Page 62 of Grey

Dressed in my white, fitted sundress, very little make-up and matching flat gladiator sandals, I made my way downstairs. I wasn’t trying to be sexy, sultry or any kind of other adjective that described most of the girls that were there. I just wanted to look decent—presentable—without being the show of the party. I wanted to leave without people noticing me. Apart from saying goodbye to Mom, Brett and Josie, I had no other close friendships here.

I remained in the background, making sure I didn’t make any eye contact with anyone. Greyson, on the other hand, became the spotlight of the party. He gave short speeches to his dad, thanking him for his undying support and love. He even thanked my mom for always being sweet and making their home ahome. Mom of course was in tears, hugging him as if he were her own son.

Seeing how Mom was settling in with Brett and Greyson, I knew she was in great hands. She was happy and loved. I could leave without a single worry, without wondering if she would be lonely without company.

When the time came for me to go upstairs and gather my things, making sure I had everything I needed, I slid quietly out of the party, relieved that I was done putting up a good show of being okay.

Each foot that climbed the stairs towards my bedroom felt heavy, as if they had a ball and chains with them. Pasting on a fake smile—fake everything—was too exhausting for me.

Once I reached my door, I sagged against it before grasping the door handle to open it. This room, though I hadn’t stayed here for that long, would be missed dearly.

This place had become my refuge and even my home. I glanced towards the three pieces of luggage that were situated against the wall, all packed and ready to travel, as I moved past them towards the bay window, which overlooked the pool house. Maybe for the last time, I wanted to remember it; to see it before I left.

As expected, the place was packed with people from school going in and out of it as they partied along.

Sighing, I strode over to the bed before softly placing myself on it, knowing that I would really miss this place. The day after I got to Sydney, Liam wanted to take me out for lunch. I knew he probably had so many questions over my sudden withdrawal from him.

Liam… how is he anyway?I thought with guilt. I had thirty minutes before I left for the airport, and yet, all I wanted to do was lay in bed and reminisce about what had happened with my senior year.

There was a soft knock on the door, breaking my thought.

“Yes?” I said, half-sitting on my bed. If it was Mom telling me to double check if I had my passport out of the safe for the third time, I was going to pull my hair out. I loved my mom, but sometimes she could really be annoying.

I watched as the door opened and Greyson let himself in. He had his lips pressed together, looking as serious as a heart attack.

What had happened to the party animal who had been downstairs half an hour ago?

He quietly closed the door behind him before deciding to lean against it with his hands in his pockets. “So you’re leaving, huh?”

Story of the century. Why was he wasting time on small talk? Did he need a favor or something?

“I am. In about twenty minutes, in fact.” I was trying to play it off coolly, like having him there inside my room wasn’t giving me butterflies in my tummy, or the fact that he was bringing major nostalgia with him.

“I know.”

I stared at him, not knowing what to say next.

He let out a long, heavy sigh, as if he had a lot to say. His head dropped to the floor before he glanced back at me again. “I just want to say sorry about my behavior for the last few months. If I ever hurt you in any way, I hope you know that it was my way of coping from the pain from you—” He paused. “It hasn’t been easy.”

Really? I wouldn’t have guessed, I thought sarcastically.

“Don’t worry about it, Grey. The past will remain in the past.”

“Did I ever mean anything to you?”

I looked away. His fiery eyes intimidated me. My piled lies were intact and I didn’t need those eyes to come and search my soul.

“You did…”morethan you’ll ever know, “but as I said earlier, the past will remain as is.” I didn’t want to dig up memories and old bones to pick. I was leaving.

He moved towards me. The bed dipped a little when he sat before me. His presence, being this close to him, and my body’s immediate response, terrified me.

“I haven’t stopped loving you, Olivia.”

Oh, fucking bull!He had been fucking around with all those women, even Edith!

“Stop feeding me shit, Grey. I think we’re both over that.”

He took another deep breath, as if to calm himself. “I haven’t been with anyone since you, doesn’t that count?”