Page 134 of Dark Heart

Without a word, I slip in, shut the door, turn on the ignition, and back up. He takes a few steps to the side, away from the car, trying to catch my gaze as he shouts my name again.

His voice gets swallowed by the noise of the engine. I turn left and drive out, heading to the exit.

The gates slide open. His car rolls right behind me.

Deftly, I maneuver between the incoming cars and slip away, leaving him stuck.

I pick up speed.

The night falls––dark and quiet––all around me.

I take a few more turns, opting for a route that snakes through trees and tucked-in houses. Soon, the homes remain behind, and darkness grows along the path.

Lights flicker in the distance.

I roll the window down. Crisp air fills my lungs, bringing me a certain clarity. But with it comes a lot of sadness. Frustration grows in me with every mile I leave behind.

It doesn’t take long before tears clog my throat and well up in my eyes. I run a shaky hand across my cheek, cursing quietly.

The car eats more miles as I grapple with my thoughts.

When has he become indispensable to me?

Stripping me of power. Making me beg for him. Bringing back the girl I used to be. The girl I so much hate.

He doesn't need me. Or her.

Bitter, I chuckle softly, and then I curse again.

The headlights of a car signal in my rearview mirror, approaching quickly.

That must be him.

He flicks his headlights again, closing the gap rapidly. I step on the gas and add some distance between us. It only lasts a few moments. His ride roars behind mine, the beams of light blinding me.

I ease the pressure on the gas.

“Stop the fucking car, Senna!” he thunders through the open window as he pulls next to me, and we drive side by side.

I yank the car onto a secondary road, raising a dust storm behind me. The screech of spinning tires rips through the air as he turns the car around and dashes after me.

“Fucking jerk.”

He chases me for a few good moments before the road begins to narrow, and soon we hit a dead end. A wall of trees rises ahead.

I step on the brakes and jolt the car to a stop. He pulls his ride next to mine. I reach under the back seat and scoop out my gun.

He’s already out, rounding the front of his car, when I jerk the door open and point the gun at him.

“Stay away from me, Jaden!”

My voice splits the air, making him freeze that very instant.

His hands shoot up. He stays quiet for a moment as I slip out of the car, my gun aimed at him.

“Chill, baby...” he says, calm.

“Don’t you fucking ‘baby’ me!” I bark. “I don’t need to calm down as much as I don’t need you. Or you to fuck me.”