Oh God, he looked pale and thin. Wasn't he eating right?

He gazed around the room. "Where's yer solicitor?"

"I asked him to leave for a moment." For the whole night, actually.

Angus stepped toward her. "Ye're looking well."

"Thank you." He didn't seem very angry. "I thought we should talk."

He frowned. "I doona think that is wise without our solicitors present."

"I really don't want to involve them."

Angus snorted. "Then ye shouldna have sued me. Do ye hate me so much?"

She folded her arms across her chest. "Why didn't you tell me about your harem? You told me all kinds of stories about your past, but you conveniently left them out."

"There was nothing to tell. I inherited them like ye would an automobile."

"And you never took them for a test drive?"

"Nay, I did no'."

Emma's mouth fell open. "You didn't? Not even... around the block?"

"Nay." He glowered at her. "I wasna interested in them. I wanted the job of British coven master. 'Tis an honor, and I was proud to be the first Scotsman to hold the position."

"Oh. Congratulations."

He grunted a response.

"And they never tried to seduce you? Are those women crazy?"

"Enough with the harem," he growled. "They're gone."

"I know, but surely they were... attracted to you."

He arched a brow. "Ye think I'm a fine catch?"

"Of course."

His mouth twitched. "They thought I was a barbarian."

"What silly women." Emma stepped toward him.

"Aye." He gave her a wary look. "I suppose ye want to rant at me now."

"A little. I suffered through the most traumatic event of my life, and you didn't stay with me. You left me in a stranger's house, and you wouldn't answer any of my calls."

He grimaced. "I know ye hate me. I know what I did was unforgivable." He squared his shoulders. "So I'm willing to give ye forty-nine percent of MacKay Security and Investigation."

Her mouth fell open. "Forty-nine percent?"

He gritted his teeth. "I know ye want fifty-one, but that's no' reasonable. That's revenge."

"I don't want revenge. I don't want you to suffer at all."

He gave her an incredulous look. "Then why are ye doing this?"

Idiot! She wanted to strangle him. "Did you give me any choice, Angus? I tried and tried to talk to you, but this was the only way I could get your attention!"

"Fine, ye have my undivided attention. Feel free to rail at me for destroying yer life and causing ye so much pain and misery."

"The only pain you caused me was your neglect."

He snorted. "I overfed on you and left ye too weak to defend yerself. And then, when ye were injured and dying because of me, I killed you."

Her breath hitched. Now she understood. He'd left not because he was rejecting her, but because he was overwhelmed with guilt and shame. And that could only mean that he still loved her. There was still hope.

She took a deep breath. All the things she had planned to say flew from her mind. "I... missed you."

"I missed ye, too." He watched her warily. "Why did ye no' go to Roman to be changed back?"

She wandered down the table to the window. "I decided I liked being... undead. I can kick major ass now." And I could be with you.

"Ye would give up being mortal to become a creature ye hate?"

"I don't hate all vampires." She gazed out the window at the lights of the city. "And all the people I love are already dead." Including you.

"Then why are ye suing me?"

She turned to face him. "I never wanted to sue you. This was all just a ploy to force you to talk to me."

His mouth dropped open. "Then... ye want nothing from me?"

She walked down the length of the table, skimming her hand along the tops of the chairs. "Actually, I do want a few things."

"I'll give ye whatever I can."

"I want the harem completely out of your life."

He shrugged. "They were never in it. Ye shouldna let them concern you."

"Well, they do." She reached the end of the table. "You see, I want you legally free in case you decide to marry." She slanted him a nervous glance. "That was what you call a strong hint."

His mouth dropped open.

She winced. "Okay. Not a very well-received hint."

"I - I thought ye hated me."

"No, Angus. I want you. I love you. Even when I was throwing up, I loved you." She winced inwardly. That was not the romantic confession she had practiced the night before. Fortunately, he appeared too dumbfounded to notice.

She stepped toward him. "I'm glad you're the one who changed me. Do you know why?"

He shook his head.

Her eyes welled with tears. "Because you had already changed me on the inside. You taught me the true meaning of love. Love doesn't please itself by seeking revenge. Love sacrifices itself for the good of others." A tear rolled down her cheek as she drew closer. "That's what you did, Angus. You gave up all hope for peace and happiness in order to save me."

His eyes glimmered with moisture. "I love you, Emma. I feared ye could never forgive me."

"Forgive what?" Another tear slipped down her cheek. "You did me no wrong."

"I fed from you to save myself. And it left ye too weak to defend yerself."

"I gave myself willingly. I couldn't bear the thought of living without you."

"Oh, Emma." He wiped a tear from her face and looked at the pink stain on his finger. "Look what I've done to you."

"I know." She grabbed his hand and kissed it. "Look at me. I'm stronger and wiser because of you. I used to live for revenge and hate, but now I want to live for love."

His breath caught as a tear tumbled down his face. "I should have listened to Roman. He was right."

"What did he say?"

Angus cradled her face in his hands. "He said all things are possible with love." He kissed her brow. "I'm still having trouble forgiving myself."

"Don't worry." She skimmed her hand down his kilt. "I think I can help you feel much better."

He smiled. "In that case... " He lowered himself onto one knee. "I should ask ye to marry me."

She fell to her knees in front of him. "Yes, you should."

"Then ye agree?"

"Yes." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "And we have to live happily ever after. That's part of the contract."

His smile widened. "I just happen to have a solicitor nearby. We could have it put into writing."

"Your word is good enough for me." Emma glanced to the side. "Right now, I can think of a better use for that conference table."

Angus's eyebrows rose. "Och, ye're a clever lass." He scrambled to his feet. "I'll lock the door."

Emma wandered to the window and smiled at the city lights and starry sky. The night was her life now. And she had an eternity of nights to spend with the man she loved. She closed the blinds as she felt his arms circle her waist.

He nuzzled her neck. "I love ye, Emma Wallace."

She leaned back against his sturdy chest. "Forever and a night."


Three months later...

"Thank you for coming." Shanna gave Emma a hug.

"No problem." Emma smiled. "You know we would do anything for our godson." She and Angus had been thrilled when they were asked to be godparents. It was the closest they could ever come to being real parents.

Angus stood by the crib in the nursery at Romatech, studying the sleeping child. "He's verra special."

"Of course he is." Shanna's glowing smile faded a bit. "I just hope my dad agrees."

"I'm sure he will." Emma tried to be encouraging, but she had her doubts. Sean Whelan was supposed to arrive any minute now to meet his grandson for the first time.

Shanna had made the arrangements a week ago and was so nervous that Emma had agreed to come for moral support. She knew how volatile Sean could be. He'd cursed and ranted when she'd turned in her resignation. He'd demanded to know why. She'd told him that she was homesick and moving back to Scotland. As furious as he was, she hadn't dared tell him she was marrying the coven master of British vampires. Or that she had become a vampire herself.