Page 31 of Reckless Desire

Opening his mouth to speak, Jax quickly closed it. I guess he knew better than to argue with me. So, instead, he just nodded his head and began to walk away. “You are crazy,” he mumbled, as he continued walking.

He is right. I am crazy. Crazy about a beautiful and sexy woman who has changed my life forever.

Opening his office door, Jim came storming out. “What is it, Chase? I have a meeting with a new liquor supplier in ten minutes,” he rushed out, as he checked his Rolex watch for the time.

“I will make this quick,” I said as I stood. “I want you to change my schedule. For now, I want every other weekend off. Also, you will change Lizzie’s schedule so it reflects mine,” I demanded, with a strong tone.

I stood much taller than Jim, but my size and strength didn’t scare him. This was a man who worked daily with the mob and other hard-core criminals who liked to spend and make lots of money. To him, I was just a kid. But, I knew he respected me nonetheless.

“And why should I do this?” Jim asked, as he crossed his arms across his massive chest.

“Because I have never asked you for anything in the years I have been here. I need this Jim,” I said, my voice pleading with him to consider my demands.

“I wouldn’t do this for anyone else, you know that right?” Jim questioned, as he stared at me with his typical pissed-off expression. “You are different. Maybe even happy. I will do this, but you still work when I need you,” he said, before turning and leaving me standing alone.

With a smile on my face, I ignored the other workers who were staring at me like I was a madman. Jim was right. I had changed. And, for the first time in my life- I liked who I was becoming.


Time seemed to stand still when I was with Chase. I found that I smiled and laughed more whenever he was around. Being with Chase allowed me to be myself or whoever this new Lizzie really was. I was spending my weekends off hanging out with Chase and Avery and Jax. I loved the group we were in and how we all protected and cared for one another.

“Hey Lizzie, wait up,” a voice yelled, as I walked out of my last class.

I turned to see Professor Smith, my Designs Methods professor running toward me. He was a young man, in his early thirties with skinny khakis and a stylish sweater vest. His partner was a local artist and he was always sharing stories of the amazing pieces they collected.

Stopping, I turned and smiled as he approached. “Hi,” I said.

“Lizzie, I wanted to share something with you. I loved your mockup design for a local bookstore website. I know it was only an assignment for my class, but I think you showed great talent,” he said. “I would love to get you in contact with my friend Lucy. She owns a local art gallery and her website is in dire need of a facelift. Would you be interested? I can’t promise it would pay much, but it would be great exposure,” he finished with a smile.

“Yes, that would be wonderful!” I exclaimed.

My heart began to flutter and I had to stop myself from jumping into his arms.

“Great. Here is her business card. Give her a call and you all can set something up. She is expecting to hear from you,” he winked, before turning on his heel to walk away. “I will see you in class tomorrow,” he waved.

“Wow, Lizzie. That is fantastic,” Avery gushed, as she watched me tuck the card inside my jeans pocket.

“I know. This is like a dream,” I said, still in shock. I couldn’t believe my professor believed in me enough to share my name with a local gallery owner. If I could secure this job, I could then get more. Each step I took, I felt like I was jumping mountains on my way to my dream of being a graphic design artist and owning my own company.

“Avery, this could get us to our own company faster than what we expected,” I sighed.

Linking her arm through mine, Avery smiled. “I told you everything would work out,” she teased.

Smiling, I nodded my head as we continued to walk down the path circling the buildings on campus.

“What are our plans tonight?” Avery asked, as she walked beside me.

We were walking out of our Business Methods class that we shared and were making our way across campus. It was almost Thanksgiving and I loved how the weather here stayed warm. I wasn’t a fan of the cold.

“I’m not sure. I know Chase mentioned going to see a local band play at a bar, but I don’t know,” I said. “I would love to go see the Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens before we go to the show. The customer service lady at the front desk of our hotel told me it is a must- see. Plus, it’s free and could offer us some much-needed peace and tranquility. I mean, I would love to go to a concert, but we are surrounded by music and noise all day. Sometimes, I just want some quiet.”

“Well, I don’t work tonight. I am up for whatever you guys want to do,” Avery finished.

“I will see you back home and we can figure it out,” she said, as she parted with me and began walking to her next class.

I was done for the day and knew Chase would be waiting for me in the parking lot. Avery would get a ride back to the hotel with a friend she had met in her business class.

As I made my way to the parking lot, I heard my name again being called. Man, I was popular today.