"You know what, guys?" Gregori set his drink on the table. "This is a marketing problem."

Angus scoffed. "I'm no' selling anything."

"But you are," Gregori insisted. "You're trying to sell the idea that good Vamps really do exist. The problem is, we don't have a product name to differentiate ourselves from the bad vampires."

"But we are vampires," Angus countered. "And I doona claim to be good."

"But you have a good heart," Father Andrew said. "There is a world of difference between you and a Malcontent."

"I think Gregori's on to something." Shanna sipped her ice water. "The Malcontents have a name, the True Ones. Why don't you guys have a name, too?"

"Hmm." Gregori lounged back against the sofa cushions. "A name." He contemplated the ceiling with narrowed eyes. "How about Nonbiters? Bottle Guzzlers? Friendly Fangsters? Ouch! That was my foot." He glared at Connor.

"I know." Connor glared back. "Ye made the mistake of calling me friendly."

While everyone laughed, Roman stood and motioned to Angus to join him. Angus rose and strode to the door.

"I've got it!" Shanna announced. "Fang-free and proud to be me!"

Roman chuckled as he motioned to the room across the foyer. Angus sauntered into the library, a room with bookshelves on three sides of the room and a large curtained window on the wall adjoining the street.

Roman shut the double doors, then took a seat in one of the leather wingback chairs by the window. Angus strolled about the room. He could feel his friend waiting but hardly knew how to begin. He'd always been better with a sword than with words. In fact, his words tended to cut just as sharply. He wandered along the bookshelves, looking at books without really seeing them.

Finally he stopped. "I... I had a mortal wife and children."

"I remember that," Roman said quietly.

"My wife... rejected me and remarried, since to her way of thinking, I was already dead."

"That must have hurt."

"It did." Angus paced about the room. "But in time, I realized she was right. A marriage between a mortal and a vampire canna work."

Roman remained silent.

"Even after my wife's betrayal, it pained me to see her grow old and die. And seeing my children die was more than any man should bear."

Roman's mouth thinned. "You feel compelled to tell me this now? When my son is about to be born?"

"I doona wish ye any ill will, Roman. Ye're like a brother to me. I just doona want ye to endure the pain that I did."

Roman sighed. "I knew when I married Shanna that I could lose her. But Angus, she has brought me great joy. Should I turn my back on all that happiness for fear of what could happen down the road?"

"Ye're a braver man than I." Angus continued to pace. "Shanna is a loving soul, understanding of our condition. Yet still, she doesna want to become one of us."

"I'm glad she chose to remain mortal. We couldn't be having a child now, if she were undead. And once the baby is born, she can be there for him during the day. As much as I would love to have Shanna with me for all eternity, I must put the needs of my child first."

Angus frowned. "I heard about our DNA mutation, that we're no longer quite human."

"And you're concerned about the baby? We all are, but there's nothing to be done now. It's in God's hands."

A half-vampire baby? Angus resumed his pacing. "Shanna is no' upset over this?"

Roman smiled. "She's the least upset of any of us. She's very happy and excited."

"Ye're a fortunate man. No' many women would be as understanding as she." Angus raised a hand to look at a book, then spotted the red welts on his wrist. The injury would heal during his daily death-sleep, but the worry in his heart would remain. "Most women wouldna be able to love a vampire."

There was a long pause when he could feel Roman watching him. Bugger. He'd probably said too much.

Roman cleared his throat. "You're convinced a relationship between a mortal and a vampire cannot work?"

Angus nodded, avoiding Roman's eyes.

"Why do I get the feeling you're not referring to Shanna and me?"

The devil take it. Angus turned his back to Roman and pretended to be studying book titles. Footsteps approached.

Roman leaned a shoulder against the bookshelf. "The slayer?"

Angus took a deep breath and nodded. "The relationship is a wee... volatile."

Roman smiled. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

"I dinna expect to feel this way." Angus paced away. "What is wrong with me that I keep falling for the enemy?"

Roman folded his arms across his chest. "If you're referring to Katya, she purposely seduced you."

"Nay, I pursued her."

"She let you think that, Angus. You wanted to reform her, but all along, she's was trying to change you, trying to make you one of her evil cohorts."

"I failed her."

"No. She never intended to change, Angus. She used you."

Was that true? Angus resumed his pacing about the room. If Roman was right, then he'd been a fool to ever involve himself with Katya. And now was he being a fool again? "The devil take it. I keep repeating the same mistake, falling for the woman most likely to destroy me."

"Not necessarily. Katya has an evil heart. I don't know the slayer, but I doubt she's evil."

"Nay, Emma's brave and good. She's been risking her life to protect the innocent."

"How does she feel about you?"

Angus swallowed hard. "She hates vampires with a passion, but she - I think she could like me."

"I'm sure she can if she spends more time with you."

"I kissed her."

Roman's eyes widened. "She didn't object?"

"That's what has me confused." Angus strode to the window and sat. "She kissed me back like she was enjoying it, but now she wants to stay away from me and act like it dinna happen."

Roman frowned. "She's conflicted."

"So am I." Angus rested his head in his hands. "I should leave her alone. But I don't dare leave her unprotected. If the Malcontents catch her, they'll kill her for certain. I swear that would kill me."

"Then you must continue to protect her," Roman concluded.

Angus nodded. "I will protect her. But I'll keep my distance. No more kissing. I willna risk a situation that could break my heart. Or break hers."

Roman frowned. "Very well."

"Ye doona approve?"

Roman shrugged. "It's not my decision. I just hope you're not throwing away something wonderful."

Angus shook his head. "Even if she could care for me, how could it possibly work?"

"Some things you have to risk on faith." Roman gave him a pointed look. "Believe me, old friend, some things are worth the risk."

In her office in Brooklyn, Katya read the lengthy e-mail from Galina one more time. Galina had teleported to Paris on Saturday night, then to the Ukraine on Sunday. She'd traveled with two vampire lovers, Burien and Miroslav, and the three of them had taken control of the minds of the nearby villagers they were feeding on. The village men were put to work, repairing Galina's manor house and preparing the prison cell for the vampire slayers and Angus MacKay.

Katya clenched her fists. It was about time Angus MacKay had been made to suffer.

A knock sounded on the door. Alek strode inside, carrying a brown bag. "Phineas came through for us." He set the bag on Katya's desk. "He found the drugs you needed."

Katya peeked inside the bag. Excellent. She'd be able to make two dozen new doses of nightshade. "Thank you, Alek. How is the hunt for the slayers coming?"

Alek winced. "There was no sign of them tonight. I don't know how we can catch them if they've stopped hunting for us."

"Then make them start hunting again. Make them so angry, they have to come after you."

Alek gave her a blank look.

"It's simple, my dear." Katya patted his cheek. "All you have to do is kill some mortals."

Chapter 10

Emma dragged herself to work Monday evening. After her date with Angus, she'd been unable to sleep well. Each time she dozed off, her mind and body betrayed her and replayed that glorious kiss. Then she'd wake up and refuse to think about it.