He simply pulled at his long undertunic, to release a long cock which stood perfectly erect in front of her.

“Ah,” Judith said, biting even harder into her bottom lip. “This… How do I…”

Blushing fiercely, she drew close to him and stroked the length of him rather artlessly. She’d heard men liked it when a woman touched their rod. But her mother had kept her mostly sheltered from servants’ talk, so she didn’t know much more than this. Still, she loved the feel of him as she began to stroke him – all soft velvety skin sheathing hard muscle. When she looked upon Tristram’s face, she found his dark eyes even darker than before. His own teeth were digging into his bottom lip and his breathing was laboured. He most certainly liked this. And Judith suppressed a triumphant smile as she decided to become even bolder than she’d been. She did what she had always pictured in her mind she would do. She straddled him and she simply rubbed herself against him, allowing him to feel the hot wetness of her quim as she did so.

Yet, lightning fast, Tristram now switched positions. Judith soon found herself lying on her back as he pinned her arms above her head with one of his battle-calloused hands. His other hand came between them, to stroke her quim with clever fingers. And it was not long before Judith’s nether parts began to feel even wetter. Now she was gushing and she felt deeply ashamed he was for certain able to see her sheer want of him.

Tristram’s beautifully sculpted lips twisted in a cruel smile.

“So wet, wife. Wet for my thrust,” he said softly.

Judith squirmed in both pleasure and pain beneath his body. She frantically wished him to thrust inside her. And her well spanked, red behind could hardly bear the touch of the bed beneath her. So it was both in pain and anticipated pleasure that she now raised her hips to him, but the fiend wouldn’t do the deed. Instead he perused her with his dark, brooding eyes.

“Tell me this, wife mine,” he said in a silky voice. “How come that when we last shared the bed you flinched from me and now you’re so wet and eager for my cock?”

He rubbed himself against her, letting his hard cock brush against her wetness, and the heat in both her sex and her sore bottom became maddening.

“I…” Judith muttered, with her cheeks turning crimson at the words he’d uttered, although he’d stated the plain truth.

“I’ll have no more deceit from you. So tell me how this strange thing came to be. Why are you so wet and eager now when years before you were fearful of my touch?”


Judith knew there was now no return from it. She had resolved to be truthful to him. And it would only make things worse if she attempted to deceive him as she had years ago.

“I lied,” she muttered, as pain as sharp as a splinter began to pierce her heart.

It was a truth she’d vainly tried to push away from her mind in this past year. It was a pain which had lingered inside her and which she’d attempted to ignore. She’d always wanted Tristram fiercely, in spite of everything and in spite of her mother’s dire warnings.

“Lied?” Tristram echoed in that voice of his, which was just as beautiful as the rest of him.

“Lied. Yes. I lied to you. I never was uneager,” Judith muttered in sheer misery.

“Lying should never go unpunished,” Tristram said and his voice held both heat and menace in it. “Don’t you think?”

Then he did something which drove Judith even more frantic than before. He licked the side of her neck, trailing his hot breath upon her skin as he did so, and stroking the scorched lips of her quim with clever fingers. She nearly swooned with longing, and muttered in incoherent acquiescence, “Y-yes…”

“Good. And what do you think the punishment for lying should be, wife?” he asked, as his free hand had now begun to rub the sweet spot between her legs which had already swollen with deep desire.

“Ah...” Judith had a hard time speaking coherently.

He stopped his ministrations.

“So?” he asked cruelly.

“S-spank me?” Judith made herself say, although her poor scorched bottom tingled fiercely just upon uttering the words.

“A worthy thought,” Tristram acquiesced, as he brought back his hand to tend to her quim.

The pleasure returned, fierce, yet the sting in her bottom reminded her how soundly Tristram had chastened her. Did he mean to spank her now, even when her bottom was still blazing from his earlier spanking? As if in echo of her thoughts, Tristram said softly, “Never fear, I shall chasten you. But later. Now I have other things upon my mind.”

He thrust one finger inside her, gently probing her wet folds.

“A maiden, still?” he asked after a while, and his voice was incredulous.

Judith’s eyebrows rose in sheer surprise. Surely, he knew he was the only man she’d wed, and she’d not let him bed her.

Tristram’s finger was soon replaced with his long cock which simply slid inside her, causing her to wince in pain. The pain was fleeting though, and she soon found herself becoming accustomed to his hard length stretching her wet passage.