Page 15 of Grey

Since Josie was out of town and I didn’t have a car—my mom couldn’t afford to get me one—I was now stuck here for the weekend. I suppose watching movies all weekend long wouldn’t be such a bad thing. I kind of needed the off night anyhow.

Grey and his friends will be here tonight again. I was sure if they knew that I was staying in tonight, they’d keep out and do their own thing and not bother me so much.

Eyeing the cluttered mess, I pulled a garbage bag and started cleaning up. I couldn’t function and watch my feel good movies and stuff myself with buttered popcorn when the kitchen smelled like rotten pizza and beer.

One of the main mantra I lived by was always trying to project and live by positivity. This chaos would damped my optimism, so I spent the next two hours cleaning everything up before making myself a light meal of buttered popcorn, snickers, delivered extra cheese pizza and diet soda. The Edwards had a nice movie theatre room with red leather seats in them, and I couldn’t wait to test them out.

Two hours later, I was so engrossed with the movie that I didn’t realize I had another person with me in the room until I felt a hand go past my back and dug into my bowl of popcorn.

“I didn’t know you were into some girly girl movies.” His low baritone timbre voice sent shivers all over my body. I could hear him munch on the snack, while choosing to sit behind me.

Irritated at by his interruption, I glared at him. “News flash.I’m a girl.”

“Huh, I had no idea.” He grinned at me, eyes mischievous.

Why was he being playful and flirty? And fuck, he needed a good lesson on wearing a shirt around women—especially with women who had spiraling hormones targeting the nether region sort…

I wanted to groan as I squeezed my legs shut; feeling the inner workings of his sex appeal wasn’t welcome. Not one little bit. “Did you need something?” I asked, breathless, looking away and back to staring at the movie again, which at this point was all a blur in my eyes because I was too aware of him.

“You cleaned the mess.”

It was dirty.“I couldn’t stand it.”

He leaned over, close to the back of my head, but not touching. “You didn’t have to do that. You could’ve at least waited for me and I’d do it. I didn’t know it bothered you that much.”

His deep voice… it did something to me. “It’s nothing,” I managed to say before I bit down on my bottom lip and closed my eyes.

He inched closer, a hair’s breath away from my ear. “Be my date tonight,” he whispered, lingering.

Um, what did he just say?“Excuse me?”

“I said, be my date tonight.” The tip of his nose brushed against my ear for a nanosecond, but it was enough for my body to react with fire exploding all over me. When his hot breath hit the back of my ear, a strangled groan came from me. “I can give you so much more than these chick flicks. I’ll give you the real deal.”

Boy, this guy… when he put the seduction mode on… and what was he talking about? “A date?” I said, puzzled. “With you?” My head whipped to the side, needing to see his face. “Have you lost your shit, Grey?” My face zeroed in on him. With the movie only the source of light in here, his face was illuminated in such a way that I couldn’t stare at him for that long before dropping my eyes to side.

“As a matter of fact, yes. I think I have officially lost my shit. You said you wanted to have fun, right?” He sounded serious. “So let’s have fun together.” His lethal grin in place, he said, “I won’t bite that hard. Promise.” He said the words like he meant them, but his eyes told me a different story.

Men like him couldn’t be trusted. What woman would? I sure as hell didn’t. I’d rather thrust myself inside a strip club and feel safe than be left alone with Greyson Edwards. “I can’t.”

“Can’t…or won’t?”

His eyes felt like they were x-raying my soul, watching every move. I opened my mouth to speak, “I don’t—”I felt bereft when our eyes clashed. “We can’t—” I still couldn’t coherently speak because I was trapped. His eyes became my jailer and I was his prisoner. For a second, his eyes looked curious before he moved them closer to mine. His gorgeous face looked at me closely. Determined.

“I pine for you all day and night. I can’t keep lying to myself. I’m out of order and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I fucking want you, Liv.So muchthat I’m willing to put my pride aside and ask you to give me a fair shot.”

“For a date?That’s all, right?” Where was I going with this?

He hesitated. “Startingwith a date.” He emphasized, “One date.”

“But I already made plans.”

“Gavin again?”

I hid back a smile. He hated that I was somewhat dating his friend, but I didn’t feel anything towards him. He was fun to be around, even so, there were no chemistry there, unlike this unquestionable one I had with the guy I’d rather feed to the dogs.

“No, but with all these hot actors.” I pointed at the pile of my favorite DVDs. “It’s a date I can’t cancel.”

Grey smiled and I became a little dizzy. “May I invite myself?”