Page 26 of Rivals

“It’s nine, not five in the morning, drama queen, and you bought the Nespresso machine, which means you know perfectly well how to use it. And when haven’t you helped yourself to whatever you want?”

“Hmm.” Sof tilted her head to the side. “Fair.”

El and Hailey hung their coats in the closet then joined my sister and Mia in the kitchen while I went into the living room, where my brothers and Enzo had congregated. It gave my sister and the others time to chat with Mia before we got down to business.

I sat on the couch near Trey. “Joey Tucci called this morning.”

“Got the package you sent?” Marco asked.

I’d texted him last night about what I would do, per Mia’s request. He was all for it. “Since I won’t return her to him or offer something in exchange, he’s ready to go to war.”

Enzo chuckled. “He will have lost a lot more when we’re done with him.”

Mia, my sister, El, and Hailey joined us, each carrying a coffee mug. Mia settled next to me, our thighs pressed together, distracting me from what needed to happen next.

“That’s my cue?” She took a sip of her drink and then set it on the coffee table and threaded our fingers together. “Can I have your phone?”

I handed it over, waiting to see what she would do. She tapped the app for Google Maps then typed in an address before handing it back.

“That’s where I was held.”

I hit the destination on the map to pull up what I was looking at and studied the surrounding area.

“Every Thursday night, a van drops women off in the alley at the rear door of the club my family owns. An armed guard takes them inside. I don’t know how long they are kept there or what’s done. The only things I was able to learn were the patterns of the drop-offs and the code to get into the building.”

“How many guards?” Marco draped an arm around El.

“From what I could tell, there should be two stationed inside by the exits. On the elevator, I noticed another. But the stairs were oddly unguarded. I don’t know if I got lucky and if the person assigned there had left briefly. How many more there are isn’t something I have intel on.”

I copied the address and sent it and the club's name to everyone in a group chat. “We need to act now if Joey concludes that Mia told us anything we can use against him.”

Mia shook her head. “He won’t. But Ricco will.”

“And Guido is a part of this?” Enzo asked. “How about the rest of the Amato family?”

“It’s doubtful.” Mia frowned.

“We should have killed Guido when we had the chance.” El glared at Marco. “Either time.”

“It was Stefano’s call,” Marco answered, clearly unperturbed. “And Guido is the least of our problems.”

“What about Dante Verretti?” Trey tugged Hailey closer to him on the couch then glanced at his phone.

“Somewhere to be?” I was being a dick, but I wanted a plan nailed down.

“I have a surgical follow-up this morning.” Trey quirked an eyebrow, his gaze locked on mine.

I was agitated. Too much hung in the balance. I wanted Mia to have peace of mind that she could go out with my sister or any of the others with guards but still feel safe. I refused to do to her what her father had and isolate her.

“Who’s going on this little venture?” Sofia interrupted, probably sensing that things needed to move along.

“I propose we don’t take everyone. We need one or two bosses to stay back in case we’re being watched and our enemy chooses to strike at those left behind. Mainly Summer, Hailey, Lil, and Nicole. Luc and Max could remain here. That would be enough.”

“I agree.” Marco slapped his open palm on his thigh. “Emiliana won’t want to be left out of the ambush.”

“We can split into teams,” El said. “Mia, Sofia, Emiliana, and I could rescue the women in the holding cells while you guys wipe out the rest.”

“I like that plan.” Mia grinned.