Page 16 of Reckless Desire

Almost laughing, Jax ran his hand through his black mowhawk. “Damn, you have it worse than I thought. Look, I know you hate talking about your feelings or anything personal really, but I think this girl has a secret. She is here for a reason and I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

I turned around and faced Jax. His tattoos covered his arms and his tight black shirt revealed his muscles. Jax looked like such a badass but he was just a big baby. “I appreciate the concern, but I can handle myself. We all have secrets, man. Trust me. I know about having secrets,” I finished before grabbing my phone and walking out of my room. Leaving Jax behind, I rushed to the elevators. I didn’t want to talk anymore. I just wanted to see Lizzie.


Hours later, Jax’s words were still ringing through my mind. Damn him.

I knew he was right; Lizzie had to have a secret. We all did. With my phone clenched in my hands, I flipped it over so I could see the screen light up. Clicking the Internet app, I began to type her name into a Google search.

Waiting for the results to load, I couldn’t find any air. I swear, I was holding my breath; praying for something to show me that maybe her secret wasn’t all that bad. Maybe she had been a singer and had a terrible audition that went viral and she left her hometown humiliated. Or, maybe she was struggling to find a way to be on Broadway and decided to come to Vegas to find a small part in one of the many shows in the hotels. However, what I saw next felt like someone punched me dead in my stomach.

With my mouth open, I clicked the refresh button five more times before I realized the results of my search weren’t going to change. There was no record of Lizzie. The name didn’t exist. There was no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media account linked to her name. No records of schools attended or friends appeared. The Lizzie I knew didn’t exist.

Who in the hell is this girl?


“He said what?” Avery squealed that night over dinner.

I swallowed my hamburger that we had picked up at the hotel restaurant and brought back up to our room. After a long day of being on our feet, we both just wanted to stay in our room and watch trash television and eat greasy food.

“I know, it was crazy. Right?” I said, as I took a big gulp of my chocolate milkshake.

Nodding her head, Avery bit into her cheeseburger. “Crazy. Yes. But, I think he likes you,” Avery said.

“No way. I think he hates me,” I said, through a full mouth of fries.

“Nope. That boy wants you. Just be careful,” Avery warned.

“Avery, you know better than that. Chase might be hot and, in my mind, way too much, but I know that type of guy. He doesn’t settle down. He likes one-night stands. That’s not me. When I am ready to settle down, it will be with someone totally different than Spencer Chase.”

“I hope so,” Avery said. “But, in the meantime, maybe you could be one of his one-night stands,” she joked.

I lifted my pillow and threw it across the room and watched as it hit her in the head.

“You bitch,” Avery laughed, as she threw her pillow back at me.

We laughed and then finished the night watching a reality dating show.

The next morning, I found myself sitting at a table in the break room while I waited for my section assignment. I hadn’t forgotten about my self-defense training session that would happen this afternoon when I got off work. In fact, I was kind of excited about being so close to Chase and the possibility of knocking the shit out of him.

Everyone was yawning and talking about what they had done the night before. I guess since I am not from here and only know Avery, I don’t really have any cool stories to contribute.

Watching the group, I was startled when Chase walked over and sat in a chair across from me. From the looks on everyone else’s faces in the room, they were just as shocked as I was. In fact, I don’t think I had ever seen him talk to any of them except to bark orders their way.

“How was your night?” Chase asked, in an awkward tone.

“Fine,” I said slowly, unsure of what was going on.

“I wanted to apologize for yesterday. My behavior was…erratic,” he stated.

“You could say that,” I snapped and then instantly regretted my word vomit. “I’m sorry, you are apologizing. I shouldn't act like this.”

“No, you are right,” Chase said, as he nervously moved in the chair.

“I am?” I questioned, with a surprised look on my face. Tucking a loose strand of my brown hair behind my ear, I too began to move around in my seat.

“Yes, I shouldn't have assumed that you can’t take care of yourself. You just don’t look like you belong here.”