Page 63 of Grey

“Bullshit. You’re fucking lying to me!” I didn’t appreciate that. What the fuck had he come up here for? To fuck with my head?

“It’s true—Jet can vouch for me.”

Jet would color the town red if he asked. The guy was his best friend. They stuck together through thick and thin. “He doesn’t count.” I let out an exasperated sound. “Really, Grey. I don’t need to hear any of this—it’s unnecessary.”

“Don’t leave. I don’t know what I’ll do if I can’t see you. Maybe we could try again, this time I won’t demand so much from you,” he rushed out. “I promise I’ll be satisfied with what you can give.”

Has he lost his mind? Besides, he had months to talk to me about this, but he never came around until the last minute.

Top that with Edith’s bullshit, and I knew the best thing to do was to leave. Sooner or later, Grey would get over me—if he was telling the truth about him being in pain for these past few months.

Staring into him, it almost blinded me, but I was headstrong and determined to cut to the chase.

“I will always cherish you, but I won’t stay because I don’t feel the same way,” I whispered, voice shaky. “I hope you understand that.”

“You really mean that?” His saddened voice, tore me apart.

It took effort to respond, but I did it anyway. “I do—with all of my heart.”

“I guess this was just as well. It’s better this way,” he murmured to himself, trying to comprehend things.

His words didn’t make sense to me, but I supposed to him, it was probably comforting to hear them.

With a grave expression, he moved towards me, kissing me on the cheek. “Have a safe flight, and forget that I ever existed in your life.”

He didn’t glance at me again.

“Grey?” His last words bothered me. A great deal. How could he say that?“Grey?”I called out to him just as he was opening the door, but he never looked back.

I was bereft and hell-bent on questions, but I knew if I chased after him, he might think I had changed my mind about Sydney. So I had to swallow my pride and follow his lead. Forget about him. I would try very fucking hard.

I wanted to shed tears, yet I didn’t even have time for that. It was time to leave for the airport and say goodbye to my old life.

After all, starting over in a country full of hot, eligible men didn’t sound bad, did it?I’m sure I’m going to forget about Greyson Edwards in no time.



“Liv is that you?”my dad called out the second I shut the front door.

“It’s me.” It was my second day here and I had just gotten back from my lunch with Liam. I hadn’t seen him in a while, and I won’t lie, it felt great. Nothing much had changed except that he was more toned than normal. He had become a gym rat apparently, so that dedication had paid off well.

Our lunch was pleasant for a little while, however after the main entrée was taken away, he came in for the hard drilling. Of course, since I owed him a great deal of explanation, I had to tell him the truth.

“If you were so crazy about him, then why leave LA at all?” he asked, as if the question was alien to him.

There were so many factors involved. Besides, I couldn’t really bring to light what my real reasoning was.

“It’s complicated,” I lamely said, avoiding his gaze.

“You love him,” he stated with no hesitation.

No, I didn’t.“I don’t think I do.” Why was I hesitating now? Fuck.

He gave an understanding smile. “Yes, you do, Olivia.” He took a moment, gazing to the side. “The heart doesn’t lie, you know.”

It didn’t, but I wasn’t going to look at what was held inside it. I simply couldn’t.Wouldn’t. It was too much.