Page 29 of Ruthless Heir

I remembered that moment well. It was when Edward painted Summer as a plant on his behalf, a spy.

“Reporters were there, and I was in the background of the article’s picture.”

“I take it Ben knows what you look like?”

“He does.” She shuddered. “And I didn’t want to run into him again.”

Everything in me stilled as fear flashed in her eyes. “What do you mean, ‘again?’”

She pursed her lips. Seconds passed before she huffed out a breath then answered, “He was at my apartment the morning Lauralee was murdered. Only, I didn’t know she was dead then.”

“What did he do to you?” I asked through clenched teeth. I was having trouble staying calm.

“He pushed his way in and had his hand around my neck.” She grimaced, her hand fluttering to the base of her throat before she dropped it. “I managed to hit him with a pan that was on the stove. The second time I slammed it into his head, it dazed him, and I was able to get away. I took the bus to California and got the job at Cartier Financial Services a few weeks after that.”

“Then he must have traced you here through me.”

She nodded. “That’s my guess too.”

He was a dead man. He just didn’t know it yet.

I managed to get control of my anger enough for us to get through a couple of hours of work. I really needed to spar with Max, and when Summer and I were done, that was exactly where I was headed.

* * *


Ismoothed the silky hem of my little black slip dress, one Sofia had insisted I get when we went shopping. It fit beautifully and was worth more than everything I owned combined… and then some. Paired with black heels with red soles and teardrop diamond earrings on loan from Lil, I was good to go. Tiny waterfall braids at my temples drew my hair away from my face, and the rest hung down my back in loose waves. Other than my queasy stomach, I felt good.

The click of my door as it shut sounded loud in the hallway, and I glanced at Luc’s closed door so near to mine. Part of me wanted to wait for him if he was back from sparring.

I shook my head—I was being ridiculous. I bypassed his room and made my way to the kitchen. The closer I came to the bright and open space, the louder the voices in the kitchen grew. It sounded like all the wives were there, and when I rounded the corner, I got confirmation that they were. Lil topped off her glass of wine then added to El’s as I approached the island they congregated around. Sofia and Emiliana had their heads together, looking at something on one of their phones. Nicole spotted me first.

“There she is. Oh, Darlin’, Luc is going to have a hard time tonight.” She whistled low. “You’re gorgeous.”

Heat stained my cheeks, and I smiled, unable to squelch the rush of pleasure at the thought of Luc noticing me in that way. The first night we spent together didn’t count in my eyes. We’d been drinking—at least I had been—and I wasn’t myself. I’d assumed that he had been, too, by the time he’d approached me.

Sofia hopped off her stool and took my hands in hers, her gaze traveling from my head to my toes and back again. “She’s not wrong.” Her words were soft, and a mischievous smile played around the corners of her mouth.

A shiver danced over my exposed skin. The more I observed Luc, especially with his sister, I saw a side of him that appealed to me. Never in my life had I thought it possible to have a man protect me or even care for me in the way he showed such steadfast devotion to his family. While I’d had Alison, Mick, and Lauralee, their friendships went only so far. I couldn’t see them being there for me day in and out, but I could with Luc. And I wanted that. His kiss made me long for a life I’d only dreamed of but never thought would be possible.

“Are you coming with us, Mama?” El asked Nicole.

“No, Baby Girl. I’m having a girls’ night.” She winked. “Sofia’s mother is in town, and we’re going out for drinks.”

Sofia chuckled. “With about fifteen guards. There’s no way my dad would let you two go out without a full contingency of security. You’re both trouble.”

“Spoken by an expert.” Nicole, Lil, and El laughed, while Sofia rolled her eyes. “And that’s not a problem. I was kind of hoping Tom would be among the men sent.” Nicole’s cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink.

Sofia’s back went ramrod straight, her mouth falling open. “Oh my God! You have a thing for Tom?”

“Stop it, Sofia.” Nicole looked to the ceiling as if asking for divine intervention. “You’re not getting involved.”

She snort-laughed. “Oh, I’m so getting involved.” She rubbed her hands together. “I’ve got some payback to deliver to him for that last snarky comment about ‘Sofia duty’ when I wanted to stop and pick up a jacket from my studio.”

“You’re evil.” El reached over and playfully tapped her in the back of the head before shifting her focus to Nicole. “I could see the two of you together.”

I couldn’t quite follow the conversation. “Who’s Tom?”