Page 48 of Grey

He didn’t address me much, but he made me hyperaware of him. I was laughing about his college life joke when I caught Greyson’s gaze, deeply frowning at me.

It wasn’t until our dinner of steak, mashed potatoes and green beans that the dark-haired man decided to introduce himself as Jack. We sat at the wooden dining table, fitting us all. Grey, of course, where he could see the entire group. He was already pink from drinking beer, but that didn’t stop him from drinking more wine during dinner.

Through the course, I was conversing with Jack, Jet’s cousin, who also happened to be an NYU student who had a toe fetish. Yes, I’d learned about this interesting tidbit after he had told me why he’d broken up with his ex. He was actually a funny guy, so funny, in fact, that I was too buzzed to realize that I had agreed to go in the hot tub with the five of them. But hey, I was in vacation mode right?

Half an hour later, I was sipping on my white wine with my bikini on, enjoying the contrast of cold temperatures and the hot, bubbly water soaking my flushed body.

I was fine… up until Greyson decided to join us, gracing the rest of us with his chiseled body. If his intention was for me to drool over him, then he’d gotten that and then some. I had forgotten how he looked undressed, but now, I had doubts that that luscious memory was going away.

It bothered me that he’d chosen to sit across from me. The hot tub was made for a party of ten and he could’ve chosen other spots, yet no, he had to sit across from me while I got all hot and bothered just from looking at him.

He kept brushing his hair with his fingers, giving it that wet look, as he laughed and sipped on his beer. Did I mention how gorgeous he looked flushed from alcohol?

Looking away from him was a hardship, it was as if the booze in my system had gotten my body humming, yearning for his touch.

As more guys from school entered, including some of Grey’s friends—Damon, Baron and Jet—we had to make room, leaving us with very little space in between people. Jack had gotten bold and fished me out of my spot then placed me on his lap. He had done it so fast that I barely managed to protest from his “playful” antics before it was over.

At first, I was uncomfortable, but when I saw Greyson had started flirting with Tiffany’s sidekick, Sam, I became a little angry. So angry that when they chimed “body shots”, I decided to step out of the tub, excusing myself to get a glass of water.

Maybe the strong, aggressive feelings I had with Grey only came out when I was drinking. Whatever it was, I wanted it out. I needed to sober up or I would end up begging him to take me to bed. Fuck, yes, it was that bad. I was at that point; a point of no return. Life had so much to offer, but as of right now, I was rooting for a guy that was off limits.

The kitchen had people around and I wanted a little privacy so I decided to go downstairs where there was a lounge area with a projector screen and a fully stocked bar.

Holding the towel that wrapped around my body against my chest, I slowly made my way downstairs, hoping no one was around. A smile broke from my face when I found it empty. Making my way towards the bar, I pulled out a chilled bottled water, cracking it open, and then took a careful sip as I moved towards the fireplace. In the dark, the flames danced before my face, warming me and enchanting me by their captivating beauty.

Fire truly was beautiful, however it could unleash its damaging, ugly side. It also took lives.

How many people had been mesmerized by beauty and ended up shattered and broken?

Edith, though it was ages ago, I bet she’d still carryout her threat. Before Greyson had come, she had been a sweetheart and a dear friend, but she let it all slip away because of a boy; a boy she had been obsessed about.

“If you’re waiting for him to come meet you down here, don’t waste your breath.”

I spun around, startled from the sudden intrusion of privacy. It was Greyson, leaning against the bar, looking poised… relaxed.

“Excuse me?” I narrowed my eyes on him, suspicious. What was he blabbing about?


He thought Jack was going to meet me here? If I wanted to hook up with him, I wouldn’t go subtle. I would most probably flaunt it in Grey’s face just as he had done to me upstairs.

Why was he here anyway? Wasn’t he busy with Sam?

Ignoring him, I went on and stared at the fire, listening as the wood cracked, sparking a small burst of flames.

“Should I warn him that you’re just a tease?”

I willed myself not to spit in his face. Douche, he was being an arrogant jerk!

“Or maybe the fact that you don’t put out at all?” He paused, laughing drily. “Oh yeah, that was just me, huh? You only needed to fuck me good, not my dick, though. Nah, not you. You aimed higher than that.”

Son of a gun.“Sounds like a personal problem to me.” I glared at him. “But if I ever decide to fuck Jack, I’ll make sure you hear it.”

He shot out of his relaxed pose from the bar, striding towards me. His eyes… they had become fire—alive—lit up even in the dark.

“I fucking dare you!” he gritted out.

“I wouldn’t need daring!” I fumed.