Mika was unusually quiet on the way back to town. As soon as we got back she put Comet on his leash and took him for a walk. She’s been gone for a long time, I’m getting worried.
Does she know how much it meant for me to take her to see my family, my people? I wonder if one of my brothers said something to scare her off. Pacing the floors is getting me nowhere.
Just as I reach for my phone, it rings. Looking at the screen I see its Taylor calling. Maybe something happened to Mika? Panic has set in.
“Where’s Mika?” I blurt out before he even has a chance to say hello.
“She’s here with us.” He answers.
I take a few deep breaths to calm myself but then he continues.
“Something came up with Poison Pen. We’re sending her to White Summer so she can help out Fiona.”
“We spent the day together but she didn’t say anything about going to Montana?” I can’t help but question.
“She didn’t know it just came up.” He assures me. Taylor has never lied to me but something in his voice doesn’t sit right.
“Is she coming to get her stuff?” I ask.
“No, her flight leaves in an hour. We’ll make sure she has everything she needs.”
“What about Comet should I come get him?”
“Got it covered, man. He’s going with her.” he tells me.
That’s when I know, if she’s taking her dog with her, she’s not planning to come back. I hang up the phone and sink down on the couch.
The day’s events keep running through my head, what went wrong? I decide to call my mom, maybe she knows something.
The phone only rings twice before Mom answers, “Atka my dear boy. You only left a few hours ago. You miss your mama already?”
“Ma I have to ask you a question. Did anything strange happen today?”
“You mean my lawyer son bringing home a beautiful woman was not strange?” She laughs.
“Ma, I’m serious. I thought our visit went great but when we left Mika seemed upset. Then she left to go for a walk but instead of coming back, her brother said she is going to Montana.”
“I’m so sorry son. Everyone love her, even Chief and Elders were pleased with your choice. Your father was a bit distant but he spent the day with you.”
“Please Mom, I'm telling you something happened or she would not have walked away from me. Think about what you did with her today, there has to be something you missed.”
The line goes quiet for a minute; I hope that means Mom is searching her memory.
“I took her for tour of the village. We visit the shops and some farmer’s stands. After that we went to the community center. The children taught her to make corn dolls. She made one for you.
Then I showed her the fish shed. She was very curious, asking smart questions. This girl, she loves you very much. She wanted to know what you like.”
Mom pauses for a minute, “Wait a minute!” she shouts.
Pulling the phone away from my ear for a moment, when I put it back I get the answer I’ve been dreading.
“Catori came to fish shed. She did not say much but she was very rude. After that we went back to community center. I sent your girl to visit the weavers while I helped prepare for the celebration.
I give them space but I listen. I hear the name Catori many times. Maybe they tell her Catori loves you?”
“Thank you, Mom.”
“Atka, that girl, she is special. You fix this and bring her home!”
I start to answer, “Yes...” only to realize Mom hung up on me.
Sinking down into my chair, it hits me that Mika found Catori wrapped around me but I did nothing to push her away. I really screwed up; hopefully, I get a chance to fix it.