Page 55 of Dark Heart

“How does it look?” I ask, waiting for his eyes to meet mine in the mirror.

“It looks good,” he says before looking at my rear.

“I mean my dress.”

He glances at me, smirking.

“Your dress looks good too.”

Slowly I turn around, finding myself inches away from him.

He doesn’t move while I draw still, unable to say a word or step away from him.

His body heat rolls over me, and the scent of his cologne and masculinity enter my lungs.

Holding my gaze, he slides his hands into his pockets and silently observes me. His smile fades, his expression gradually shifting.

A hard edge flickers through his gaze while he studies me with fresh eyes. It’s a dense, sexual stare, a reminder of who he is.

It dawns on me I don’t know much about him, and he is not just any man I can toy with.

“We need to go,” I say, my voice shaking.

“Why are you nervous?” he asks.

“Parents... family,” I say, evading his eyes, my nerves becoming even more evident.

“Let’s go,” I say, anxiously sliding my hand over his chest, nudging him to move.

He doesn’t budge.

I flick my gaze up and meet his eyes.

Stripped of warmth and softness, they seem carved in blocks of ice.


Without displaying the slightest emotion, he erases the small gap between us while I pull back, hitting the wall.

My mouth falls open with surprise.

“What are you doing?” I mutter, my pulse pounding fast in my neck.

Silence meets my question, fueling my panic.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Jaden?” I bark, the fear sobering me up.

I try to push him away without success.

Smoothly, he curls his hand around my neck, his lips coming closer to my ear.

“You know exactly what I’m doing,” he says, a shudder going through my bones.

His palms slide onto the wall as he cages me with his frame and his hips, making me sweat.

A gasp falls from my lips as I feel his hard cock against me.

“Is this what you are looking for?” he mutters in my hair, his voice vibrating through my skin.