But why couldn't he be human like her? He trailed kisses across her cheek. His husky groan tickled her ear before he nibbled more kisses down her neck. His hand covered her breast and gently squeezed. She gasped in response. Wasn't this human enough? Maybe he was technically dead during the day, but oh, imagine the nights she could have with this man.

But you know it can't last. Dammit, was she going to argue with herself all night? Why couldn't she just enjoy this? She no longer feared he was going to bite her, so what was the problem? You're afraid you're falling in love.

No, she could never allow herself to love him. But she couldn't stop her body from responding. The minute he circled her nipple with his thumb, it hardened.

"Oh, the hell with it," she muttered.

"Hmm?" He pulled back to look at her.

His eyes were glowing hotly. Instead of frightening her, they excited her.

She skimmed her hands around the back of his neck and threaded her fingers into his long, soft hair. "Kiss me."

This time, there was no inner argument. She held him close and kissed him with a hunger that matched his own. Their mouths opened. His tongue invaded. She welcomed it, suckling his tongue and stroking it with her own.

He pulled her close so their chests were pressed against each other. His hands slipped under her shirt and up her back. The touch of his fingers against her bare skin was whisper-soft, yet shocked her with its raw power. She explored his mouth and tasted a metallic flavor. Blood.

She drew back. She swallowed and tasted once again the blood from his last meal. Shouldn't she be horrified?

He gave her a quizzical look while his hands examined the back of her bra. "Where are the bloody hooks? Ye puir lass, were ye born into this contraption?"

A small laugh escaped her, and with it, her heart cracked open and all her yearning broke free. This man wasn't horrifying, he was beautiful. Tears sprang to her eyes.

"It opens in the front." She pressed a hand to her chest. "Here. Over my heart."

He studied her face. The red heat in his eyes faded to a warm glow that glimmered around his green irises.

Christmas eyes. If only she could believe in miracles, that there could be a future between them. "This can never work."

He took her hand that guarded her heart and kissed each finger. "I've been told that all things are possible with love."

Was he saying he loved her? Or was he merely seducing her? A tear rolled down her cheek. God help her, the way she felt, seduction was very possible.

"Shh." He wiped her tear with his thumb, then kissed her damp cheek. "I will never harm you. Ye have the official Angus oath."

Smiling, she traced his strong jaw with her fingertips. "We don't know what that is."

He unbuttoned her shirt down the front. "We'll figure it out as we go."

"And what is the punishment for breaking the official Angus oath?"

With a groan, he slid her off his lap and onto the couch. "Having ye sit on my erection was punishment enough."

He pushed her back onto a soft chenille pillow and stretched out beside her. "I can hear yer heart pounding, yer blood rushing." He pressed the palm of her hand against the thin cotton covering his chest. "Can ye feel my heart racing?"

"Yes." She could, though her thoughts were dwelling more on the erection he'd just mentioned. Oh, Angus, where's the beef?

He opened her shirt, then unhooked her bra and peeled each side back. Her ni**les hardened while his gaze turned glowing hot once more. "Pink," he whispered, and touched a hardened tip with his finger.

She gasped as a small shudder tingled from her br**sts down to her belly.

"Blue," he whispered, and traced the veins under her pale skin. He scooted down the couch a bit so his mouth was even with her br**sts.

She bemoaned the fact that his erection was now out of her reach, but quickly forgot that problem when his tongue circled her nipple. With a moan, she arched toward him.

"Delicious," he whispered, and drew her nipple into his mouth.

"Oh." She wove her fingers into his hair.

He suckled one breast while his hand teased the other, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She tugged at the strip of leather that held back his hair till it unraveled. His long, auburn hair fell forward, tickling her br**sts as he made love to her.

His hand glided down her belly, setting her nerves to quivering. He stopped with his hand resting on the zipper of her black trousers.

He glanced at her, his hair wild and his eyes red. "May I give ye pleasure?"

Still a gentleman. Emma smiled. But his voice sounded gruff and his appearance was that of an untamed barbarian. She grabbed handfuls of his hair and pulled his head close to hers. "Make me scream."

His eyes gleamed hotter. "Ye will. Many times ere the night is over."

She almost came then. She squeezed her thighs together, relishing the sweet ache that thrummed deep within her. With a moan, she closed her eyes.

"Sweetheart, doona start without me." In a flash, he had her pants unzipped and pulled down to her ankles.

She kicked off her shoes and her trousers. He skimmed his fingers up her legs.

"I can smell yer scent," he whispered as he drew little circles on the inside of her thigh. "It tugs at my heart like the sweetest of perfumes." He leaned over to kiss her thigh.

Emma's skin tingled. Her heart raced. Moisture pooled between her legs.

He skimmed his hand beneath her red lace panties and gently explored the curls. "Yer first scream will come by my hand. The second one from my mouth."

She gulped.

He dipped a finger between the folds.

She gasped and shuddered.

"Ye're as wet and fresh as the morning dew." He smiled. "So ready for pleasure. I could phone this one in."

"Don't you dare." She raised her hips to press herself against him.

"Patience, sweetheart." He rolled her panties down her legs.

"Patience? Some of us don't have an eternity." She kicked her panties off and watched the red scrap of lace fly across the room.

"I'm still limited. When the sun... " He paused, tilting his head as he studied her.

"Something... wrong?"

He touched the bare, delicate skin next to her narrow strip of curls. "I have never seen this... style before."

"Oh. It's a bikini wax." Was she his first modern woman? She liked that thought. And she liked the idea of showing him how a modern woman approached sex. She raised one leg to rest her calf along the top of the sofa cushion. Then she lifted her other leg over his head and let it rest on his shoulder.

His eyes widened at the sight she'd put on display. His jaw tensed. Suddenly he shifted his gaze to the ceiling.

Had she offended him by her boldness? "Do you think I'm too - "

"Too beautiful." He squeezed his eyes shut. "I doona want to lose control."

"Oh." That sounded like a challenge. How she would love to drive him over the edge. Or maybe not. What did a vampire do if he lost control?

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. The red color had mellowed to a warm glow. He kissed her leg hooked around his shoulder. "A man could spend a lifetime learning every shape and curve of yer body and count his life blessed."

She sighed. If he kept that up, she'd climax without him even touching her.

He skimmed his hand down her thigh toward her center. She watched his hand approach closer and closer. It was no surprise, yet still, she jolted when he finally touched her.

"Yer folds are slick and swollen. Engorged with blood."

She shuddered as his fingertips outlined each fold. He circled her clitoris, then tweaked it with his thumb and forefinger. She cried out.

"Even this" - he played with the nubbin - "it has swollen with blood and turned red like the most beautiful of blushes."

Tension spiked, and she writhed under his hand. "Angus."

"I need to kiss you." He lowered her leg from his shoulder and stretched out beside her on the couch.

"Yes." She wrapped her arms around his neck. He kissed her thoroughly, then invaded her mouth at the same time he inserted a finger inside her. With a groan, her back arched.

He stroked the roof of her mouth with his tongue in rhythm to the stroking of his finger. Tension coiled inside her. He broke the kiss when her breathing grew too labored and turned his attention to her br**sts.