Page 38 of Grey

Sheesh, I was holding back a laugh as I peeked sideways at Liam, who seemed to be enjoying the fawning of my so-called BFF. “Nice to meet you. And you’re just as Olivia described—bubbly and extremely full of life.”

Josie swooned. “Your accent… Do you have a brother? A friend?”

I rolled my eyes, needing to intrude. “How about you slow down on the drinks then maybe you can ask him questions because, right now, you’re being a hot mess.”

She snorted. “Loosen up, Olivia.” She then brushed me off, glancing at Liam. “Why is she so cranky?”

I hadn’t been trying to be hurtful; I really hadn’t. My words had come out wrong. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just tired.” Or maybe I was to wound up knowing that Greyson must be somewhere around here.

Jet’s house was full of party people, and by the looks of it, they’d been going at it for a while.

“I’ll forgive you as long as you take a shot.” She went to a nearby table that had all of the shots prepped and ready to go.

I was a guilty bitch. Sighing, I grabbed what she shoved at me, sniffing the clear drink. “Vodka.” My face contorted at the thought of downing it, but I did it anyway. Liam was soothing my back when I felt the heavy, fiery burn of the alcohol travelling from my throat to the pit of my stomach, making me a sick. Damn, that was strong.

Josie grinned at me, flipping her hair to the side. “Thanks, babe. I’ll look for you in an hour or so. I know your frosty self will have thawed by then.” She kissed my cheek before giving Liam one as well.

I wonder what Liam thinks about our friendship, I mused.

“Nice friend of yours,” he murmured in my ear, pulling me close. “Wanna dance?”

I was just about to say yes when I saw Greyson at the far end of the living room… with a new woman beside him. I stared at him for a while, trying to get his attention, but I supposed he didn’t see me, or maybe he was simply ignoring me because Grey and I used to treat each other like that.

With that, my hopes of being civilized were dashed. I guessed he had resorted back to how we were, and that was the best solution after all.

Lightly, I held Liam by the hip before whispering into his ear, “Can you get me another shot? I’m up for whatever you want afterwards.”

“You’re on,” he murmured, his voice raw with desire.

One shot was what I had planned, but I ended up with two. If that didn’t show how nervous I was… I didn’t know what other disaster that night would bring.

The makeshift dance floor was vast, so I chose the farthest place possible away from Grey and his girlfriend.

Liam and I danced, but halfway through the song—with my body thrumming from the alcohol—Liam’s surprise visit and Grey’s ability to pretend like I didn’t exist anymore had left me feeling too wound up… and I needed to let loose. Clear my mind of anything and just start…feeling.

Oh, how I was feeling that strong, muscular body against mine. My entire summer had consisted of me memorizing this body…

“Liam,” I pleaded.Bring me back to you.

It was as if he just knew. In a heartbeat, I was up against the wall, caged in by his frame while his lips and hands were everywhere on me. He felt like a man who hadn’t had anything to drink in days. His kiss was amazing, yet it lacked the scorching fire that only Greyson could deliver.

My eyes were closed, however when I heard a loud thud, my eyes snapped open to a set of tiger-eyes lasered in on me.

It was Grey, making out with the woman, but his eyes were darting hatred at me. Liam was so distracted from consuming my body that he didn’t notice, yet I was stuck between kissing him and having a silent argument with Greyson. He was angry. There was no mistaking that now.

Not once did his hate-filled stare waver. He was trying to prove a point and I wasn’t sure what his message was.

What I did know was that I couldn’t stand there and witness this calamity.

“Liam.” I sought his eyes, cupping his cheeks. “I’ll meet you back in your room.” My eyes flickered back and forth, knowing that he was on the edge of losing his control.

He nodded, kissing me again for the last time. This time I dared not glance at the couple next to us.

“I’ll be waiting.”

Pasting on an encouraging smile, I replied, “See you in a little bit.” I waved my goodbye before I sprinted out of there and looked for Josie.

My plan to speak to Greyson tonight wasn’t happening. Especially not when he looked like he planned to tear me to shreds. Jet also lived in the pool house, so I knew some people were over there as some were littered across the garden.