Page 8 of Reckless Desire

Ok, now was the time that I needed to send Tanner and his shitty lines on their way. Before I could react though, a pair of strong hands grabbed Tanner and lifted him up by his shirt collar.

“Hands off the ladies,” a deep voice boomed over the loud techno music playing throughout the bar.

My eyes trailed up the massive arms until I was staring into the face of Chase.

Removing Tanner from our table, Chase placed Tanner’s feet back onto the ground and shoved him back. Stumbling, Tanner looked shocked and embarrassed.

“Sorry, man, I wasn’t trying to hurt them or anything,” Tanner mumbled.

I did believe him. As annoying and forward as Tanner had been, I honestly didn’t think he was trying to hurt me.

“I’m not your man,” Chase spoke with his stoic expression. “The name is Spencer Chase. But, you will address me as Mr. Chase. And, these two ladies who you were so stupidly hitting on are employees of this establishment. I suggest you finish your drink and then you and your friends need to leave the bar. Immediately.”

Avery, Tanner, and I all stood still as we were mesmerized by Spencer Chase. Jim called him by Chase- like that was his first name. However, it seemed as though Chase was the name he preferred to be called. I liked it. Actually, I liked both names. They were each individually sexy and alluring, but together they were delicious. I swear, I had to remind myself to breathe as I looked at him. That had to be the most impressive and sexy thing I had ever witnessed in my entire life.

“Yes, sir. I mean, Mr. Chase. We are leaving now,” Tanner said, as he ran back to his table where his friends were already pushing in their chairs and exiting the bar.

Chase’s eyes narrowed in on Tanner and I swear he looked like he was about to go on a murderous rampage and Tanner was going to be his first victim. I couldn’t understand what had triggered this side of Chase. We weren’t friends and from what I could tell, he didn’t even like me. Why would he act so hostile toward someone who was just shamelessly putting moves on me?

Without even looking at me, Chase turned to walk away. I couldn’t just let him walk away like that.

“Chase, thank you,” I said, as I ran up behind him.

With his long legs, he was already almost to the middle of the room.

Turning his head slowly, Chase seemed to cringe at my words. With raised brows, I stopped in my tracks, unsure of how to take his reaction to me.

“No problem,” Chase said, in his deep voice.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked as he continued to stand with his back to me. I could see Avery watching me with a smile and I knew I had to find out what his problem was.

“No,” Chase snapped back.

Huffing, I decided I didn’t come this far to let someone else talk down to me or act like I was scum. “Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but you are acting like a real asshole right now. I don’t like the way you look at me like I disgust you. And, Jim told me you weren’t happy that he hired me. Well, too bad.”

Chase finally turned and his eyes were wide as he took me in. Deciding I shouldn't stop now that I had his full attention, I continued. “I am now part of this staff. If we are going to be working together, the least you can do is say hello or not look at me like I am some shit stain you have to clean up.”

I spoke through gritted teeth as I had a bad feeling I may have just said too much.

At this point, Avery was at my side. She couldn’t stop smiling as she watched me with a spark in her eyes. I wasn’t sure if she had arrived to drag me away or cheer me on but either way; I felt empowered. I had made a decision three years ago to stop letting others put me down. The new Lizzie was going to be a badass, even if I didn’t look the part.

Chase just stood there for what seemed like forever. His eyes drank me in and with each second that ticked by, I felt myself melting under his gaze. His lips were tightly pressed together and he arched an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. If he looked at me too long like that, I might have jumped him.

“I am sorry if I upset you,” Chase said. He coughed, almost like he was choking, overwhelmed by the situation at hand. This time his voice wasn’t so hard and his features softened a bit. I was stunned, he had taken my verbal assault without hesitation.

Taken aback, I was shocked. “Um, it’s ok,” I added, not sure of what else to say. Guilt washed over me as I stood there. Chase was being nice and I wasn’t giving him any credit.

I was on such a strong high with my rant, that I wasn’t sure what to say if he turned out to be a decent guy.

“I promise to be more polite tomorrow when I help train you,” Chase said.

And with that, he turned and walked away.

I was sure my mouth was still hanging open and my eyes were the size of saucers. “Damn, Lizzie. I really like this new side of you. That was bad-ass, Avery laughed as she pulled me back to my table.

Still, in shock, I somehow managed to order my drink. Tomorrow I will be trained by the hottest and biggest ass I have ever met. I would need several drinks tonight to get me prepared for tomorrow. I just prayed I didn’t make a fool out of myself and would be able to hold it together while I worked with Chase.

If I was honest with myself, then I would know that I had survived far worse than Spencer Chase and I would just have to prove to him and myself that I was strong, determined, and far more stubborn than he could ever imagine.