Page 9 of Reckless Desire



Lizzie was trouble. I knew that for damn sure. The girl seemed to control my every thought and desire. The way she opened her sweet, pink lips to talk. The way her mouth seemed to draw my eyes directly onto those luscious lips. The way her hips swayed as she walked past me. Everything about this girl drove me fucking insane.

What was even crazier, was the idea that watching another guy hit on her made me angry. I am talking, want to kill someone with my bare hands, angry. I had hooked up with lots of women before and watched them flaunt themselves with other guys in the hopes of making me jealous. But none of their tricks had worked. I had never felt so much desire for another human and this raw emotion both terrified and electrified me.

I knew there was only one thing I could do- I had to get rid of Lizzie.

This would be one of the most difficult challenges of my life. I wanted this girl, more than I had ever wanted anything in my life. Shit, I don’t even know her, but I know from glancing into her eyes for only a few seconds, that I knew in my heart she was too good for a place like this and a guy like me.

Of course, Jim wanted to keep the little innocent vixen around. Looks that Lizzie possessed couldn’t be bought or drawn on. She had an allure that would drive the men around here crazy and make them want to come back just to get a little taste of sweet, beautiful Lizzie.

I tried to tell Jim that he was making a mistake. Sure, her friend was hot too and would be able to bring in more customers just to watch her shake her tits when she walked to get them another beer, but Lizzie didn’t belong here and I wanted him to get rid of her immediately.

However, Jim ignored my complaints and told me to get my shit together. The man was good at what he did, even if it did put me in a dangerous situation. All I had to do was stay away from her. Hell, how was I going to be able to do that when Jim wanted me to train her and her friend the next day? I was about to walk through hell and I knew that I had to fight these strange feelings stirring inside of me. This wasn’t who I was. Spencer Chase didn’t fall for girls. Spencer Chase didn’t get caught up by looks. Spencer Chase didn’t fall in love. Spencer Chase was a fighter, is a fighter. Only, I wasn’t sure I would be able to fight myself.


The next morning, I woke bright and early at five. Even with the slight hangover that was still lingering I still jumped right out of bed. Filled with anxiety, I decided to hit the gym and run off some of my nervousness.

As I pulled on my sports bra and running shorts, I tiptoed out the door while Avery loudly snored in the next bed. Pulling my earbuds in, I made my way down to the second-story gym. I was sure at such an early hour I would have the gym all to myself. I hated crowds and I wasn’t very attractive when I had sweat pouring down my body either.

Walking into the large casino gym, I spotted a long row of treadmills facing the wall-to-floor windows. Behind them were stationary bikes. In a separate area, I saw weight machines and a large walking track that circled the entire area. It was a great gym and I knew I would find a good use for all the expensive machines.

I stepped onto a treadmill and began to jog at a steady pace while 80’s pop music blared into my ears providing me with just the right amount of energy to do my hour workout. I was so lost in my own music and running that I didn’t even notice anyone else coming in. It wasn’t until I reached for a dry towel on the counter that I spotted someone else in the room too.

Sitting on one of the weight benches and lifting an excessive amount of weight was Chase. His face was red as his muscular arms trembled beneath the massive weight. He let out a loud grunt and heavy, deep breath as he pushed the bar up and down. His head barely turned to notice me, but I was very well aware that he saw me.

I blotted my sweaty face and pretended not to care that someone as hot as Chase saw me wipe the sweat off of my body. Trying to hide the embarrassment I felt, I continued on to the stationary bike where I would spend the next twenty minutes trying to find a way to act like his presence didn’t bother me. Failing to devise a plan, I gave up and decided to throw my towel in; literally.

I dropped my now damp towel into the appropriate bin and as I turned around, I ran directly into a brick wall. Also known as Spencer Chase.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, as I tried to push myself off his massive chest. We were so close I could feel his warm breath against my cheek. He continued to stand like a wall in front of me, intimidating me while also causing me to grow wet between my legs.

“No problem,” he said, as his chest heaved and his eyes stayed locked on mine.

Neither one of us moved. We just stood transfixed on the other as our bodies were only inches apart. Realizing I needed to get my head together, I took a step to the side and moved out from beneath his shadow. I needed to get back to my room and get ready. At this point, I really needed a cold shower.

I placed my hand on the door to exit and just as I pushed the large glass door open, Chase spoke again. “I will see you at ten sharp. Don’t bother coming even a minute later,” he growled before grabbing a bottle of water and taking a swig.

Shaking my head, I bit my lip to stop myself from saying something bitchy in return. Chase would be training me soon. I had to work with him. I needed to just keep my mouth shut, listen, and hold my tantalizing fantasy about him in my mind.


A few hours later, I was showered, and dressed in a pair of straight, skinny jeans and a loose-fitting black shirt. Avery wore a skintight red dress that made her look more like a hooker than someone about to go to their first job training.

We ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant and then found Jim. He directed us to the casino kitchen at the back of the building. It was there that he gave us our uniforms. Really, they were just small pieces of sparkling cloth but he swore they would give us good tips.

As Avery and I went to a small office area to change, I couldn’t help but giggle as I observed myself in a full-length mirror hanging on the back of the office door. Small cubbies were lining the back wall with everyone’s personal items.

My sparkling gold top barely covered my breasts and went to the middle of my stomach. Thank goodness I worked out and had a decent looking stomach or this would be a big problem. The short black skirt only made its way past my bottom and showed off more of my legs than I had ever allowed in public.

“We look hot,” Avery said, as she pulled her long, blond hair back into a tight ponytail.

Matching her look, I did the same with my hair. “Sure, we better get good tips wearing this,” I said pointing to our hideous uniforms.

A loud knock came on the door and startled us both. “Let’s go ladies. I have paperwork you need to complete before Chase shows you around,” Jim yelled through the door.