Page 4 of Reckless Desire

Taking the key, Avery shifted her bag on her arm and I followed her toward the row of elevators near the entrance where we had just arrived.

“The poker game in the Millionaires Room is starting now. “

A loud voice boomed again overhead. Groups of men in expensive suits began rushing toward a big glass room that lined the left side of the casino. We had to pass by it to get to the elevator and I couldn’t help but snicker as I watched a line form to enter the secret room.

“That must be popular,” Avery said, as she stood on her tiptoes to look over the crowd. Even with her long, lean legs, she had to try and stand taller to see over the men.

As we slowly strode past the blackened windows, the volume in the large room seemed to amplify with cheers as someone opened the massive glass doors to allow the waiting men inside the Millionaire’s Room. As the line parted, I spotted a set of muscular, and tanned arms holding the heavy doors open. The men seemed to take a few steps back as the man glowered at them. Without words, he commanded their attention and order.

As my eyes trailed up his hard chest covered in a black t-shirt, I found a stern-looking face staring right at me. His heavy brown eyes were putting me in a trance and I couldn’t seem to look away from him.

He looked relaxed and serious as he stood like a tower, his presence seemed to cause fear in the men that passed by him and I found that scene wildly attractive. It was true, I had randomly dated a few guys from town to town, but nothing serious. Falling for a guy meant honesty and sharing emotions. Two things I couldn’t afford to lose right now.

I hadn’t even realized I had stopped walking until Avery nudged me from behind. “What are you doing?” she asked, as she tried to search through the crowd for the source of my attention.

When she followed my line of vision, she smiled as she saw the dark-haired god watching us.

“Wow, look at that piece of sex on a stick,” Avery said, as she licked her lips. “He is looking at you like he could just come over here and eat you up,” she finished with a tiny growl.

“Stop,” I chided her, even though I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips. “He is just checking the crowd,” I said, as my eyes continued to watch him.

“Whatever, that man wants you,” Avery said.

The hot and sexy guy was glowering at me as he watched me move through the crowd. Once he noticed I saw him, too, his face smoothed a little and the harshness started to disappear.

Suddenly, a loud sound erupted from behind us as a woman with a green visor began bouncing up and down as she flung her arms in the air. “I won,” she shrieked, as she stood next to a slot machine.

The man who had been standing, guarding the door, motioned for another man to take his place and he tore his gaze away from mine as he headed for the woman. It was clear he worked as security in the casino. What wasn’t clear though, was why he was looking at me like he either wants to ravage my body or kill me.

The sick part was, I kind of liked the intense stare and the way it caused my body to heat and my heart to flutter. For the first time in my entire life, I felt something other than fear or sadness. Damn, maybe I was way in over my head.


For the next few months, Vegas will be my new home. I guess I have never really had a true home. I mean, I had a place to live and keep my things, but I never had a place where I felt like I belonged. Where I felt safe. I was happy. My parents always made it their daily mission to remind me that I wasn’t wanted. To be able to have control over my own destiny and happiness would be the greatest gift I could ever give myself.

My classes were already scheduled and I would begin taking mostly online courses and a few classes on campus in three weeks. That would give me plenty of time to start working and save enough money for my first semester’s tuition.

“Are you just going to stare out that window all day?” Avery asked, as she walked out of the bathroom drying her damp hair with a towel.

Turning to face her, I closed the curtain to the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the busy city below. “No, but this place is truly mesmerizing,” I sighed.

Plopping down on my bed, I picked up the stack of resumes I had printed at the library in the previous town we had stayed in. I re-read my words again, even though I was sure what I had written was perfect.

“You need to finish getting dressed so we can start applying at restaurants and casinos. We are only booked at this place for two nights. We can’t afford to stay here much longer,” I said, making sure to remind Avery of our dire situation.

As her phone began to buzz, I turned back to my window and watched the people below. Avery’s parents called daily, especially because they believed she was traveling alone. I hated that Avery had to lie to her parents, but she was doing it to keep me safe. If anyone from my previous life knew I was still alive I would be forced to go back to my parents. I couldn’t do that. I wouldn't do that.

With Avery’s parents believing I had died three years ago, they never questioned her need to travel and move away. To them, it all made sense. Their daughter lost her best friend. She needed to find herself and cope in her own way. I had promised Avery that one day, I would find the courage in me to tell her parents I was still here. I just prayed they wouldn't hate me for holding this lie for so long.

“Hey mom,” Avery chimed, as she walked around our small hotel room with her phone tucked between her ear and shoulder.

As she nodded her head and talked when appropriate, I continued to watch the world outside. When she ended the call, we checked ourselves in the bathroom mirror one more time before we headed out for a long day of applying for jobs.

We stepped out into the brightly lit hallway and walked down the crimson-red carpet and gold-painted walls toward the massive line of elevators. I was really surprised by the number of people awake and ready for the day. It was only a little past eight in the morning, most people I was sure of would still be asleep. But, I guess Vegas was named the city that never sleeps for a reason.

After stepping on the elevators and making our way down to the first floor where the casinos were located, Avery and I decided to try our best with applying at the casino first. We had about a million resumes printed and ready to hit up every casino in Vegas as well as every restaurant and themed gift shops.

“Let’s stop by the front desk and ask to speak to a manager,” Avery suggested, as she made her way through the rows of slot machines.