Page 5 of Reasonable Doubt

He leaned against the door and folded his arms. “Have a seat.”

Kate ignored the words and set her purse down onto one of the chairs. His scrutiny made her nervous. Was he trying to figure out why she’d changed her appearance, or had he even noticed?

She walked around the room, looking at his plaques and framed certificates hanging on the gray walls. Besides his diplomas, there were other honors that lauded his service and documented his membership in professional organizations. She noted the stark absence of photos of loved ones, no pictures of vacations, no sports trophies, no plants. His office gave her no idea of the inner workings of Jericho, the man. He pushed off the door and walked to his desk, sitting casually on the edge, his intense gaze following her every move. Still, she knew all she wanted to know about him. She wanted him in her bed. She wanted to wrap herself around him, to kiss the provocative curve of his mouth. It irked her that she’d planned every aspect of her grand entrance, and he hadn’t had one reaction to her new look.

“What did you want to talk to me about?”

“Your testimony was flawless.”

Kate turned toward him and narrowed her eyes. “Is that why you brought me here?”

“No. I wanted to let you know that your testimony won my case. But it could have gone differently if you hadn’t arrived on time. I would have had to explain it to the judge, and the jury would have wondered if I was stalling. I have to be able to depend on you, Kate.”

“I’m sorry. I almost missed the bus.” Kate sat in one of the chairs while Jericho went behind his desk.

Jericho’s lips curved, but the smile wasn’t reflected in his eyes. “The bus?”

“I couldn’t get a cab,” she replied coolly.

Jericho shrugged out of his suit coat. “Don’t you have a car?”

Kate felt her breath go shallow while she measured the broad span of shoulders beneath his starched white shirt. Her eyes flicked downward. His waist was compact, his hips lean. The body, she decided, was as impressive as the face.

“Yes, I have a car.”

“Am I missing something here?”

“My car wouldn’t start this morning and I had to run for the bus.”

“That must have been some sight.”

For the first time since she’d met Jericho St. James, she saw him look uncomfortable. “I shouldn’t have made that comment.”

“No. Tell me. I want to know what you mean.”

He was looking at her, trapping her in his intensity, his eyes so hot and hungry. “You have great legs, Kate,” he said. “That dress…”

Because she had never seen Jericho like this, she stared at him, openmouthed, extremely aware of the way her nipples rasped against the fabric of her bra, the slide of the knit against her skin as breath heaved in her lungs. Her face was hot, her lips felt sensitive. Small tremors racked her body. The look in his eyes pulled at something deep inside her; a verdant, hidden place that budded and bloomed under his gaze, aching with nameless longing.

The door banged open and the DA bustled in. “Jericho…” he trailed off. “Sorry. Didn’t know you had someone in your office. How are you, Kate?”

DA Matt Roth sat in the other chair and Kate abruptly stood, unable to even process the DA’s question regarding her health. Right now, she needed to get out before she punched Jericho.

“There’s no need for you to leave,” the DA said good-naturedly. “I’ll only be a moment.”

“That’s okay, sir. We were finished.”

“Not quite, Kate,” Jericho said, shades of meaning coloring his words.

“We’re not?”

“Next time you need to testify for me, do me a favor and be on time.”

She nodded and backed out of the room, closing the door behind her.

She waited until she was a good distance away from his office before she swore vehemently under her breath. Heat infused her, and it had nothing to do with Jericho’s sexy mouth or husky voice. It was a hot, blue-flame-special, steam-from-the-ears anger. Howdarehe pretend all this time to be unmoved by her?How dare he?

She burst out of the courthouse into the street, scanning the sidewalk for cabs as she marched to the curb. She faintly heard the DA call her name as he hurried up to her.