Page 34 of Reckless Desire

She was worth it.

I was more than thankful when she answered my phone call hours later. I had made a decision that I was going to shower her with all the experiences she deserved, starting with treating her like the lady she was. I remembered when she had once told me in conversation that she would love to travel to Venice, Italy. Maybe right now I couldn’t fly her across the world, but I could do the next best thing. I had been planning this date since the day I met her.

As I decided to treat her to beautiful outfits, gourmet cuisine, and a romantic gondola ride, I knew that I was only starting to make up for the shit she had to go through as a kid. It would take me the rest of my life to make her feel like my queen, and I was ready for the challenge.


I didn’t hear from Chase for the rest of the afternoon. I was glad for his silence because I needed time to cool off, especially before I might say something I would regret. I cared about Chase, but I also knew that if he didn’t get his anger under control, we may never have a real future together. I had faith though, I just had to believe he could control himself for me.

It wasn’t until later that evening that Chase finally called.

“Lizzie, can I see you?” he asked carefully. I could tell he was on edge and I knew I had punished him long enough.

“Sure,” I replied. “When?”

“Meet me outside the hotel, I am waiting in the car.”

I hung up and quickly threw on a loose-fitting black sundress and black sandals before running out the door. I found Chase parked in front of the hotel and when he saw me, his face lit up.

Smiling, I got inside the car.

“Before you say anything, I want to say I am sorry again,” Chase began, as he took my hands and held them inside his. “I went to get a drink after I dropped you off earlier and… I almost lost control. Mark was there and he said something stupid. But, I remembered what you said. I saw your face in my mind. I didn’t hurt him, Lizzie. Even though I wanted to. I am going to be good for you,” he said as he looked down.

My insides began to flutter as I looked at a devastated Chase. Leaning in, I kissed his cheek.

“Thank you,” I said, before settling back in my seat. “I needed to hear you say that, but it doesn’t change the fact that you let your anger control you. That can’t happen again,” I said as I stared at him.

“I know,” he began, as he nodded his head in agreement. “I was stupid. I don’t know why I act that way. Something about you makes me lose control. I know that’s not a good excuse, but it is the truth.”

“You can’t blame me for the way you act,” I argued. “What we have is intense, but you have to figure out how to handle your feelings.”

“I promise,” Chase began, as he reached for my hand. “I will work every day to make you proud. Just have faith in me,” he finished, as he squeezed my hand.

Squeezing back, I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. As much as I wanted to be angry with Chase and give him the cold shoulder, I just couldn’t. He knew it, too.

Looking at me, a smile spread across Chase’s chiseled face.

“So, what surprises do you have in store today?” I asked, trying to make light of our situation.

Relaxing, Chase placed the car into gear and began to drive. “We are going to the Venetian’s Grand Canal Shops,” he began. “I owe you a romantic evening without any fighting,” he teased.

“Chase, I have told you before. You don’t have to buy my love. Just going to the canyon with you would be perfect. Or staying in bed and watching movies,” I added.

Shaking his head, Chase kept his eyes on the road. “When is the last time you went shopping?” he asked.

I couldn’t think of a time when I went shopping for fun. As a kid and teenager, my mom always had a say in what I wore. Then, when I left home, I didn’t have the money to really buy the things I wanted. Sure, I picked up pieces here and there, but actually shopping? I didn’t have an answer.

My silence told him everything he needed to know. “No arguing, we are going to go shop at some of the local designer stores. Next, we will go to a wine and piano bar and drink until we can barely see straight. Then, we will take a gondola ride while I hold you in my arms. This will be the closest I can get you to Venice, Italy until you are done with school.”

With my mouth hanging down to the floor, I didn’t know what to say. Before I could find the right words, Chase stopped the car and helped me out. As we made our way into the Canal Shops, I was blown away by the true Italian atmosphere. Chase was right, this was like how I had imagined Italy. Cobblestone streets led us to several beautiful stone bridges that arched over the canal. As we began to stroll along the walkway, we were serenaded by beautiful music from live musicians. I forgot I was in Las Vegas as we made our way to the shops. Everything happened in a blur as I bought several dresses and outfits at boutiques. I was treated like a queen in each place we entered and as Chase sat back and watched me enjoy trying on all the beautiful garments, I couldn’t help but feel like maybe Chase was right; I did deserve this.

Walking along the path with Chase’s arm draped over my shoulders, I felt like I was in a dream. Nothing in my life had ever prepared me for something of this magnitude. I couldn’t fight back my emotions any longer.

Noticing the tears now streaking down my face, Chase turned to me with worry in his eyes. “What’s wrong Lizzie? Did I do something to upset you?” he asked. I hated that he always feared that he was in the wrong.

Smiling through my tears, I looked up at my amazing man. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. This is all so incredibly amazing. I just don’t feel worthy of all of this,” I said, as I waved my arms around us.

Pulling me close to him, Chase grabbed my face and held it in his hands. He forced me to look at him and as his eyes drank me in, I almost shuddered from the power behind his gaze. “Listen to me, Lizzie. Don’t you dare ever think you are not worthy of anything in this world. If anything, you are too good to be here. I don’t know why you want to be with me, but I will fight until I take my dying break to make you happy,” Chase paused, as he took a deep breath. He almost looked nervous as he licked his lips before making his next statement.