Page 68 of Grey

When he was just silent, staring at me, I began getting nervous; merely being around him was making me dizzy.

Greyson stepped closer, almost kissing me. "Tell me not to get married tomorrow, Liv.”

I caught my breath, paralyzed at being close to him again. "Why would you want that? You're in love with Edith." He had to be. He was, after all, marrying her tomorrow. It was best to remember that.

His nose was on my cheek, so were his lips. "Am I? I don't know anymore. Seeing you again—it's fucking with me, Liv."

I was dying. I wanted him, but I knew I shouldn’t.

"I don't know what it is about you, but you never fail to take my breath away. From the second I saw you in third grade… to now." Grey came closer, brushing his lips against mine, ever so slightly. "I want you, Liv. Be with me."

Don’t do this, I begged silently. "You're getting married tomorrow!" If this was wrong, why did it feel so good?

"Tell me not to and I won't. There's nothing in this world that I want more than you.It's always been you—even if I didn't agree with it."

"Go home."Back to Edith.

He kissed my cheek, his nose caressing me. "I love you, Liv," Grey whispered, parting from me, walking away with his head down. “I’m still so fucking in love with you.”

I wanted to tell him how I felt, yet that would be too selfish. My being here alone was selfish enough. “Goodnight, Grey.”

“Goodnight?” He sounded in disbelief.

“Get some sleep,” I pressed on, but his face turned angry. He was almost red with it.

“You’re right. This was a waste of time,” he shot the words out, leaving again. I hoped that, this time, it was for good. For both our sakes.

* * *

I didn’t’ sleep well that night. I decided during the wee hours of the morning that I didn’t want to see him marry her. That it was best to leave what we had before in the past.

I was just barely out of the shower at seven thirty in the morning when I found him sitting on my bed. Dressed in the same clothes he’d worn last night.

He looked disheveled and tired.

With only my robe wrapped around my body, I stared at him wide-eyed. “You’re here.”Again.

He had his hand in his pocked before he stood up, slowly walking towards me. "Here." He handed me something. "It’s kept me safe all this time. I thought if I held on to it that it would bring you back to me, but I don’t want to do that anymore. No matter how much I prayed, it never worked. So here is your lucky charm. I hope this still brings good luck for you."

It was the token I had given him in the closet during spin the bottle.

"You've kept this after all these years?" I had it in my palm, cradling it as my finger traced the back of the threaded bracelet.

"It was the only thing I had of you. I held on to it thinking and believing that your promise held the power to bring you back to me." He paused while tears pooled in my eyes once more. "So I'm giving it back. I don't think it's right to hang on to it, knowing it was never going to happen."

He truly was saying goodbye to me now. There was no mistaking it.

“Thank you for bringing it back to me.” I wiped a tear that rolled down my face. “Grey…” I looked up to him, raw and pure with pain.

He looked torn, wretched. “Is it too late?” he whispered.

“I don’t know.” Should I be selfish and keep him to myself? If I did, could I handle the consequences?

He cupped my cheeks and I relished in his touch. God, I missed him. “If there is a chance, tell me. I can still back out—I’ll explain to Edith, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

Would she? Could I take this chance with him?

“How long will it take you to convince her?” I whispered back to him, hopeful.