Page 8 of Grey

“What’s that?” I pointed towards the folded paper.

She fanned herself with it, giving me puppy doll eyes. “Must be tough to be in demand huh?” She dramatically sighed. “Grey wants you. Gavin wants you. Liam loves you…” she trailed off, giving that dramatic sigh another go. “I’m not giving you this note from Gavin until you answer one question. And I mean, I want you to be dead honest with me. We are best friends after all, and since I have that under my sleeve, I believe it’s my right to know what’s been going on between you and Grey.”

Nothing much… but to make this short, and well,honest, I could try. “He wants to bag me.”

“Obviously. But what’s with the macho growls? I swear Grey’s my hero,” she said dreamily.

Oh, for Pete’s sake!Seriously?“You can have him; I won’t care.”

She snorted, handing me the note, which I immediately shoved in my right pocket. “We both know you would. But I respect sister codes and all, so you’re good with me.”

Unlike Edith, I wanted to retort back, but bit my tongue instead. “Let’s get to class. I’m done talking about anything that involves him.” Yes, I was done talking, but that didn’t mean I could stop thinking about it.

For the remainder of the school day, I was rehashing what went down behind the cafeteria. I thought of him… saying those sexual words to me, It sent a bazillion electrifying jolts all over my body. Yes, my entire system—physical, mental and emotional—all centered and saluted to him and yet, I hated him with a passion.

It was hard to deny the kind of reaction my body had when he was whispering those explicit words to me. Liam would never, ever talk to me like that and I wasn’t a prude, but heck, those words got me hot and bothered though I wouldn’t care to admit it.

Even though my body was just as he described it,irrigatedand all, I wasn’t going to be one of his women to fuck and throw away. It didn’t matter that he was, yes, might be the sexiest guy I’d ever laid my eyes upon… but I wasn’t going to give in. I could just imagine the catastrophic emotional and, not to mention, mental turmoil I’d dive into. My future was set, planned and it glittered brightly right before me.

Men like Grey weren’t all that worth it to throw away a decently looking future for a quick wham in the sheets.

So his opinion of Gavin was irrelevant. With or without his shady permission, I was going to go ahead and go on a date with Gavin. Now, that was something to look forward to.



“God, Grey! You’re a motherfucking beast,”Tiffany exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear. “Beast. Beast. The motherfucking beast.”

Looking away, I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand, feeling spent and relieved somehow. It had never happened to me before, and damn I felt like an insensitive jerk for making it happen, but Olivia hadn’t left my thoughts. Not even after I drove off from school heading home. Not even while I was working into Tiffany. Maybe the beast remark was fitting because I did take her like one, and maybe because what I was thinking while I was inside her was disrespectful.

I loved all women, in all shapes and sizes, and not one—never—did I engage into sexual activities without giving them one hundred percent of my attention… until now—well, if I didn’t count that drunken night last weekend where I called this one girl Olivia. It was the morning after I saw her in the pool, and I was just craving her so badly; I was in great amount of pain. Apart from those two instances, I had always been an attentive lover.Always.

“Do we have to head back to school? I kinda like being here,” Tiffany murmured while stretching her naked torso right before me.

Well… it wasn’t like I wanted to head back to class, anyway. Especially not after that close encounter earlier. “You’re right; we can work on our skills here, Tiff. You up for some riding lessons? Reverse cowgirl style?”

“Anything for you, Grey.”

This was how I rolled… and no barbed comments from Olivia would make me feel incompetent.

For that entire evening, I avoided any possibility of running into her. If my dad’s wish would have it, she was going to start riding with me to school. He wanted to make Laura and Olivia happy here, so I supposed since I was his only child, I was obligated to accommodate Olivia as well.

So when morning came, I went inside to greet Brett and Laura for breakfast.

“Olivia’s still getting ready, honey.” Laura stood up, while she was in the middle of her meal, just to get me a glass of juice. Small things like these, made me wish that my mother was this kind of attentive. Laura was motherly, while my own was never one, not by a long shot.

I gave her small thanks and gulped down the entire glass in one go. Taking a piece of buttered toast, I told them that I’ll wait for Olivia in my car. Laura even gave me her phone number just in case I needed to reach her in school. She trusted me with her own daughter. Even with my callous reputation, I felt like a heel, just right then and there, after how I treated Olivia lately.

I felt bad, but that didn’t mean I was going to stop being a jackass to her. Olivia was catty and each time we were around each other, her claws always managed to scratch me the wrong way.

The moment I was inside my car, I texted her.

Come out when you’re ready - Grey

Even after the extra nice workout Tiffany did for me, I was now more tensed than yesterday.

Five minutes later, I saw her come out the door from the rearview mirror, strutting towards my car with sexy purpose. The little warmth I felt from seeing her at first glance this morning evaporated the second she opened the door and slid into it.