Page 23 of Rivals

His hand fell away, dropping back to his side, where he stuffed it into his pocket.

“Right. We haven’t known each other long.” I forced myself to stand still rather than pace. “But it feels like more than two days. My father made me study the Five Families in depth from reports he received from his spies or PI on the regular, and because of that, it seems like I’ve known you most of my life.” A nervous laugh slipped out, and my cheeks heated. “That sounds super creepy, but I’ve spent most of my life sequestered in the house with tutors. Even if only in my imagination, an escape was a necessity.”

A deep frown marred his chiseled features. “Your father’s methods are antiquated. But I don’t view you as ‘creepy,’ as you phrased it. More a victim of circumstance.”

I didn’t want his pity, and the brazen part of my personality that my father hated reared its head. “I’m not a victim.”

“Poor choice of words.” He shook his head. “Forgive me?”

I studied him. There was no condescension, just sincerity. I was overly sensitive. We were getting to know each other, including the quirks we each had and how we handled situations, based on what we’d already encountered. That last part wasn’t true—I’d held him at gunpoint and bargained with him, and he’d gotten me out of what could have been a problematic scenario when Guido had tracked me to the island. Then he’d followed through with his end of the deal and married me. Because of those two actions, I’d come to trust him, and I was willing to let him in.

“From what I’ve said, you know my father’s ideas are old-fashioned when it comes to me. And if we don’t consummate our vows, he’ll find a way to take me back.” I pushed out a breath, forcing myself to relax as I held his gaze and conveyed my sincerity. “I want to consummate our marriage. And after”—I cringed, heat flooding my cheeks at having to utter the next part, but it was necessary—“I need you to send him proof.”

Only then would I be free of my family.



Anger rippled through me because Mia felt like she had to prove something to her father. Not only that, but she was likely a virgin, something that was her right to give away when she chose. It was none of his business. I skimmed her features, searching for the truth of her words. But the sincerity of her request was firm in the depth of her eyes and the pout of her full lips. Part of me understood. Abiding by her wishes would set her free and sever her father's final tie to her.

I’d already planned to do that by having a photographer present and getting an additional copy of our marriage license.

I grasped her hand in mine, running my thumb over her soft skin. There was no denying I wanted her, but not until she was ready. Christ, if my sister got wind of the note I planned to send Joey Tucci, she would slice off my balls. Any of the women in our families would, and rightly so. My brothers and I hadn’t been raised to treat women like property. Our wives, sisters, and daughters were cherished, revered, and protected.

And Mia, even under the circumstances of our wedding, was my equal. I respected the struggles she’d been through and the fierceness of her demeanor. “While I think it’s smart to consummate our marriage, there is no need to do so tonight. When I speak with Joey, there’ll be no doubt in his mind that you’re mine.”

Panic flitted across her face, causing her pupils to dilate. “It’s not enough.” Her hand squeezed mine. “I can’t take a chance that he’ll be able to take me back on a technicality.”

“Mia.” I softened my voice. “I won’t let him get to you. Neither will my family—let me rephrase. You are protected not only by me but by the entire Chicago Mafia.”

“Thank you, Nico.” She visibly relaxed, a small smile curving her lips. “I do feel that. But there’s more. I want you. I want this. I want something real between us. At first, I thought an agreement on paper would be enough. But the more I get to know you, the more I know it won’t even come close.”

“You can take all the time you need to get comfortable with a physical relationship. I’ll send him the license and a picture of our ceremony, with Stefano in attendance. That should be enough.”

She rose to her toes and raised her chin. I bent to accommodate her height, and she pressed her lips softly to mine. A torrent of desire shot through me at the barest of touches.

She wound her arms around my neck. “I’m sure.”

That’s all the encouragement I needed before slanting my lips across hers. The press of her body against mine fueled my desire, but I slowed the kiss, addicted to her taste, groaning when she parted so that I could explore her mouth.

* * *


My body buzzed with awareness as Nico devoured my lips in a hungry kiss. I pressed against him, reveling in the way he held me tightly. He did nothing more than kiss me, and I could do that with him for hours, but I wanted more, and with a small press of my hand to his chest, he eased back. My eyelids fluttered open, and another jolt of desire coursed through me at the dark promise that swam in his eyes.

I took a step back, and his arms fell away. In the silence of the living room, my heart thudded as I threaded my fingers through his hand. “Where’s the bedroom?” I didn’t recognize the husky rasp of my voice. He notched his head in the direction of the hallway, never taking his heated gaze off me.

I led the powerful man who’d become my husband into our bedroom in unhurried movements. The room was done in dark grays with accents of steel blue and tan that I barely registered. I released his hand in front of the king-sized bed then turned to face him. My fingers found the hidden zipper on the side of the gown. The sound of the teeth releasing vied with my pounding heart as I eased it down.

The brush of Nico’s fingers against my shoulders left a trail of electricity as he guided the gown’s straps down my arms until the entire dress slipped off me, the sensation of the silky gown heightening my sensitive skin. The whoosh of air as the garment pooled at my feet gave me goose bumps. I stood before him, wearing only lace panties and heels, then stepped over the dress, inches from him. Heat radiated off his body, tempting me closer.

“You’re so beautiful, Mia.” His voice was deeper and huskier, and my exposed skin tingled. “Are you sure?”

He’d asked me that more than once, and while I appreciated it, I’d never been more sure of anything in my life. I’d followed his life through reports of the Five Families, and I think I’d fallen for the complex man before me years ago. Meeting him and spending time with him made everything even better because of his words and actions. “Yes, I am positive. I want this. I want you, Nico.”

I closed the distance between us, my fingers working the buttons of his shirt loose, his hands settling on my hips. With his shirt undone, I spread the two halves wide. I explored his well-muscled chest, reveling in his sharp intake of breath, tracing the tattoo on his left pectoral before pressing a kiss to the inked skin.