Page 44 of Reckless Desire

Shaking my head, frustration began to build inside of me. “I hope he is upset. He hurt Allan.”

Allan. I needed to find out how he was doing. I prayed Chase hadn't done any serious damage to him.

“Allan is fine. Jax went to the hospital with Chase and Jim brought Allan in. He was awake and alert. He had a broken nose and a few cuts on his face. Chase paid for Allan’s hospital bill and then paid for his flight back home,” Avery paused to gauge my reaction. “Chase has a broken hand and a severely broken ego,” Avery finished.

“I am glad Allan is ok, but I don’t care if Chase has a broken ego or not. What he did was wrong,” I almost screamed. I was growing agitated that Avery was somehow defending Chase after what happened.

“I totally agree with you, Lizzie. What Chase did was wrong. He knows that. He went back to his room and locked himself inside with a ton of booze. Jax said he won’t talk to anyone. He has only seen him like this once before and it was when Chase first moved in with Jax when they were fighting MMA. Jax is afraid he is going to hurt himself,” Avery said, as her voice shook with fear.

Biting my lip, I felt torn. “Why would Chase hurt himself? If Allan is fine, he shouldn't be worried.”

Shaking her head, Avery sighed. “Lizzie, he isn’t worried about Allan. He thinks you are done with him,” Avery said. “He knows that he became violent. When he saw you with Allan he snapped. I am not saying that what he did wasn’t wrong, I think he acted out of line and should be sorry. But, he did it because he loves you so much. Lizzie, Chase is a complicated man, I know you understand that,” Avery said, as she squeezed my hand.

I did understand what she was saying. Chase was mysterious and frustrating and dangerous at times. Somehow though, I had grown to want and need him in ways that I couldn’t understand. He held my heart and I wasn’t sure what I should do next.

“He scared me,” I whispered.

Hugging me, Avery consoled me. “I know. He scared us all. He doesn’t understand how to control his feelings for you. You are the first person he has ever loved. If you love him and want to build a future with Chase, you will have to teach him how to believe that he is loved,” Avery said.

My eyes rose in bewilderment as I struggled to believe the words slipping past Avery’s lips were in fact, coming from her. When did my best friend get so smart?

“You sure know a lot about Chase,” I said, as I bore my eyes into hers.

“Well, I have been talking to Jax a lot. Your relationship with Chase has some perks for me too. In fact, Jax and I have been talking a lot lately. He really understands Chase. Everything I just said was what Jax had told me. We are all the family Chase has,” Avery finished.

Her words hit me hard. Chase didn’t understand what it felt like to be loved. And, neither did I. We would have to work on fixing each other. We were both broken, but we were fixable. Was I done with Spencer Chase?

Hell no.

“Avery, I need to go see him,” I said, as I shot out of the bed. “Can you get us a taxi to get to Chase’s house?” I asked.

Just as Avery lifted her phone to make the call, the device began to ring in her hands. Answering, Avery’s eyes grew as she listened to the person on the other line.

“We will be right there,” she yelled, before throwing the phone down and grabbing my hand.

“What is going on?” I asked, as she was starting to worry me.

“That was Jax. He said Chase is really messed up and he thinks you are the only person who can calm him down.”

Panic shot through me. I wasn’t sure what Chase was doing, but I knew I needed to see him. “Ok, let’s get to the house.”

“No, he is back in his old room,” Avery said, as we rushed out of the room.

We ignored the elevator and ran up the flight of stairs leading up to Chase’s room. When we got there, Jax was pacing outside of Chase’s room and he looked petrified.

“Lizzie, you have to do something. I have never seen him like this before,” Jax said, as he ran to me.

“What is going on?” I asked again.

“Chase has been drinking all night. He says he can’t live without you and that he doesn’t know how to handle everything.”

Avery eyed me as the three of us stood outside of his room. “Should I knock?” I asked.

“You can try, but please be careful. He has a gun in there,” Jax said.

My stomach dropped at the mention of a gun. I knew I needed to get to Chase immediately. Before thinking about anything else, I slammed my fist against the door.

“Chase open this door now!” I yelled at him, like a raging storm brewing.