Page 51 of Sincerely, Up Yours

Sleepy hugs. Back and forth conversation. It felt like a little touch of what home should’ve been, and that was a feeling I’d only ever experienced in my imagination.

“What is that smile for?” Darcy asked as she took the coffee and sipped.

“It’s nothing.”

“Spill it, big man. Sleeping with you should definitely give me free, all-time access to that brain of yours.”

“Is that right?”

“It is. So, if you want more of this,” she wiggled her brows and goofily gestured to her body. She was trying to be silly but it was still wildly sexy because her breasts were practically bursting out of my dress shirt, riding up to reveal the red triangle of her panties. “Then you are going to tell me why you were smiling.”

I glanced out the window. The sun was already coming up and my favorite time to go on runs was slipping by. But I took a seat across from Darcy and searched my brain. What had I been thinking about?

“I guess I was just remembering how it used to be growing up. Our house was never really like a home. Dad had maids and tutors and a rotating cast of business partners and friends passing through, but the house was an extension of his career. He saw me and Percy as symbols of his status when people were over–which was almost always. Breakfast was for show. Dress well, behave, and impress. It wasn’t enough to blend into the background with him. He wanted us to be ready when called upon to show off to his friends that we were following whatever they were talking about.”

“Where was your mom?”

“She left when I was six. Dad had been leaving his morals behind for a while at that point, but the last straw for her was when he slept with a woman from work. She told him to call it off or she was going to walk. It was more of a chance than he deserved. We were on the staircase listening in. I still remember the day. It was snowy and Christmas was in a few days. I had no idea anything was going on. I’d just been trying to hear if they were going to talk about the presents they got us. Instead, I got to hear my dad tell my mom ‘you’re no spring chicken. Do you think you’ll find anyone better if you walk away? I dare you. Leave. I fucking dare you.’”

I blew out a breath. Reliving that moment had stirred up emotions I’d forgotten about for a long time.

“Jesus,” Darcy said softly. She reached over and squeezed my hand. “Nobody should have to hear that at any age, let alone six.”

“Yeah, well, my mom walked. About a year later she met a guy her age who was really into gardening and rock climbing. Now the two of them are living their best lives and kicking ass while my dad is still my dad. I wonder all the time what would’ve happened if she’d been able to keep custody of me and Percy. But Dad had a prenup, so she had almost no resources and his lawyers made sure she only had visitation rights. Dad made those visits so painful she eventually stopped making time for them. Now it has been years since I’ve seen her.”

“What? Really? Where is she now?”

“She lives in Florida last time I checked. I’m not sure if she’d want to see me, anyway. I think it’s easier to forget we ever happened. Seeing me just makes her think of dad and Percy, and both are their own kind of painful.”

Darcy looked like she was about to cry. I chuckled at her and gave her hand a squeeze. “Relax,” I said. “It’s old shit. I’m fine.”

“It would be okay if you weren’t,” she said. “You know that, right?”

“I’m fine. I’ve got new priorities and I’ve moved on.”

Darcy looked skeptical, but I appreciated that she didn’t push me on it. She just nodded and gave the table a little drum with her fingers. “Well, are you going to go for that run sometime today? Because I’m expecting pizza and rom coms today. In bed. And don’t try to tell me pizza isn’t allowed in your bed.”

I grinned. “If pizza in bed gets you in my bed, it’s allowed.”

“Good. So go on. Do your little running thing. I’ll be here when you get back.”

“You’d better be here. If not, I’ll come find you.”

“Don’t make it sound so dirty and fun or I’ll leave just to see you do it.”

I grinned. “Stay,” I said, pointing. “Or else.”


I left her there at the table to get my shoes on and couldn’t help thinking how much things would change in one short day. Monday would come and my dad would be there atThe Squawker. He’d be sniffing like a fucking hound dog for any sign of my weakness, and I wasn’t confident I could hide Darcy from him. Hell, he’d see her and probably already suspect I was attracted. How hard would it be for him to ask around and learn there was some obvious tension between us?

I tightened my laces and left the apartment. I needed to get all the stress and doubts out of my system, because I’d fully planned to enjoy the rest of today with Darcy. Besides, she thought she was too sore for more sex, but I was going to enjoy showing her there were ways to work around that soreness and still give her the orgasms she deserved.



Dominic came back from his run and hopped straight in the shower. He left the door cracked open and had to know, but didn’t care, that I could see him stripping down. I was laying on the bed with my phone and had a straight shot of his firm ass and broad, tapered back. I could even see him scrubbing soap on his hard body in the shower for a little while until the glass fogged up.