Page 14 of Reckless Desire

Two days had gone by since I had humiliated myself in front of Chase. I never saw Landon again, which was probably for the best. He was more than likely just a horny tourist out on the prowl for action, but still, I had enjoyed his touch.

Avery tried to reassure me that I was making the entire situation much worse than it really was, but I just couldn’t face the world. Knowing I had a shift today, I knew I couldn’t hide away any longer. So, I waited around and did what I thought was best; being alone with my thoughts.

Well, sitting alone in the hotel room had proven to be a terrible idea. My shift didn’t start for another hour and I was going crazy. I had contemplated going outside and visiting some of the famous sights in Vegas, but without someone to go with; the sights and sounds of this glamorous town just didn’t seem as enticing.

Avery rounded the corner, almost knocking over another waitress who was quickly taking a drink order to a few older men who had been sitting at the Blackjack table for nearly four hours. I had been watching the crowds as I waited for my shift to start. For some odd reason, Jim had scheduled Avery and me at different times today and I had been so bored and lonely I had decided to head down to the casino early.

Spotting me, Avery dropped off her drink order and then came over to me. “Look, it’s the walking dead,” she joked, as she smiled.

“Shut up,” I groaned. I was still mad at myself, but her jokes were just annoying me.

Rolling her eyes, Avery ignored my glare. “Are you looking for a tall, handsome, and always angry man in black?” she teased, as she held her drink board to her side.

“Stop it,” I said, through closed lips. “I am just bored,” I offered.

“Yeah right. I don’t know what is going on with you and Chase, but you heard what Sammy said. He isn’t dating material. We have plans, Lizzie. I don’t want you to get hurt again,” she said, her voice growing serious. “Sure, he was really sweet to take care of you the other night, but you are acting like a zombie. Hiding out in our room is not what we came here for,” she finished.

“Avery, you know me better than anyone else. When have I ever allowed someone to get in my way? Chase is a jerk who just wanted to stop me from having a good time,” I said, even though I wasn’t sure I believed myself.” I leaned in closer so only she could hear my next words. “I faked my own death to make sure I could be happy and achieve my dreams. Nothing will get in my way,” I offered, through clenched teeth.

“That’s my girl,” Avery said, as she slapped my ass. “Now, get to work,” she chirped as she sashayed away.


Two hours later, I was taking an order from a guy who liked to touch my hand a little too much and stare at my ass like I had a neon sign pointing directly at it. Through each smile, I reminded him of the Casino policy that customers were not allowed to touch the staff. And, with each hearty laugh, he ignored my reminders.

I was just about to swat his hand away for the tenth time when Chase slammed his hand down next to the man.

“I believe she has told you to stop touching her,” Chase said, as he glanced at me and then quickly diverted his eyes back to the now obvious man.

I knew I held an uncomfortable expression. Sure, the creepy guy was bothering me, but now with Chase here scaring the hell out of him, I was about to lose my tip. I would be pissed if I had been groped for the last hour and didn’t get a good tip out of it.

“Yes, Mr. Chase. I know the rules. I was just being friendly with this new waitress. Isn't she beautiful?” he asked, through slurred words.

Now I was beyond mortified. I wrinkled my nose and tried to hide my face so they wouldn't see the crimson-red color growing over my cheeks.

“And, Mr. Tate, you are correct. I have reminded you of these rules for the last few years. Now, either tip Lizzie now, or leave,” Chase commanded, with his harsh tone.

I could feel the heat rising between my legs as I watched Chase. It was a strange mixture of desire and annoyance and it was fucking amazing.

Sighing, Mr. Tate smiled, handed me a ten-dollar bill, and then moved to another table.

Turning to Chase, I could feel the anger building inside of me. “I had it handled,” I snapped at Chase, as he stood with his arms folded beside me.

“I could see that,” he smirked. “Just like you thought you could take care of yourself the other night,” Chase said, under his breath.

“No, you just implied I couldn’t handle myself. You don’t even know me,” I said, pointing my finger at his chest. “Look, I am not sure what your problem with me is, but I would appreciate it if you would just stay away from me. I think you have done enough with interfering in my life. Find another waitress to harass,” I finished, with a scowl on my face.

As much as I wanted Chase between my legs, I also wanted him to leave me alone. His behavior only confused me and I couldn’t get lost in his games. One minute he was being sweet and holding my hair back while I vomited and the next moment he was growling at me. I had to keep my mind on the prize and not on what was beneath Chase’s clothes.

Taking a step closer to me, Chase’s hard chest was pushed against my frame. “I changed my shift today so I could be here in the casino and not in the Millionaires Room like I am needed,” Chase said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I wanted to make sure you were ok in here,” he said.

Again, confusion and anger took over. So now he thought I was just this helpless girl who needed babysitting.

“I don’t need you watching me,” I shouted at him. My back was now to a slot machine and I couldn’t escape his body. “I am not going to mess up. This is not my first time being assaulted by some drunk bastard or waiting on people. I can take care of myself,” I breathed heavily, as I tried to stand tall against his rock-hard chest.