"Okay," Sean agreed readily since he didn't have any. "You go first."

Connor gave him a suspicious look, then crossed his arms. "They were taken to Paris. We notified the coven there, and they found the place where Angus and Emma were held prisoner. There were signs of a great struggle. Several dead bodies, both vampire and mortal. A Russian named Uri was captured. He'll be interrogated as soon as he can speak."

"And Emma?"

"Her tote bag was found. So was Angus's sporran and knife. We believe they were teleported some place, perhaps in Russia since Katya comes from there. We're searching for them now." Connor tilted his head. "What information do ye have?"

Sean smiled. "None. But thanks for sharing."

"Pompous arse," Connor muttered. "Have ye no' been conducting a surveillance of the Russian coven? Surely ye heard something. Katya must have been planning this for days."

"Our bugs were discovered a few days ago and destroyed by some nasty guy from Poland. He told Katya that Casimir was angry with her for killing Ivan Petrovsky. He demanded she catch the slayer by Saturday." Sean blinked. "Shit. He meant Emma."

"Ye knew more than ye realized, Whelan. Ye need to plant yer bugs again. Someone in the Russian coven may know where Katya is hiding."

"We can't get in. There are too many mafia thugs watching the place during the day."

Connor tilted his head, thinking. "I know a way in. If we help ye plant the bugs, will ye share any information ye learn?"

Sean hesitated. The idea of allying himself with vampires was sickening.

Connor glowered at him. "We are the best equipped to find Miss Wallace. Would ye sacrifice her because of yer hatred?"

The vampire was right, but it still left a sour taste in Sean's mouth. "We'll cooperate. Just this once."

"Wait here." Connor went into the house, then returned with a piece of paper. "This is my number. As soon as ye have yer surveillance van in position, call me."

Forty minutes later, Sean and Garrett were in their white van, parked down the street from the Russian vampires' house in Brooklyn. Sean made the call.

"Keep talking," Connor ordered.

"What? Hello? Are you there?" Sean glanced at Garrett. "He doesn't answer."

Two figures appeared in the van.

"Shit!" Garrett jumped back and fell off his chair.

Connor let go of the one who had traveled with him. He was a young black man in torn jeans and a gray, hooded sweatshirt.

"This is Phineas McKinney," Connor said. "He knows what to do. Right, Phineas?"

"Right." Phineas rubbed his palms nervously on his jeans. "I hope I can help find Miss Wallace and Angus. I feel really bad about goofing up."

"Goofing up?" Sean asked.

"A long story. Do ye have the bugs?" Connor asked.

"Yes." Sean handed them to Phineas and gave him some last-minute directions.

"I got it." Phineas stuffed the bugs in his sweatshirt pocket and glanced at Connor. "I won't let you down, man."

Connor smiled slightly. "I know, lad. Ye'll do fine."

Phineas exited the back of the van and strolled toward the Russians' house. He opened the front door and sauntered inside.

"Jesus Louise," Garrett muttered. "How can he just walk in like that?"

"They transformed him about a week ago," Connor explained. "They think he lives there."

"But he works for you, now?" Sean asked.

"Aye. He's a good lad. He couldna take to their evil ways."

Sean snorted. "You think the Russians are the only evil ones around here?"

Connor glared at him. "In the mortal world, there are good and evil people. Why should it be any different in the vampire world?"

Because you're all evil. Sean swallowed the words. Though for the sake of his daughter, he hoped her husband wasn't abusing her. And it was odd the way Connor and Phineas seemed to care about Angus MacKay's safety. Was there friendship and loyalty in the vampire world?

The van remained quiet while they waited. A few minutes later, the first surveillance screen flickered, then came on.

"We're live," Garrett announced. "Looks like Katya's office."

The second and third screen came on with different views of her office.

"Testing, testing," Phineas murmured, his face in a camera. He suddenly turned toward the office door. "Oh, Stan the man. Hey, bro. What's up?"

A male entered the sites of cameras two and three. "What are you doing here? Where have you been?" he asked with a Russian accent.

Phineas shrugged. "I needed a sabbatical, man. A little rest and relaxation with my old ladies. You know how it is." He adjusted his jeans. "A man has needs that cannot be denied."

The Russian snorted. "You should have brought them here."

"Oh yeah, you're right. Next time I will. I know this sweet little blonde named Tina. Man, is she hot!"

The Russian wandered toward the desk. "What are you doing in Katya's office?"

"I thought since I was gone a few days, I should tell the queen bitch that I'm back, but she's not here. Hell, nobody seems to be here. Where did everybody go?"

The Russian crossed his arms, frowning. "They left the country, but they didn't invite me."

"Well, that sucks." Phineas looked indignant. "They didn't invite me, either."

The Russian sighed. "I think they all went to Galina's place. She left early to prepare it for their visit."

"Who's Galina? Is she hot?"

The Russian smiled. "Very hot. You don't know her? She's the most beautiful - oh, right. She left before you came here."

"Damn. I hope she comes back."

The Russian nodded. "I do, too. I asked if I could go with her, but she took Burien and Miroslav."

"Those two morons? She's got lousy taste. Where do you think she went?"

The Russian shrugged. "Probably to the Ukraine."

Phineas laughed. "Never heard of it. Well, I'm off. Got some hos waiting for me, you understand." He strolled out of view.

"Can you bring me one?" The Russian followed him.

The office was empty. Five minutes later, Phineas left the house and sauntered down the sidewalk. He tapped on the back door of the van and climbed inside.

"Ye did verra well, lad." Connor patted him on the back.

Phineas sat up straighter. "Hell, yeah. Whenever you need an undercover brother, just call me, Dr. Phang."

"Dr. Phang?" Sean asked.

Garrett snickered.

"We'll concentrate our search on the Ukraine." Connor grabbed Phineas's arm. "We must go."

"Wait!" Sean raised a hand. "If you find out anything, you'll let me know?"

Connor nodded. "We'll do our best to save them both." He and Phineas disappeared.

"They're so weird," Garrett mumbled. "I mean, they really seem to care."

Vampires who cared? Sean wondered. Could Shanna be right? And what about her baby? She was supposed to have it soon. What kind of creature would it be?

Emma gave up on eating her oatmeal. She'd lost her appetite. She stood and surveyed the small room, but avoided looking at Angus. "I'll try to find those cameras."

She spotted one high up on the windowsill of the eastern wall. Too high to reach, so she shoved the table underneath.


She ventured a quick look at Angus. "Yes?"

"Ye're perfectly safe for now. I still canna move. And I found the flask ye left me, so I'm full."

Safe for now. How long could he retain his gentlemanly demeanor before primal survival instincts took over? Would he attack her like the ones who had attacked her parents? She hated the thought of being dinner. Still, she didn't blame Angus. He couldn't help it. He was what he was.

"We'll get through this... somehow." She glanced up at the camera. "But I really don't want an audience."

She climbed up on the table and reached between the silver chains to grab the camera. "I bet these chains burned the vampire who put this here."

"Most likely it was mortals who hung all the silver and placed the cameras. The Malcontents have probably taken control of the nearby village, using the mortals for food and labor."

Emma pivoted on the table and examined the sparkling room. "It must have cost a fortune."