Page 76 of Grey

“Liam, I know you’re trying to selfishly distract me for your own benefit, and I can’t fault you for that because I’d do the same thing if the situation was reversed. But please, don’t ever think that it’s easy for me to just have sex with anyone after… him.”Grey. I couldn’t say his name out loud in fear that my tears would threaten to come back. My resolve wasn’t strong enough just yet.

“Maybe not right now, but if you are next week or in a month, I won’t hold back, Liv. Your tight walls won’t recover for a long time,” he vowed with an edge to his voice. “You’ll understand how much I’ve wanted to own you. It’ll be the best fuck of your life.”

Goose bumps ran rampant as his daunting words sunk in. I couldn’t see him since I had my back against him, yet I could easily picture him above me, thrusting with might, charging inside me while I gasped for air. The image alone brought thirst to my semi-dry throat. With Liam’s girth, I didn’t doubt I would feel like a virgin again. It’d been months since I slept with Grey, and if the day came where I might consider taking it further with Liam, I was sure I’d feel him break me open.

After another five minutes of chitchat, we decided to have a quick breakfast before I made a phone call to my father. Liam had already called him yesterday, but I was almost certain he was dying to hear from me.

Booting up my phone, I waited until the Vodafone logo appeared before I started scrolling through messages. Mom apparently had left several messages, as had my dad. My stomach churned at the idea of having a voicemail from Greyson, but alas, that notion didn’t go anywhere because I didn’t have any from him. Besides, I doubted he knew my number.

The call to my dad was comforting. He asked when I was planning to come home and I told him “soon”. Liam was getting aggressive, yet I’d rather deal with it than go home and be all by myself. We chatted for another several minutes before I said my goodbyes.

Sighing, I was about to put my phone away when a message beeped in. Opening my email inbox, my blood turned cold when I saw who it came from. Everything in me screamed not to open it, however my curiosity won over as I clicked on the damning email.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was Greyson, appearing to be asleep, hair all disheveled, bare chest with his ridged six-pack abs so defined that one would think they had been airbrushed. He didn’t have any scrap of clothing on except for the thin cotton sheet that barely concealed his half-erect penis.

My throat started closing up as I gazed into the screen.He looks so fucking beautiful, I thought sadly as I scrolled lower, reading the message the cold-hearted bitch had sent me.

I win.


Mrs. Edith Edwards

My hand shook as her words stabbed me a thousand times, bleeding me endlessly.She knewI would be hurting. And for her to send me a picture with Greyson looking like he just had sex and passed out with wild abandon, seriously made me angrier than before.

Did she think because she had Greyson stuck to her as her husband that she could hurt and trample me still?

She was right. She had won. Maybe those two deserved each other. After all, I was pining for something that wasn’t there anymore…

Tapping on the picture, I saved Greyson’s picture to my phone, hoping this would be a great reminder of why I shouldn’t hang on to the man I had claimed to love.

He was married to Edith, the woman I loathed more than life itself. This was enough torture. The earlier I moved on, the better for me. I had to show them their union didn’t affect me in the least. This was enough torture. I kept telling myself that I’d had enough. Grey made a choice, as should I… Well, since he was my choice and I was being forced to move on, it was even worse. Trying to get over someone when saying goodbye was the last thing I had on the agenda was the toughest decision I’d had to make for myself. However, I knew it in my heart—though it beat relentlessly for Greyson—I had to find the courage to set him free.

Edith had been this thorn stuck in the side of my hip ever since we were young, and to this day, she still enjoyed hurting me. She’d had enough fun to last her until her last breath. I wasn’t going to put up with her toxic character and let her influence me any longer. Sure, she had Greyson, but even though I felt like death, I wasn’t going to allow her to beat me down mentally.

I was stronger than this. I was braver than this petty excuse of a mopping, wallowing woman who couldn’t speak his name out loud because it hurt too much to even utter his name.

A tough woman I sure was, wasn’t I?


“How are you feeling, sweetie?”Mom asked the second I answered her call. A week had passed since I had gotten back from LA, and I was surviving…Barely, but surviving nonetheless.

“Doing school stuff, same old things,” I responded, ignoring the idea to ask any news of Greyson. “I’m actually thinking of getting a part-time job, maybe at a restaurant or the library.”

“That’s fantastic, Liv. I’m so glad that, after all of this, you’re doing okay.” She sounded hopeful that I wasn’t at all depressed. “Well, I called to check on you, of course, and well… I also wanted to ask if you wanted to come for Christmas?”


“Listen, I know you probably don’t want to come back here, and I understand you more than you think, but this—” She paused, sighing loudly on the phone. “I don’t want this to be the first Christmas I don’t get to spend with my only child. I love Brett,I do,but I need you in my life, too. Having you so far away is difficult as it is, and when you came back out of the blue and left without saying goodbye… I just miss you, that’s all.”

“Aww, Mom…” I was speechless. Of course we hadn’t spent Christmas apart, yet this might be the very first time that I would. I was feeling a great dose of guilt, but going home would put me in a very terrible place. I wasn’t ready for that.

“You know I can’t face them yet.” The thought of Christmas dinner, sitting across Grey and Edith, would surely guarantee I would be buried six-feet under. “I just can’t, Mom, but if you want, I’m sure Dad won’t mind having you come and join us.”

“Brett already arranged something with Edith’s parents. I’m not sure if I can get out of it, but I’ll try anyway. I miss you, baby. I’ll call you again sometime tomorrow.”

Her somber tone brought melancholy. “Thanks, Mom. Love you.”