Page 27 of Grey

The pleading in her voice tugged at my heart, making me stop all of my actions. I was breathing heavily from going over a hundred miles per second to all of a sudden the emergency break was being pulled. I wanted to ask why, but my eyes must have questioned her enough because she simply gave me the answer without me having to ask.

“This is getting out of control. We can’t want each other this way. Brett, my mom…” Her face frowned, seeking my understanding. “I’m so sorry,” she finished.

We felt so good together, though. In fact, I hadn’t felt this with anyone. Olivia tasted like something different… and I wasn’t ready to stop. “Let’s take it slowly. Let’s take it however you want, but don’t push me away. I want you too much to pretend anymore.”Please, I wanted to add, although I think my tone already had the word all over it.

“I don’t know how. Liam, and everyone else—”

Fuck them all. “I don’t give a rat’s ass about Liam,” I grunted out. “But as for the rest, who fucking cares? This is between you and me. What’s the harm in getting to know each other a little better? I don’t want to stop. I want to keep kissing you.” My lips lightly tasted her. “We don’t have to answer to anyone, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll keep my mouth shut about you and me. I want a clean slate. With you.” Liam was in Australia. I had the rest of senior year to prove her wrong, that I wasn’t all that bad. As for the rest, I was leaving it to the stars to dictate our future. “Keep me.”

“Grey…” She looked unsure. “What if one of us gets hurt?”

Then fuck it. “I’m willing to risk it,” I breathed out, not willing to back down. I had never wanted anything this bad in my life, and for a change, there was something that got my blood thriving other than my usual adrenaline fix from speed. I was not letting up, not by a fucking mile.

“But you might end up resenting me… and—”

She needed me to say it, I knew. “I already hate you, so there’s no harm of that happening.”

She bit her lip, leaning in closer, tempted as her nose touched the tip of my own. “Oh, God… what the hell am I doing…” she moaned. “You’re too much. I don’t know if I can handle you—”

I silenced her with my kiss; softly, gently. “We’ll take it slow. There’s no pressure on you, just don’t shut me out. You call the shots; I promise.” It was a big promise, but shit, I would’ve promised anything she wanted.

“I call the shots,” she repeated my words. “Don’t make me regret this, Greyson.” She sought my eyes, needing me to assure her.

“Promise.”For you, I’ll try to be good… for you, Olivia…

Kissing her neck, I breathed her in. I wasn’t sure if this was the best time to keep on going and pick up where we’d left off. Olivia had the steering wheel, so if she was uncomfortable pursuing getting physical with me, then I had no choice other than to bow down to her decisions, even if my cock was protesting wildly.

My needs—the physical ones—could be taken care of in the shower later. As for the rest of my needs, I was satisfied because she’d agreed to give me a chance; a shot. I was going to make her see that I wasn’t all about sex. That I could be more than that.

“Don’t look down,” I whispered before slowly pulling my pants up. Once I knew that I was decent, I looked back to see if the party was still going. It was, however I didn’t want to leave Olivia.

Cupping her cheek, my eyes bore into her vivid blue ones. “Let me take you upstairs. I don’t want guys seeing you dressed like this.” Her “simple” nightwear was somehow indecent because her breasts were easily seen if you stared at it long enough.

“Thanks, Grey.”

Guiding her towards the stairs, I held her by the hip and strolled silently until we reached her bedroom door. The urge to kiss her again was strong, but I didn’t want to push it too far. I was leaving it all up to her. Thinking like a good guy sucked, yet at the same time, I only needed a little patience to get her to trust me, then maybe—hopefully—things would smooth out and she would be mine.

Clearing my throat, I reached for her hand and gave it a light squeeze. “I guess this is goodnight.” Her hand was soft and very feminine, the total opposite of my rough, calloused ones from working on my car and the other careless things guys did.

“You don’t want to go in?” she hesitantly asked.

Did she really want me inside?On her bed?She trusted me not to touch her intimately? “I don’t think that’s a great idea. After downstairs, I’m not too sure if I can handle being next to you.” I sure as hell didn’t trust me. “I have to get back downstairs anyway; they might be wondering what’s taking me so long to get some wine.”

She shifted her feet, looking away then back at me. “Why don’t you come back after you’re done partying?” She licked her lips. “I’m not going to have sex with you, but if you’re okay with that, then I’d like it if you slept in my bed tonight.”

Did she assume that I was going to fuck someone else after what had just happened? Crazy girl.

Cradling both of her cheeks, I kissed her deep. “I’d love to sleep next to you, Olivia Taylor.”

* * *

One hour later, I was still grinning like an idiot as I drank my last bottle of beer. Tonight had turned out better than expected.

People were wondering what had gotten me in a good mood since I had been acting like a bear with a sore head before I had gone inside to get more alcohol and then had come back out smiling and playful almost an hour later. Even though I wanted to celebrate and tell everybody why I was so fucking happy, I knew that I couldn’t. I had made a promise and I was going to stick to it, even if it killed me.

“You won the lottery or somethin’? You’re lookin’ fishy, man,” Jet muttered as he opened another bottle for himself.

“Nah.” I tried to look serious. “Just having fun, nothing more.” I avoided the subject, hoping he’d drop it.