Page 44 of Dark Heart

“How old are you?” he asks in a gravelly voice.


“I don’t know... Same? Twenty-two?”

“I’m twenty-four. “

He doesn’t say a thing.

“Do I look like I’m twenty-four?” I ask.

He studies me while blowing the smoke to the side.

“No, you don’t. You look younger, but sometimes you feel older,” he says.

“What do you mean I feel older? How does that feel?”

“I can’t describe it... But that’s how it feels.”

I tear my gaze away from him and peer out the window again.

Silence grows between us.

“What happened to you, Senna?” he asks after a while.

I don’t look at him.

I only stare at the beautiful sky.



It’sdark when we board the motor yacht.

The evening is unusually warm for this time of year. The ocean is calm, and the breeze is gentle.

We arrive at the resort late. It’s late enough I don’t have to face or talk to my family tonight.

The staff takes our bags and shows us to our place before leaving us alone.

Torches and candles cast a glow over the footpath leading to the bungalow. The last one in a row of four, the cottage is by far the most private, sitting on the remote end of a strip of beach.

Rose petals draw a path of lovely colors and enticing scent all the way to the stairs and front porch. The hardwood floor creaks as we walk in.

Lit candles wrap the rooms in a soft glow.

A king-size canopy bed, a white couch, and a coffee table paired with espresso-wicker chairs tastefully style the room.

Lounge chairs sit outside close to the ocean.

A table for two is set on the porch while chocolate-covered strawberries, fresh whipped cream, and a chilled bottle of champagne waiting for us in the bedroom.

A tub filled with warm water, rose petals, and bath salts infuse the air with a floral scent.

I glance at Jaden.

He takes in his surroundings, no emotion showing on his face. He’s either that good at keeping them concealed. Or he’s unimpressed.