Page 55 of Reasonable Doubt

“I’ll ask him, don’t worry.”

“Have fun at the fundraiser.”

Kate held up two tickets to the event. “How about you and A.J. join us?”

“You want to double-team Mitchell? Sounds like a good idea to me.” She reached out and took the tickets. “I really like seeing A.J. in his whites. Count me in.”

Kate sat in her seat for a few more minutes. Then she got up and headed down the hall. Climbing the stairs, she went up into the police station to the psychologist’s office.

“Come in.”

Kate pushed the door open. “Hi, Dr. Thompson. Do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure, Kate. What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to ask you about kleptomania.”

“What about it?”

“Would it be likely that a kleptomaniac caught in the act would kill?”

“Hmm. I would say probably not. Kleptomaniacs don’t really have remorse—guilt or shame. They’re compelled to steal. Not the answer you wanted?”

“No, not really.”

“There’s another disorder that’s described in the DSM IV that might, though.”

“What is that?”

“Addictive/compulsive theft.”

“What is the difference?”

“Kleptomaniacs don’t steal out of anger or vengeance. They steal because of impulses they can’t control. An addictive/compulsive thief does feel shame and guilt after the act,” Dr. Thompson explained.

“An individual with this kind of disorder could possibly kill?”

“Possibly. An addictive/compulsive thief usually steals out of anger. There’s usually a lot of tension before the act and a great deal of relief afterward. If he’s denied that relief, he might lash out in anger toward the person who interfered.”

“Would this type of individual keep the stolen items?”

“Yes, just like a kleptomaniac, an addictive/compulsive thief would keep the items. He may even use some of them.”

“Thanks, Dr. Thompson.”

“Glad I could be of help.”

* * *

“Mr. St. James. The DA wishes to see you in his office.”

The intercom interrupted his thoughts. They weren’t on his next court session or the miles of paperwork on his desk. He wasn’t thinking about briefs or depositions or grand jury indictments.

He was thinking about her.

Every supple, beautiful inch of her.

Uncharacteristic, the rational part of his brain admonished.You should be working.