Page 69 of Dark Heart

“No kiss, you say.”

“No,” he murmurs.

“What would it take to––”

He glances at the horizon.

“The sun is rising. We need to go back,” he says, cutting me off brashly.

Without another word, he breaks away from me and swims away. I have to follow him, so I head for the shore.



The smellof food fills my nostrils, pulling me out of my sleep.

I open my eyes, blink a few times and glance out the window.

It’s still dark. How long have I slept?

Naked, I roll between the sheets before I suddenly bolt upright, panic surging through my blood.

I realize that it’s evening. As in Saturday evening.

Oh, shit.

The party must be in full swing.


Where is he?

I push off the bed and frantically search the rooms.

A dinner table for two is set on the terrace, a delicious smell wafting through the air.

My stomach growls.

I wish I had time to eat.

I can’t believe he let me sleep the entire day and didn’t wake me.

Maybe I should take a bite. I put food on a plate and rush inside, straight to the closet.

Food and clothes don’t mix well, especially when you’re in a hurry. I do my best not to ruin my evening gown while shoving food into my mouth.

I place my dress and shoes on the bed, stuff my mouth with food one last time, and enter the shower.

Minutes later, I put my makeup on in front of the mirror before carefully painting my lips, highlighting my eyes, brushing my hair, slipping into my dress, and examining my reflection.

The green metallic evening gown clings to my body, setting off my breasts and backside. Satin strips embellished with rhinestone buckles criss-cross my bare back while emerald earrings dangle from my earlobes, almost touching my shoulders.

I put my heels on and strut to the door.

Gingerly, I follow the path of petals to the building hosting the event. The place is packed. There are way more guests than I expected.

They fill the ballroom and the terrace, and some of them are clustered on the beach. Who are all these people?