Page 80 of Grey

of the heart where I have roots,


that on that day,

at that hour,

I shall lift my arms

And my roots will set off

to seek another land.

So seek I shall…

In Sydney, Icertainlyshall.


Opening the door,I made a small, shy smile. “Hey, you’re early.”

His eyes went wide with burning intensity as they explicitly took in my outfit. His tongue came out, licking his lips before he sought my eyes. “You look good enough to eat.”

“Liam—” I was about to blurt out and tell him to cut the crap, but one look from him made me forget my words. They just vanished from my lips. He literally gazed at me like he was about to eat me alive.

Fucking shit.I gulped down my immense anxiety. What had I been thinking wearing this short, black, bare-midriff dress? I had thought it fun and carefree when I put it on. Not to mention the extreme boost of self-confidence that came with it the second I gave myself a onceover in the full-length mirror. I was sexy, playful, and not once had I considered what it would do to Liam’s raging libido.

He started to move with his eyes glued on me, brushing past my body before he kicked the door closed. He then leaned against the door, hungry eyes and all.

“God help me, but I’m going to fucking sin tonight, Olivia,” he groaned. “I’m going to peel that skimpy clothing of one piece at a time and eat your pussy. Lick you until you beg for my cock.”

My am I thirsty, I thought as I touched the base of my throat.

I swallowed whatever saliva I had left to quench the thirst. “Liam…”

Fuck, did he have to come here, looking so hot? He was so unlike Grey. They were black and white, but both had the capacity to get me heated up. Liam had never pushed the button before, so I wouldn’t know, but I could clearly see how dominating he could be once he was set on getting something he wanted.

“Liam…” I uttered his name once more, still left speechless.

In a flash, he was on me, cupping my cheeks. “You need something, my sweet?” His lips merely brushed the tip of my bottom lip.

Yes. I want what you just said… all of it. Make me forget him.My wretched thoughts halted when Greyson’s face flashed before me, looking sad.

Liam’s hand travelled lower until it reached the back of my thigh. Closing my eyes, I told myself Grey was never going to be mine. That maybe this was for the best.

My train of thought vanished when I felt his large hand cup and squeeze my left cheek before he groaned into my ear. “A thong withthislittle dress?” He grunted, making me shiver as I felt his middle finger pull the soft garter of the underwear where the elastics met between my ass. My fingers curled against his chest when I felt his finger lightly follow the trail of said elastic before it reached the end of my pussy slit. “Wet, aren’t we tonight?” he observed loudly. “I can help you relieve some of the ache, Olivia.”

I whimpered, too torn to answer him. I wanted to, yet Greyson was stopping me.

His finger hovered before pressing on the skin at the end of my slit, applying pressure before rubbing it, evoking a soft moan from me. “I want to slide this finger inside you—So. Fucking. Bad. But I want my cock to know what it feels like to be inside you before my finger does.”

I was shaking uncontrollably. It had been months since I had felt a man’s touch—Greyson’s touch. Liam revived my body, and for the first time again, I felt wanted. The desperation I hung on to was shoved in the back of my mind as I thought of only tonight and not what the future held for me.

“Give me time to think,” I stuttered like an idiot, feeling my heart constrict as if I was betraying Greyson.

He pulled the finger off my slit. “You have until midnight, Cinderella.” He pulled back, eyes blazing as he took me by surprise and softly inserted the finger in between my lips, making me taste my own essence. “I thought you looked hungry. Thought it best that you taste how hungry you truly are.”

Wow. He was going all out on me tonight.