Still on the couch.

His voice was in her head. He was in her head. Good heavens, she'd opened her mind.

Nay, doona shut me out. Ye look so beautiful in my mind. All pink and flushed from the heat of the water.

Her breath hitched when she felt a hand cup her breast. She looked down and saw nothing except bubbles sliding down her torso and her nipple growing hard. "How are you doing this?"

His thumb teased the hardened tip. At least, she thought it was his thumb. She jolted when something lapped at her other nipple. His tongue?

"What are you - " She fell back with a gasp when she felt him suckling her. The sensations were incredibly strong, yet he wasn't there. She covered her breast with her hand, but the suckling continued. God, he was good. "What are you doing?" She didn't expect an answer. How could he talk with his mouth full?

'Tis called vampire sex.

"Then why am I feeling it?" Her eyes crossed when he tugged at both ni**les. Obviously he could talk with his mind while his mouth was busy elsewhere. "I'm not a vampire."

But I am. And I want to pleasure you.

She sank lower in the water, but it made no difference. Even immersed under water, the sensations continued. God, it was wonderful. He was wonderful. Oh no! Could he read her mind? "I haven't given you permission."

But ye will. Ye want to scream like ye did last night. His hands massaged her br**sts. Another hand skimmed down her belly and delved into her curls.

She moaned, then blinked. "Wait a minute. How many hands do you have?"

As many as I can imagine. He cupped her between the legs. Meanwhile, his hands continued to toy with her br**sts.

She felt something hot and moist on her neck. His mouth. His tongue rasped a trail up to her ear.

Are ye ready for me? His voice was soft inside her head.

Her knees sagged open. "You're seducing me."

I'm loving you. He planted a soft kiss on her brow. Close yer eyes and enjoy.

Oh yes. Her eyes drifted shut.

She suddenly felt hands all over her, outlining the contours of her arms and legs, her stomach and back. She groaned when fingers massaged her shoulders. His tongue teased her ni**les. His hand moved between her legs. His fingers caressed. She cried out when he located her clitoris.

She gripped the sides of the tub. This was one hell of a good use for psychic energy. She jolted when she felt his mouth on her. Unbelievable, considering she was sitting in a tub of water. But then, it was all in his head and hers.

I promised ye that yer second scream would come from my mouth.

"Oh God." It felt so real. She could feel every lick, every dip of his tongue between her folds, every little nudge and nip at her clitoris. She planted her feet against the tub and raised her hips, wanting more. More. The tension stretched thin, ready to snap.

Come with me, love. He squeezed her bottom with his hands. His tongue went wild.

She screamed. Her feet slipped, and she thrashed about, spilling water on the floor. She cupped herself and felt the delicious throbbing against her hand. She curled up, squeezing her thighs together, willing the shudders to go on and on. And they did. She even heard Angus groan, a husky sound that reverberated in her head and intensified the throbbing pulses.

Slowly her breathing returned to normal. She sat up and noted the lake of bubbly water on the bathroom floor. That had been one hell of a bath. She stood on wobbly legs and stepped carefully out.

The question now was what next? She quickly erected a mental shield to block Angus. She didn't want him listening in on her thought processes. Not that her brain was exactly functioning. Every other thought seemed to be wow-wee! She donned a bathrobe and removed her hair clip. What should she do? Act like nothing had happened? But it had, wow-wee! Should she open the bedroom door and invite him in for the real thing? Wow-wee. She fluffed her hair and glanced in the bathroom mirror. What to do?

She exited the bathroom and approached the bedroom door. Slowly she opened it. He was still on the couch, but the telly was turned off.

He turned to look at her. His eyes were tinted red. "I have to go. 'Tis almost dawn."

"Oh." Now that was brilliant. Couldn't she think of anything to say?

He motioned to her cell phone on the coffee table. "I took your number in case I need to reach you."


"I'll send one of my daytime guards to watch over you. The Malcontents are affiliated with the Russian mob, so ye could be in danger during the day."


He glanced at his lap, frowning. "I have to take my kilt to the cleaners." He stood and picked up his sporran from the couch.

Emma's eyes widened. She recalled the long groan that had echoed in her head. "Angus."

"Good night... love." He vanished.

Chapter 17

Angus arrived in the fifth-floor office of Roman's townhouse and quickly turned off the alarm. He dropped his sporran on the desk and punched the intercom button. "Ian, that was me coming in."

"About time," Ian answered. "'Tis almost dawn. Connor wants to see you."

Angus glanced down at the state of his kilt and winced. "Give me two minutes." He dashed into the bedroom, kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his sweater and kilt. He glared at the stained kilt as he pulled on a pair of jeans. You would think he was sixteen instead of five hundred and twenty-six years old, the way he'd lost control. But he couldn't recall a woman who excited him the way Emma did. Or frustrated him.

It was downright infuriating that she wanted to reject him. His wife had done that centuries ago, but Emma should know better. She was too clever and modern to fall for old superstitious fears. Hell, she was too brave to fall for any fears at all. She was a warrior like him. She was perfect for him. And he wasn't giving up without a fight. Invading her mind tonight had been an act of desperation. But the devil take it, if she was going to reject him, she needed to know exactly what she was giving up.

There was a knock at the office door. "Come in." He strode into the office in his stocking feet, wearing jeans and a white undershirt.

Connor entered. "We need to talk."

"Everything fine at Romatech?"

"Aye." Connor shut the door. "The birthing room is finished in case Shanna's bairn has... special needs."

A half-vampire baby boy. Angus sighed. "Anything else?"

"The Vamp doctors are arriving tomorrow night, and the delivery is scheduled for Friday night."

"Good." Angus circled the desk and sat.

Connor walked toward him. "I'm glad ye called in more security. We could use them with the doctors coming in, but Jack tells me ye have him and Robby guarding Central Park?"

"Aye, to keep the Malcontents from murdering more mortals." Angus checked his e-mail.

Connor remained quiet for a while. "We appear to have a new friend, Dr. Phang?"

Angus smiled as he deleted some junk mail. "His name is Phineas McKinney. How's he fitting in?"

"He seems eager to please. Ian says he did well in his first fencing lesson."

"Good." No message from Mikhail. Angus turned off the computer. "Has the day shift arrived?"

"Phil's here. Howard should arrive any minute now."

"Tell Phil I want him to guard Miss Wallace today." Angus wrote the address of Austin's apartment on a slip of paper.

Connor stepped closer to accept the piece of paper. "Is she in danger?"

"She was with me when I found Phineas. The Russian, Alek, was there, and he recognized her as the slayer."

"Bugger," Connor muttered. "Ye realize Katya is going to believe we were behind the slayings all along, that we've been helping Miss Wallace?"

"It canna be helped."

Connor scowled. "Ye should have sent her away the minute ye discovered who she is."

"Doona lecture me, Connor."

He paced away, balling his hands into fists. "Is this the real reason Jack and Robby are guarding the park? To keep Miss Wallace from going there?"

"It is the best way to keep her from slaying."

Connor turned to face him. "I gather ye've been using all sorts of persuasive techniques on her."

Angus narrowed his eyes. "Ye're going too far, old friend."

Connor marched toward him. "I fear ye have gone too far. Nothing good can come from this."

Angus slapped a hand on the desk and stood. "Did ye have to leave her knickers in the kitchen where everyone could see them? Why no' leave them here in the office?"