Page 27 of Reckless Desire

Taking her to my favorite spot was a way for me to build her trust. Lizzie needed to know I wasn’t going to hurt her. I needed her to believe that I could care about her. Especially, after she had allowed me to explore her body sexually. I knew she was guarded and used her virginity as a way to keep a sense of control and security in her life, but she had given me a part of herself she had never shared with anyone before.

I twitched as I thought about how soft her skin was and how tight and wet her pussy had been when I had stuck my fingers deep inside. Her body was an amazing wonderland with her curves and flat, taut stomach. She had the type of body women would kill for and I could hardly stand to have to wait to touch and see her again.

My phone kept ringing and with each sound breaking through the silence of my room, I prayed it was Lizzie calling. Instead, it was Jax who had invited me out with a couple of guys from the casino, but I refused to go out with them. I knew exactly what they had in mind; go chase some tail. I didn’t want a hook-up. I didn’t want to get off with some chick I just met and wouldn’t even care about. No, I wanted Lizzie and I was perfectly happy staying in and alone while images of sweet, honey-colored hair and beautiful eyes flowed through my mind.

“Come on man, just come out for one beer,” Jax pleaded, as I could hear a few of the other guys laughing and talking in the background. From the sounds of their loud voices, they were all pretty hammered already.

“No, I told you, man, I am staying in,” I argued back. I was irritated with having to explain myself. No meant no to me. No explanations needed.

Besides, I was still seething angry with the idea that someone in Lizzie’s life had the nerve to hurt someone as fragile and sweet as she is. I wanted to hunt down each and every one of them and cause them the same type of destruction that they had caused to Lizzie. Right now, in my mind, that was exactly what I was doing.

“Chase, you never go out. Don’t you want to get some action?” Jax said, with a laugh.

Yep, he was hammered. Jax knew I was interested in Lizzie, only he didn’t know the extent of my newfound obsession with her. I was sure, if anyone knew how much I thought about her or how much I wanted her, they would probably lock me up and throw away the key.

“Nope. I’ve had plenty of action in my life. I am tired,” I added, with a yawn.

“Fine. I know you had your date with Lizzie tonight. I get it. Tell me about it tomorrow?” Jax asked. He knew not to push the topic anymore.

“Sure, we will talk. See you tomorrow,” I said, before hanging up on Jax. I turned off my phone and closed my eyes.

Fantasizing about Lizzie was more erotic than any chick I could find and bang on the Vegas strip tonight. Besides, hanging out with a bunch of drunk idiots when all I wanted to do was touch and hold Lizzie would only be a recipe for disaster. With my anger issues and need growing for Lizzie, alcohol would only add more fuel to the ever-growing fire inside of me.

When Lizzie told me she was a virgin the first night she had agreed to go out with me, I was strangely turned on by the statement. To say I was taken aback was an understatement. But, I saw through her game. She was trying to push me away. I understood why she would want to build a wall and keep me out. Hell, I had done the same thing my entire life, but we both knew it wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t going anywhere. From the moment that girl walked into my life, I was hers.

With her hot little body and magnetic smile, I would have assumed some jackass from her life had found a way to claim her. I know I would have if I had met her first. Instead, she was pure. She was good. She was available for me to claim as my own. And, I wanted nothing more than to make Lizzie mine in every way imaginable.

Years ago, a girl telling me she was a virgin would have made me kick her out of my bed. I wouldn’t have even given someone like that a second glance or thought. But, with Lizzie it was different. I could tell I was different with her in my life now.

Lizzie may not believe or know it yet, but she was mine now. I would right all of the wrongs that were done to her. I would find a way to erase the bad memories and make her smile every second of the day. It was now my life’s mission.


To say Avery was speechless would be the understatement of the century. When I arrived back at our room hours later, a smile on my face, and weak in the knees; Avery couldn’t help but ask me a million questions about my date with Chase.

“You did what?” she screamed again, after I had repeated myself for the fifth time again.

I had confessed to Avery how I just spilled my secret to Chase. I began though, by apologizing to her for getting so upset when she recommended I do the very thing I ended up doing that night. More importantly, I told her about our hot night and how much I craved Chase more than ever.

Squealing, I gave Avery every dirty detail of our night.

Falling onto my bed, my dress flew up all around me. “I told him everything, Avery. I have never felt so comfortable and safe with anyone before. Well, anyone other than you,” I added. “Then, he did things to my body I could never have imagined, but were so pleasurable I felt like I was dying and being reborn again.”

Nodding her head, Avery waved her hands in the air. “I get that. I want to hear more about the kiss and naughty stuff and what this all means,” she cried out.

I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly Avery was acting. I guess it had been a long time since either of us had felt this way about another guy. That thought alone sent a pang of guilt through me.

“Chase is intense. He has had a rough life too and gets what it is like to just never feel accepted or loved. He wants to protect me. He wants to be my safe place,” I sighed, as I lay on the bed with my arms outstretched above my head.

I knew I was smiling like an idiot, but I didn’t care.

“I talked to a few people today; mainly staff and a few of the regular customers and they told me that for as long as they have known Chase, he has never gone out with a girl before. A few years ago, he had a few hookups, but never anything serious. He must really like you,” Avery beamed.

Bouncing on the bed beside me, Avery tickled my side. “Plus, this means no more hiding. You can be you again,” she chimed.

Sitting up, I turned to face her. “I still want to keep my identity hidden for a while longer. But, I don’t have to hide who I am from Chase. He makes me feel alive again. For once, I am not ashamed of who I am. I guess if people find out who I am it is ok, but I don’t want to advertise it,” I finished.

I felt like my brain was a yo-yo ball. I was constantly going back and forth with my heart and my brain about what I should do with my identity. I understood where both Avery and Chase were coming from; I was a legal adult who could do whatever I choose with my life. However, for me, it just wasn’t that black and white. My parents were manipulative. They were evil and could somehow make me feel like I was being sliced into a million pieces with only their words and glares. No one understood what that felt like, and I hoped they never would.