Page 17 of Reckless Desire

Wow, he was insulting me again. This could only go downhill from here.

“Thanks,” I muttered, as I attempted to stand. I was ready to leave this conversation. Now.

Reaching out, Chase grabbed my hand and stopped me. Sparks instantly ignited inside me and my eyes darted to his. From the look of confusion on his face, it was clear he felt the same intensity that I did.

“Wait, I didn’t mean that,” Chase began. “Shit, I don’t know what I am saying,” he said, as he took his other hand and rubbed his jaw. He was still holding my hand and I slowly slid back into my seat, curious as to what he would say next. “Just give me a minute to explain.”

“Well you have five minutes before I have to get to work,” I said sharply. “Besides, can’t you just wait until this afternoon? You will have plenty of time to talk to me then,” I added with a huff.

Shaking his head, Chase watched me carefully. “No, I need to say this now,” he said.

“Fine, go ahead,” I stated, as I waved my hands for him to begin talking.

“Okay. First, about what I said yesterday. You are beautiful. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. You are also very innocent and pure looking. I guess… I guess I feel like this place can be dirty at times. You just look like you should be in college and working at a bookstore or clothing store. Not a sleazy casino around some of the losers that hang out here,” Chase said. He slowly let go of my hand and I instantly felt a pang of sadness with the release of his touch.

As he attempted to compliment me, it wasn’t lost on me that he had just insulted the rest of the staff who were now watching this train wreck.

“Um, thanks,” I said, as I held my hands in my lap.

“No, I am saying this all wrong. This is not the right time or place for me to explain myself. Could I take you to dinner or something later?” Chase asked.

The entire staff watching us gasped in unison. Hearing this, both Chase and I jerked our heads in their direction.

A small smile crept over Chase’s lips as he took everyone in who were now trying to scurry around like they hadn't just been listening to us. “I think we have an audience,” I joked.

It was nice to see a smile on Chase’s lips. I knew that I should tell him no to dinner. Whatever he needed to tell me he could tell me now, but something about the dire look in his eyes told me to go. “Ok, I guess I could do dinner or something.”

“Great. Meet me at the casino bar at seven. You will need a good, stiff drink after I get done with you this afternoon,” Chase said, before he disappeared.

I was rendered speechless as I sat there and tried to figure out what in the hell just happened.

“Holy shit, did Mr. Chase just ask you out?” one of the male bartenders asked me. From Sammy’s tour and gossip session about each staff member, I knew that this bartender was John who was gay and lived with his boyfriend Tray.

“Not like that. He just wants to talk to me,” I tried to explain, but the bartender didn’t buy it.

“I have worked with him for six years and he hasn’t spoken more than two words to me. I have watched countless women throw themselves at him for years. Never has he even glanced at one of them. Now, your cute ass arrives and he is talking and asking you out. I think hell just froze over,” John giggled, as he slapped me on the back. “Good job girl!”

“I don’t think it’s like that,” I tried to explain, but he wasn’t listening. In fact, all day as I tried to explain to others what was happening, none of them were interested. Instead, the new gossip was that me; Lizzie, had just made the elusive Chase come out of his shell.


After my shift, I rushed back to my room and put on a pair of black workout pants and a pink sports bra. Running up to the workout room, I met Chase who was looking sexy in a pair of gray sweats and a black sleeveless shirt. He was stretching as his eyes met mine.

“Hey, you made it,” he said, as he began walking toward me.

“Sure,” I said, as I met him halfway.

“Let’s get started on the mats,” Chase said, as he pointed to a side room with white mats already placed on the floor.

Following his lead, I watched and listened as Chase began talking to me about the different moves he was about to teach me. He explained the perfect angles to hit an attacker, where to kick, and a few pointers on not what to do when you begin to freak out. I noted everything he said, but I was growing anxious for the physical portion of the lesson.

“I think I understand. When do we get to the point where I can practice kicking your ass?” I asked, as I crossed my arms across my chest.

Chuckling, Chase smiled as he took a step closer to me. “So, you think you can kick my ass?” he asked, with a daring look in his eyes.

Smiling back, I only shook my head yes. I liked this little game we were playing.

Before I knew what was happening, Chase lunged forward and placed me in a hold that had my arms locked behind my back. Falling to the ground, he rolled me over so that he was now hovering on top of me, his breath heavy above my face. I was restrained by only one of his thick hands and the other was holding me at my waist. I knew I should have been fighting back, but I couldn’t seem to grip my eyes away from his. The look of pure lust and desire that sparked with each blink of his eyes mesmerized me.