Page 22 of My Lady's Archer

“Changed,” Master Archer mused. “Or now seeking to deceive Maggie? I wonder.”

“Wonder anything you like,” Emma replied with a dignified tilt of her head. “I'm off now.”

As she turned her back on him, leading a rather reluctant Robin away, she was aware Arthen's piercing brown eyes were following her, and she recalled with a fierce blush of her cheeks that the same eyes had roamed upon her naked red bottom last night. She strived to drive the thought away and focus on the chores she needed to learn in order to become the mother Robin needed.


The next day at Mass, Emma had further occasion to feel awkward and shamed, because it seemed all eyes were upon her and upon Master Archer who was by her side, bearing an unfathomable expression upon his face. She felt thankful when it was time to step out of the church, but her relief was short-lived. The gaunt, sour-looking priest called upon them to linger a while, and Emma felt her chest squeeze in alarm. Aunt Royse's face darkened upon hearing the priest's voice, and she strode to take Robin's hand in hers. "I'll take the child. We'll go ahead," she said tersely, casting a worried glance at Arthen. Master Archer nodded, but his face was just as unfathomable as it had been during Mass.

Looking around her, Emma saw many people were still lingering in church and their eyes were upon her and her husband, as they now stood in front of the gaunt priest who was staring at them with an expression which did not bode well. Emma cursed herself yet again for not seeing how reckless and deceitful Rowena was. By the way the priest was glaring upon her now it was plain he was mightily displeased by what Rowena had done. How much did he know of Rowena's deeds?

“Your errant wife?” the priest, whose name was Father Alcuin, now addressed Master Archer with raised eyebrows, not deigning to speak to Emma herself.

“Errant? I do not know what you truly mean byerrant,” Arthen countered smoothly.

“Everyone knows she ran away in the night, deserting you and her child, like an ungodly woman,” the priest hissed, and his voice reverberated loud against the walls and caused some of the people gathered around them to mutter among themselves.

Emma strived not to show her anguish, and perceived in some astonishment that Master Archer did not look in the least concerned by the priest's words.

“You are mistaken,” he replied in the same smooth voice which nearly caused Emma to gape in wonder. “She just went away for a while to London, and now she is returned. Had she deserted me, would she still be here by my side at Mass?”

The other parishioners were casting them avid stares, and Father Alcuin pursed his lips in full displeasure.

“Lying in church, Master Archer?”

“Where is the lie? She went to London. And now she is returned,” Master Archer countered.

“That is not what I heard. I heard of loose behaviour and bold ways! And of you letting her run like a wanton!” Father Alcuin growled, and it was obvious to Emma he was trying hard to keep a tether to his temper.

“Her ways were bold, indeed, I cannot lie in church. And I have been too lenient a husband in the past. No more though. I have amended my ways, and she’s amended hers. Didn’t you, wife?” Master Archer said, looking at her pointedly.

Struggling hard not to blush scarlet, Emma nodded. However, Master Archer looked at her expectantly, and she perceived she was required to speak at this time.

“Aye, indeed I have, under my husband’s guiding hand,” she uttered hastily, not really knowing what she was saying and striving to keep her voice steady.

There were mutters from the parishioners behind them, and Father Alcuin cast Emma a sharp, probing look.

“Stern hand, she means. Quite stern,” Master Archer said, and to Emma it seemed his voice was light and full of mischief.

Father Alcuin’s face darkened and the parishioners’ eyes around them became even more avid upon Emma and Arthen. Emma could no longer keep from blushing scarlet and from lowering her gaze.

“She’s been well chastised for her bold ways and she is now repentant. So all is well. As it should be,” Master Archer said in the same light voice as before.

Emma cursed him in her mind, because, from his voice, she understood he was finding great enjoyment in shaming her thus in front of others. Yet Father Alcuin did not seem satisfied by her shame.

“I need to see for myself! As the shepherd of this flock, I need to assess if–”

“You mean to glance upon my wife’s shapely behind?” Master Archer said in an utterly wicked tone of voice. “Forgive me, Father, but I think not. You see, under my due guidance, she’s become quite modest.”

Emma steeled her ears against the chuckles which began to reverberate all around them. Father Alcuin’s gaunt face became blotched with red, because it seemed to Emma his parishioners did not look upon him with love and respect, but rather with mockery and mirth.

“A blessed day to you then, Father,” Master Archer said with exaggerated cheerfulness, suddenly taking Emma by the arm and steering her towards the exit.

Emma did not protest because at this time it would be unwise not to heed the man whom everyone believed her husband. Yet she was fuming inside. She barely contained her anger until they were out of the hearing range of those who were still staring after them.

“You vile man! You enjoyed this,” she hissed between gritted teeth.

He cast her a winsome grin.