Page 34 of Dark Heart

“Why were you following me?” he asks, a smirk tugging at his lips, barely reaching his eyes.

“I, um... I wasn’t following you. I was, uh... I was going home.”

“And yet... You’re still here.”

“I needed a drink.”


His lips curved into an amused grin.

“Was it that good? Or, um… That bad?”

Waving him off, I walk toward the door. Two strides put him right in front of me, blocking my exit. His fist slams the door shut.

Pressing his back against the door, he stares at me.

No smile on his face.

His eyes slice through me, and for the first time ever, I feel the grip of fear.

“I want to hear it. Why are you following me?” he asks in a cold, dark voice.

“I have a business proposition for you,” I say, swiftly regaining my composure.

“I’m listening.”

It takes me a moment to push out the words.

“What is your going rate?” I ask.

An incredulous look slides over his face, a faint smile tilting his lips.

“For what? Sucking my cock?”

His words stir a reaction between my legs, his amused grin hinting that my thoughts beam on my face.

“Oh, you didn’t know that?” he asks, noticing my confusion.

“Know what?” I murmur.

“You thought I fucked for money?”

I lift an eyebrow.

“Yeah... It crossed my mind. You don’t?” I ask cleverly.

He lowers his eyes for a moment, a hot smile sprouting on his lips.

“Technically, I don’t. I let other people suck my dick for money.”

“Oh... I see,” I mumble, barely stifling a roll of my eyes. “How is that different?”

His chest vibrates with laughter.

“It’s more like a... niche.”

“Okay. So what’s your going rate?”