting someone named Edith perhaps, or Greyson changing his status on Facebook toMarried. I hoped for little ones. Nothing too crushing or too heartbreaking that would cause me to end up curling up into a ball of pain.

But I was getting there again—to that debilitating point—so I had to encourage myself to stay strong. Pathetically convincing myself that this was just another trial amongst many and I would have worst ones to come as I got older.

My usual method to harden my resolve was pinching myself on the arm so I would stop myself from spilling tears. Edith might have won him, but she couldn’t win over me, too. Seeing me fall apart would make her feel triumphant, however I would rather keel over and die than give her that satisfaction. I just couldn’t let it happen—that would be the end of me. How could a dying person be that cruel? Was that how she wanted to leave the world, leaving the impression she was a fucking cruel, miserable excuse of a person?

I was done with them both. After all, hadn’t I said my goodbyes? Conscience or not, there was no room for it in my reality—my present, which involved Liam.

Huffing a sigh, I shoved the phone back into my purse before spinning around and purposely walking towards where Liam stood, leaning against the side of the building, waiting on me. “Do you have your car keys?” I asked brashly.

He frowned, looking worried. “Yes, in fact I do. What’s going on?” He pulled out his keys and dangled them in my face.

Snatching the shiny metal, I didn’t answer him as I grabbed onto his hand and yanked him to follow me, walking rapidly until we reached his silver Range Rover. Unlocking the car with the remote, I opened the backdoor and shoved Liam in it before I followed in his wake and slammed the door shut behind me.

The once confident man looked shocked—perplexed—as he tried to figure out what was going on with me, but I never gave him the chance to speak, leaving him speechless as I straddled his thighs and pushed my top and bra down, lifting my breasts to his lips.

“You want to fuck me? Well, here’s your chance.”

“Fucking hell, Olivia, that was the hottest sexual proposal I’ve ever heard,” he groaned, but his eyes were too sharp. He immediately noticed the change in me.

Cupping my cheek, he shifted my face towards the sliver of light that filtered through the glass, gazing into my eyes. “You spoke to him, didn’t you?” My, he sure was psychic.

“I did.”

He remained silent, eyeing me for a while before speaking again. “You’ve decided to move on… what did he tell you?”

Nothing. He’d never said anything regarding us. Greyson had been unrecognizable. He couldn’t hate me… that would be absurd. If he truly wanted to be with me, he would have come right out of there, and I would have met him on his way out.But he didn’t—he never fucking came out. So, no, his callousness was unwelcomed.

“We didn’t speak long… but yeah…” I licked my lips, feeling more conscious that my breasts were hanging out and his lips were a mere lick away. They were so close I could feel the heat of his breath. “It’s over, Liam.”

“Is it safe to assume that you’re coming back to me—to be with me?”

I shook my head, hesitating. “I’m not ready for that. It’s too early. I thought you wanted to have fun?”

He seemed serious, but the second his thumb brushed against my nipple, I knew he was back to his wicked ways.

“I always have fun, Liv, but I want to have it with you. Next to you.Inyou.” His free hand slithered below, cupping my crevice before he nudged my underwear to the side, rubbing my clit in circles. He felt like magic. “I need you wet. So fucking wet… because I won’t go easy on you, my sweet. I’m going to fuck you hard and you need all the lubrication you can get to last with me.”

Fuck Greyson and Edith, I decidedly vowed as my eyes grew heavy with desire from Liam’s skillful touch.

“Am I…” I moaned, throwing my head back, “…wet enough?”

“Not even close,” he murmured as I felt his cock grow bigger, hardening as I slowly rocked my hips to ease the acute ache he evoked from my body. “Lean back. Stretch your arms and grip both headrests then lift your hips.”