Page 72 of Dark Heart

“It was nice seeing you, Evelyne,” I say curtly, trying to avoid the trap, although it’s too late.

Her eyes flick over my shoulder just as I spin around.


The male voice slices through me with the precision of a laser, rendering me still.

My knees soften as my hands tremble, and a shiver sweeps my spine. Evelyne’s eyes stay on me, gauging my reaction while I step back and face her husband.


His eyes lock mine, no emotion flashing through his gaze.

“I haven’t seen you in a while,” he says.

I can almost sense Evelyne’s pulse exploding in her fragile neck.

“Where have you been hiding?” he tosses at me as Evelyne’s attention shifts to someone else.

A dark glint glimmers in his eyes as he scans my dress and body.

“You haven’t changed,” he murmurs.

His undertone comes with a wolfish smile and no mystery. I know exactly what he means.

He hasn’t changed, either. Dark-haired and muscular, he has wandering eyes and sinful lips.

“If anything, you’re more beautiful,” he says quietly, running his gaze over me again, and swiftly undressing me with his eyes.

Evelyne turns to us when a familiar scent of cologne rolls to me, and Jaden’s arm loops around my waist. He splays his fingers over my back.

“Where have you been?” he murmurs, planting a kiss on my lips, acting by all means.

We connect eyes, and we stall for a moment, sharing a stare that makes my heart flutter despite the man and the woman gawking at us.

“I’ve been looking for you,” he says while I give him a swift once over, hardly hiding my surprise.

His tuxedo falls smoothly over his hard body, his hair all swept back, revealing his stunning face.

His eyes give away his sexual power, his smile making me all tingly and wet.

Slowly raising an eyebrow, he revels in my surprise.

I watch him run his fingers along my jawline and curl his lips into a warm smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Lance shifting his gaze from Jaden to me and back to Jaden as he tightens his arm around my waist and pulls me into him.

I wrap my arm around Jaden and rest my head against his shoulder.

The brief moment, as fake as it is, spurs butterflies in my stomach.

“How’s the writing business these days?” Lance asks.

His irony is unwarranted.

“It has never been better,” Jaden says, curving his lips into a mischievous smile, and for a moment, I fear his retort.

To my surprise, he reins in his reaction.