Page 37 of Grey


“Olivia?”Liam lightly tapped on the door. “Is everything okay in there?”

“Yes, I’ll be out in a minute,” I called out, almost out of breath.

I was still in the bathroom, seeking solace and some much needed space. Grey hadn’t responded and I was relieved that he hadn’t pursued it any further, but at the same time, I felt bereft. It was as though I had lost something significant.

One week—seven days—and I felt attached to him. Some way, some how, he’d got into me.

Last night… I remembered how sweet and accommodating he was. How hungered his kisses had been. Even in school, the way he looked at me showed his evident hunger. I hadn’t seen any of the usual women who hung onto him, Edith and Tiffany most especially.

Every single day, he kept to his promise, not pushing me. Even though at times he looked like he could combust from the sexual tension, he still managed to stop at the last minute. He never pushed. He never pestered me about going all the way with him. So far, heavy petting and kissing had satisfied his hunger, and boy was he hungry last night.

Touching my bruised lips from last night’s Grey onslaught, I closed my eyes and tried to part from his memories.

No more Greyson Edwards, I silently lipped over and over again.

Once I knew I was ready to face Liam, I took a deep breath and practiced an easy smile in the mirror. “Be happy,” I whispered to myself.

Exiting the bathroom door, I casually strode into the bedroom, peeking at the man who was lounging in bed with his shoes on, deep in thought.

“Hi,” I blurted out.

He looked straight at me with an unreadable expression. What was he thinking? He looked too serious.

“Can I join you?” I squeaked, wanting to move forward. Memories of me jumping in bed, cuddling and spending our afternoons daydreaming about our future assailed me.

This was Liam.My Liam.

He lightly tapped the other side of the bed in invitation. Slowly, I moved towards him, feeling the heavy weight of his stare. I felt prickly, and in a limbo. Taking my shoes off, I tried to avoid his gaze as I placed my things on the black lacquered side table before cautiously getting on the king sized bed.

Before my head managed to hit the pillow, his strong arms scooped me up, making me curl against his body. For a moment, we were lost in thought. If I closed my eyes, I knew I would be back with him in Sydney. Just like old times.

“I would stay up late, picturing what life would be like with you living with me,” he started. “Going to university together, sharing meals, sharing friends and making new memories…” He took he deep breath, pausing. “You were always in them, you know.”

Swallowing the heavy lump in my throat, I flung an arm around his waist, holding him close. “I love you, Liam.”

He rolled to his side, hugging me tight. “Please don’t ever forget that,” he murmured, smelling my hair. “I wish I could stay here and be with you.”

“Soon…” Time will pass. We just had to make it through. What was another seven months? If you really thought about it, it would be here before I knew it.

“Hold me.” Don’t ever let go…

* * *

Dinner came, and it was only Mom and Brett who joined us. Brett made an excuse for his son, though, stating that he was at his girlfriend’s house and had already made plans for the night.

I wasn’t sure if his excuse was made up or if that was what Grey had told him. Either way, that statement bothered me. A great deal. It made me wonder if he’d had a girlfriend all along. I mean, he had only seen me at night. Whatever he had done with his time in between, I knew nothing about. So yes, I supposed it was normal to wonder.

It was past ten when Liam and I reached Jet’s house. Since it was our last night—our only night together—I knew I had to bring him along.

He was tired and I felt bad about bringing him, but he’d wanted to meet Josie and he had promised that he’d leave after an hour or so. After the party, I could have Josie drop me off at home or maybe to his hotel room. He made sure I had gotten an extra key before we left the hotel to meet Mom and Brett for dinner.

One other thing I hoped to do tonight was to privately speak to Grey. I just wanted—needed—to make sure that things were okay, that there was no misunderstanding between us. Amicable was how I pictured things to go forth after what had happened. I would have to hope this idea wasn’t wishful thinking.

Jet’s house was a mere five minutes away from our home. Even though I had been here only a few times, I somehow knew my way around. In the kitchen, I found Josie amongst other people from our school. By the looks of it, my friend was already buzzing incredibly well. Liam was right behind me when Josie spun around and spotted us, waving and squealing.

“Oh, my gosh! You’re even hotter than hot in person!” she greeted us, holding out her hand before I managed to say anything. “I’m Josie, BFF and all that entails!”