Page 39 of Mika's Heart

Chapter 10


We tried for years to have our own kid but when it didn’t happen something in my wife changed.

Hillary was working as a labor and delivery nurse when one day she came home with a baby.

I tried convincing her to take the kid back but she insisted it was hers.

After a while I just went with it, she was a good mom the first few years.

Now I have to do something to keep both of us out of prison.

I’ve been watching Janice Long for months.

She and that little bitch Mika were glued at the hip from the day they met in kindergarten.

I followed Jan and her mother to the airport, pulling my ball cap down so they wouldn't recognize me. I get close so I can listen to their conversation.

“Mom, stop fussing. I’m only going to White Summer to see Mika, for a couple days. What are you going to do when I go to Europe in the fall?” she says.

Doing a quick search for White Summer on my phone I discover it is in Montana.

Blending into the crowd, I slip away and make my own plans. She will be coming back with me, even if I have to drag her back in a body bag!