She smiled. "Careful, big guy. We don't have any dry cleaners nearby."

Chapter 21

When Emma awoke, it was daytime. She lay on the cot for a moment, wondering how she'd gotten there. Her last memory was her lying on the floor, her head in Angus's lap while he stroked her hair and entertained her with tales from his past. He'd talked into the wee hours of the morning, and she must have fallen asleep. He'd straightened the cot and put her to bed.

She sat up and stretched. Sunlight was pouring through the little window in the eastern wall. It left a rectangular block of light on the western wall. She jumped to her feet, suddenly worried there was too much sun in the room. She spotted Angus, lying on the stone floor beneath the table.

"Angus." She ran to him and crouched beneath the table. His face was lifeless, his body still. She touched his cheek and was surprised by how warm it felt. Too much sun? Those damned vampires should have given him a coffin. But of course, they didn't care if he burned. Katya wanted him to suffer.

She hurried to the primitive bathroom. The cameras sat facedown in the chamber pot, and the urine was reddish, tinted with blood. Was that from Angus? She grimaced. This was more than she wanted to know about the vampire world. The wooden tub also had water in it. He must have cleaned up before his death-sleep.

By the time she used the pot, it was almost full. Hopefully, someone would come to empty it. And that would give her a good opportunity for escape.

She moved the screen to the table, curling it around the table to protect Angus from the sun. She retrieved the pillow from the cot and placed it under his head - not that he could feel the difference, but it looked more comfy.

She began reaching out telepathically. Austin, can you hear me? This is Emma. We need your help.

She repeated the message over and over as she methodically examined each wall, testing each silver strand for strength. Every now and then, she found one she could break loose, but never a group together. She doubted Angus could teleport through a six-inch square.

She estimated it was about noon when she heard the bolt scrape. She grabbed a chair and flattened herself against the wall next to the door.

It slowly creaked open. She waited for someone to enter, so she could clobber him. A tray of food was pushed into the room. It scraped along the floor, pushed by a garden hoe. The door started to close.

"Wait!" Emma dropped the chair and jumped in front of the door. "I need to talk to you. The chamber pot needs emptying."

A woman stood at the bottom of the stone steps, holding the garden hoe. The man next to her pointed a hunting rifle at Emma.

She raised her hands. "We'll pay you if you let us go." She motioned toward Angus with her head. "He's a very rich man."

The man and woman gazed at her blankly. Emma translated into Russian, but they didn't seem to understand. She noticed the puncture wounds on their necks. The Malcontents had them on a tight leash. She tried a psychic assault, hoping to break the vampires' control.

The man and woman gasped, then quickly shut the door.

"Wait!" Emma yelled. She heard their footsteps running up the stairs. "What about the chamber pot?

"Shit." She grabbed the tray and settled on the cot. Cold ham and fried potatoes. A jug of water.

Her gaze wandered to the table. She could see Angus's long legs jutting out past the screen. How hungry would he be when he woke up?

She redoubled her efforts to contact Austin. And she kept trying to find a weak spot in the walls. After a few hours, she grew sleepy, so she used the bucket of cold water to take a quick shower. It woke her up, and she kept working.

It was late afternoon when she heard a response.

Emma, I hear you!

Austin. She ran to the window as if expecting to see him peer inside. Where are you?

Budapest, Hungary. I heard you and Angus were captured. Any idea where you are?

We think in the Ukraine. Emma sighed. But we're not sure.

Can you describe the place?

She recited all the information Angus had told her. Countryside, forested hills, old stone house, rotting wooden barn. There was a pause. Austin?

I'm here. Darcy and I will start driving east toward the Ukraine border. Keep in touch. I'll be able to tell if we're getting closer.

An hour later, Austin was sure they were getting closer.

The bolt scraped, and the door swung open. Two men with hunting rifles marched in. Emma held up her hands. The woman she'd seen before came in with a bucket of water. She took it to the bathroom area and picked up the chamber pot.

"Thank God," Emma muttered. She couldn't tell if the woman noticed the cameras inside. Her face remained blank.

Emma tried her Russian on the two men. "The vampires are controlling you."

They stared at her, expressionless.

"Katya is evil!" Emma announced.

One of the guards smiled, his eyes glassy. "Katya."

"Galina," the other one whispered, smiling.

"Slave dogs," Emma muttered, eyeing the punctures on their necks.

A teenage girl came in with a tray of food that she deposited on the cot. Emma frowned at the wounds on her neck. Those damned vampires should leave the children alone. The woman returned with a fresh chamber pot. Then she and the girl hauled the tub of water toward the door.

"How would you all like a free vacation to the resort of your choice? I'm talking first-class hotels with real bathrooms. You know, indoor plumbing? Towels?" Emma was met with blank looks.

The females carried the tub up the stairs, then returned with it empty. They set it back in the bathroom.

"Do you realize those vampires are making you do all the work?" Emma asked. She glared at the men. "And you just stand there and let the ladies do the work?"

The teenage girl retrieved Emma's lunch tray, and they all filed from the room. They shut the door and shot the bolt.

"Nice talking to you!" Emma shouted. With a sigh, she sat on the cot and ate her dinner.

The room grew darker.

Hurry, Austin! The sun is setting.

That's good, he answered. I can contact our Vamp buddies, and we'll have more people searching for you.

Angus told me not to talk to you after sunset. Our captors will hear me.

I understand. We're almost to the border. You sound much closer. We'll see you soon.

"I hope so," Emma whispered as the last of the sunlight disappeared. The lone lightbulb on the ceiling shone.

A sudden movement caught her attention. Angus's legs had twitched. She heard a deep breath from behind the screen.

She swallowed hard. Her vampire roommate was awake.

With his first breath, a powerful hunger seized Angus. He was always hungry upon first awakening, but this was worse than usual. He was used to having at least three bottles of synthetic blood during the course of each night. Last night, the contents of his flask and the small amount he'd taken from Emma added up to half his usual intake. He could have taken more from Emma, he'd been sorely tempted to, but he'd wanted her alert and strong during the day so she could try to escape.

She was still here; he could smell her. Her blood rushed through her veins, calling to him, offering him the gift of life. His senses remembered the sweet taste of her. Pain speared his gums when his fangs strained to release. Raw need slammed into his gut, and his brain screamed to take her. His body shook. With a moan, he rolled into a fetal position. No, no! He would not become a raging monster.

"Angus, are you all right?"

"Stay back." Luckily the screen she'd placed around the table kept him hidden. He didn't want her to see him so weak. And he didn't want to see her. One look at her and...

He cried out when his fangs shot forth. The devil take it. He was losing this battle. His stomach seized with a cramp. He had to bite. Something. Anything. He pushed up the sleeve of his knit jumper and sank his fangs into his arm. There was a jolt of pain, then instant relief. He drew blood into his mouth, and the hunger eased a little. Just enough for him to see and think clearly again.

He could see through the gap between the floor and the bottom edge of the screen. He could see Emma's feet as she paced about the room. Her scent wafted toward him, sweet and fresh. He pulled more blood from his arm. Cannibalizing himself would buy him some time, but it would also make him weak. He could survive tonight, but tomorrow? His primal instincts would take over, and he'd be as vicious as any Malcontent. He would tear into Emma with the ferocity of a monster. His hunger would be so great, he would most likely kill her.